General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes "DOTA" still worth playing??

Does "DOTA" still worth playing?? in General Discussion

    Okay 1st... this is the 1st time im writing something about this game.Ive played this game since 2013 offcourse i had fun and want to keep playing coz its literally fun, testing ur mind, how u make a decision, how you handle those frustration and anger and most of all how u associate to others who's playing the game too. Its been 4yrs "time flies so fast" offcourse when u're just playing games lol, lots of things happened and changed specially in this game and i embrace it coz i find it challenging and still worth to play till.. this patch called 7.00 been introduced. At 1st i gave it a chance just like other updates playing some games, learning things like we all usually do. But this time i dont know what to think about this game anymore feels like it died since they released the 7.00 patch, yeah dota evolves thats why lot of players love it but for some reason i cant anymore no matter what i do no matter what i think it seems like its not the same game that i enjoyed for 4 yrs. Hope "ICEFROG" considers "some things are fine the way it used to be" or like they said "If aint broke,dont fix it." aight its too long i just wanna say this coz i love this game just becoz i said all this things doesnt mean im not gonna play, ill still play but not that much anymore till i find this game fun again. Thanks for the time folks!!


      soon you will enjoy it again after you know get a win streaks and start spamming OP heroes again

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Ya it's not the same game because few hero rework although most stay there same
        Although most skill stay the same but it got talent now.

        Maybe you should play less on focus on you way to brilliant future.
        If you decided to stay just do it.
        Worth to play is judge by how you would enjoy it the answer is in you not from other.If Mario is most fun game then it's worth,if Dota aren't fun for you,just leave it like a man,not whinning kids like our little bogi did.


          fuck this game, better to stay away from it as far away as possible


            No idea why people find this new patch 'bad', 'wrong' or 'no fun'. It's still dota but with talents and some map changes. The core mechanic is the same. In FPS games when a new tournament map is introduced nobody says 'the game is dead'. People must adapt coming with new strategies and changes must be made to keep the game fresh. I've read tons of negative reviews on steam in December made by people who disliked the UI. I mean, really? They came to write a bad review just because of stupid UI that was fix a week later? The patch had some flaws on the release but it was the same story with Dota Reborn


              If you want to get brain cancer then yes..

              Ce commentaire a été édité
              Pale Mannie

                new strategies

                is 5 manning all the time really a strategy? this is insanity only having this as only viable strategy.

                i like everything but the meta


                  Make stacking great again

                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                    I cant wait for these threads bitching about 7.00 to die out


                      soon these threads will die. such threads can be seen after every big update or patch, that brings in game changing features.


                        ^what anime is that? forgot

