General Discussion

General Discussionhow does arteezy play 15-16 hours of dota and not drop in performance.

how does arteezy play 15-16 hours of dota and not drop in performance. in General Discussion

    I usually lose my concentration in the game after 4-5 games. what about u guys? how many games do u play per day?


      There is a reason he has 2 accounts above 8k.
      The man is insane

      casual gamer

        yeah id start losing a lot i think, havent tried so many ranked games in a row in a long time

        Moffle Pendragon

          he did mention in last TI, 80% dota is outside the game, IMHO this included performance you were talking about, mood, teamwork, etc. 20% is what is in the game itself.
          maybe someone could recite it better.

          although from my experience even something like wearing too tight headset / too loud could make you get dizzy. and make drop concentration

          1-IceTea 🌟

            I played 15hours per day also,only last 2,3 I will saw performance went down a little bit,because I sitting too long muscle uncomfortable xD
            And if long hours gaming I will not use head set all times,only when I ready to go gank,game is hard time I will put it on,head set putting too long make my ear pain


              Means he is playing on auto pilot and still pretty good. You'd often hear him complain how he's not thinking straight/doesn't know what he's doing


                If you're always playing a lot you get used to it, he should be happy he has so long queue times so he doesnt get injuries


                  His arm will be messed up just like fears'


                    Not a true dota player if you can't manage to do that


                      just a small break can do a lot

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        what should I do if I go for 9+hours Dota then?
                        But I don't want break I wantto keep find match and jungle

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