General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do I do to win this game?

What do I do to win this game? in General Discussion

    3k scrub here.. trying to get better by carrying games. OD and INvoker fought over mid. Invoker forces doom to offlane and goes jungle. I pretty much had free farm with the exception of LC coming to lane to harass. I just dont know what to do in these instances because I feel obligated to fight with team and help with them. I died unnecessarily trying to kill TA.

    SHould i just ignore team and split push? Only TP back when they push T3?

    Constructive feed back pls.... i know im in cancer / crap/ scrub mmr. THanks

    2961430947 I am Jugg


      Post the dotobuff fam.


        From my experience ive shredded jugg as ta but i can see it going either way.


          you had 350 gpm from a freefarm lane

          must i say more


            I meant the dotabuff of the game dude we can already see ur profile smh


              spamming jugg is bad unless u know to win every time ur lane


                @ Cookie... no shit my GPM is gonna be trash when they have complete map control... some constructive advice would be nice like idk... split push and avoid death as much as possible... get boots of travel.. or was this just unwinnable.

                Maybe do more than just look at my GPM? Pretty sure there is more to winning other than just a laning phase. My LH werent perfect but i know my avg GPM is 4k worthy.


                  are you stupid or something?

                  you had 350 gpm, the easiest conclusion we can have out of that is that YOU LITERALLY DID NOTHING for goddamn 27 minutes.

                  worst of all, enemy has a shittier and greedier lineup than you have.

                  if you think you're going anywhere playing shit like that, it's gonna be back to 2k

                  laning phase and early mid game ARE the only important TIMES OF THE GAME. that is all there is to winning.

                  either you learn to play early and finish early or you never leave 4k.

                  maybe you'll understand IF you ever get to 6k where pretty much the average game length is 20 minutes.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Ok so... what would u do to win this game?


                      afk farm till i have some items to fight them

                      all of their heroes are greedy, no one would get up before 15 minutes. you have all freefarm till then, after that 5 man and win.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        Thank you for your non-toxic response. I appreciate it.


                          is Phase+RoA+Helm+ Wand , into manta? the go to item choice here?


                            Even if they contest your farm in 3k (which doesn't happen that much, plebs only rightclick on you and think WOW I ZONED THEIR CARRY OUT OF THE LANE) they're not gonna capitalize on that advantage anyway


                              I guess i struggle with the statement I have heard many times.. that a skilled player can win any game at my shit mmr in any situation. I mean... you are 1 player of 5. You do need some type of support or help in winning the game. And if the enemy takes map control and you cant get farm you are fucked... Or am i wrong here?

                              I see so much on these forums.. "get gud kid" and shit like that but if you could give me more details than that would be good.


                                I guess i struggle with the statement I have heard many times.. that a skilled player can win any game at my shit mmr in any situation. I mean... you are 1 player of 5. You do need some type of support or help in winning the game. And if the enemy takes map control and you cant get farm you are fucked... Or am i wrong here?

                                I see so much on these forums.. "get gud kid" and shit like that but if you could give me more details than that would be good.


                                  the item build itself is fine, it's just that you should've gotten it 2x times faster or even faster than that

                                  edit: it's because in 3k, the thing what you call ''map controll' is what we in the higher bracket call ''a joke''

                                  you've never seen map control till you play against a 7k support player, you'd literally shit your pants if you ever manage to find 2-3 creeps when you're behind with your current skill.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    Map control is broken by smoke pickoffs and shit. When ur losing u just group up and keep smoke ganking them. While theyre down take an objective or flash farm to recover ur gold defecit or map/vision disadvantage. Smoke is extremely under purchased, and i myself am rlly crap at assessing when its good to use and when its not.


                                      So basically my timings are shit which can be correlated to my shit last hitting... ok now i can work with this advice form a 6k player thank you..

                                      As i understand it... pro timings are Phase 4 min, RoA 6:30-7 min... Helm at 11 min... manta by 21 min? is that about correct?


                                        @Trash AFK CARRY... i get zoned alot in dual lanes where I am forced to back up and I cant last hit because of the level of harrassment.... most of the time i ask for support in lane to zone or help win a mini skirmish in lane but if i have no support i cant last hit in lane.

                                        So at what point do you just buy an iron talon and jungle bc your lane is toxic? Like a viper / sky dual lane that you are up against?


                                          usually manta around 18-20 min

                                          but you have to be realistic, there's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less farm in a 6k avg match compared to a 3k match

                                          so for you it should be 17-18 min avg

                                          i get zoned alot in dual lanes where I am forced to back up and I cant last hit because of the level of harrassment.... most of the time i ask for support in lane to zone or help win a mini skirmish in lane but if i have no support i cant last hit in lane.
                                          So at what point do you just buy an iron talon and jungle bc your lane is toxic? Like a viper / sky dual lane that you are up against?

                                          as soon as you see that you're in that lane with a solo support against THAT.

                                          tell the support to go soak exp and you go jungle.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            why is there less farm in 6k?


                                              This is funny discussion, but yea i noticed that you're actually having a good time farming at 3k, it's just that you're choice of efficient farming strategy probably isn't a good one, i mean... 350 gpm on a jugg really explains it, but i don't appreciate the comparison of the mmr brackets, yes you're good but that's why you're here to help right? Would love some more feedback on how to win games in 3k.


                                                I suppose people at 6k know what to prioritize, like making sure that the enemy team doesn't get fat, denying creeps, pulling camps, stealing enemy jungle, creep controlling, no dipshit deaths, etc. Basically small things that make a big difference. Watch pro games and observe the LH/D as well as net worths and how they vary.


                                                  Personally think that it was just a really hard game, sure, as a freefarm Jugg you got items pretty slow. But the bigger issue is how their heroes can counter yours and just snowball until the game ends. Your CM could have warded more and provided sentries, Doom would be shit against them as he'll just get squished. OD can't do much to a raged LS or windrunning Windranger and is an easy kill for duel. While Invo can just zone them and delay their deaths, but popping a 5-skill combo wouldn't be enough bc of Windrun, Timelapse/Shukuchi, Rage, Refract etc. Same goes for your skills, as they can easily counter them/escape. You pretty much lost before the match even started.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    people at 3k dont know what to do, they just run around and hope for hte best

                                                    people at 6k have plans, when they see you solo on a lane, you're pretty much dead in the next 10 seconds.


                                                      Ok, I am playing fine with Juggernaut, at the moment and in Normal Skill. I know I suck at this hero. But, what can I do to improve my juggernaut and get to HS and next VHS ? HS or VHS is completely not my thing. But, I want to play with high skilled players.


                                                        They have a very greedy lineup so you can outfarm them early to midgame. I see that they don't have anyone who wards or dewards? So you can easily free farm in lanes, jungle, as well as split push them to oblivion. Just be careful though. Farm till you get your items, then 5 man.


                                                          To pass certain skill level thresholds you have to become a better player. That's means you have to practice and research what it will take to become a better player. I recommend watching replays of your games after you play them and pick out what you did wrong or could have done better.


                                                            @Sai Watch and analyze how pro players use juggernaut, that helped me a lot.

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Just go jungle farm when you can't farm at lane


                                                                I'm not a high mmr player myself but if I were you I'd stick with the team more. You have OD and invoker and Doom and CM, that's pretty much teamfights for days. You couldn't split push, because against TA and Weaver who can get on top of u even if u blade fury, you cant split push effectively.
                                                                But I really need to watch the replay to find momentum and a small opening for your team to comeback. But as far as the drafting and statistics go, your team could've won teamfights and find good pickoffs on their greedy heroes.