General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar in the new patch?

Huskar in the new patch? in General Discussion

    What do you think about huskar in 7.00?

    Good? Bad? Situational?

    I picked him in a ranked match (as supp main player and only played him 2-3 times) and i absolutely destroyed the enemy team and almost got a rampage (1 dude rage afk)

    I think the talent tree is decent and in lower brackets people just dont expect a hero with 25% HP to just not die because of regen ability and armlet and get baited into kills very easily. I like the playstile of him and might look into playing him more often.

    maybe because offlane is easier now games get faster pipes and blade mail is bought often so he is very easy to counter with items?

    i don't know, i am trash mmr...your thoughts?

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    Story Time

      well, he is not meta. He needs to snowball, he needs farm. he has very few utilities to offer... That is what people here will write you. But me, well :) I think Huskar is fun, but i am also trash player


        he was always shit


          on 1k mate you can play every hero, even leshrac can wreck here

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Leshrac is quite good though if you have a disable support with you


              It honestly depends on the heroes in their team and in your team. In the right game Huskar goes beyond godlike and you cant kill him. In a bad Huskar game he just dies 20 times and feeds the enemy a bunch of gold. Which is really how the hero has always been. I think he's slightly weaker than he has been in the past but I'm not sure about that.


                so situational then... no disable and no huge nukes and i might pick him in future

                casual gamer


                  feels like they want the hero to be completely unplayable, ever since the unnecessary nerf to passive you might as well just pick any other hero


                    too hard to execute huskar strat in normal pub, other heroes are much easier. Huskar is 1 dimensional, you go push with aegis and either it works and you take raxes or it doesn't and you lose. There is no comeback with this hero... Then you have heroes like Luna who can do the same 5 man push if you're winning early or farm like monster for lategame if you were crushed in lane stage.


                      I feel like it was viable at ti6 times when he helped to enable certain drow strats by being the frontliner with an oracle and shit, but that has died now. He is completely dependent on draft. However he is extremely fun to play, i love the hero so much. If im honest if they just buff his agi gain, and maybe give him some better move speed/starting armor he wud be so much better. He lacks those things so severly.


                        Not that he wud become meta or somethinf


                          I think if they give him a talent change (like how ember and ld got enabled by gr8 talents) he cud become viable but rn he is pretty bad

                          Vem Comigo


                              pretty sure that last pick huskars are the same cancer as ever


                                Yes cuck and roll there is a function to edit a post what abt it?

                                Vem Comigo


                                  Vem Comigo


                                    Vem Comigo

                                      you use it?


                                        Can u stop just posting random shit everywhere thats completely unintelligable and retarded and just fucking speak so humans whos brains rnt malfunctioning can understand u


                                          as long as you go movespeed, attack speed, dmg, and cast range in talents and build AS + HP you should be able to win easily in lower bracket if you understand him well enough and can outplay. around 2k that isnt gonna work though, he has no utility and would have to be built as tank/bruiser.

                                          Vem Comigo

                                            Why dont you use it?
                                            ? = question
                                            Why dont you = negative phrase
                                            Use = verb, to use
                                            It = thing, in this case feature to efit comment
                                            Final veredict: question about why you dont use the edit feature.

                                            Vem Comigo

                                              Huskar is shite, meta heroes do a ton o phisical dmg, so they sort of counter him.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                43 % winrate , not even 50 % in 5k bracket :(

                                                situational hero but got so many indirect nerfs : small heal nerf , ton armlet nerf , easy to counter

                                                my favourite hero so shit now Feelsbadman (yea i like huskar lul)


                                                  Why tf wud i care to make my post grammitcally appealing if i dont have to and u understood everything in it?