General Discussion

General DiscussionMOM Sniper

MOM Sniper in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    When do you build MOM on sniper? is it situational? do you build it early? and do you buy SB on him every game or just when there's hero like pudge/PA. Do I have to change Phase>DL>Mael>pike/SB>mjol/daeda

    Thanks for any reply.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Go DLance yasha and mael,I just use this item to 5 shoot enemies yesterday


        When you just know they can't jump on you
        Also sniper doesn't give a shit about silence so it's fine I guess


          Dont buy a yasha unless you go manta. Pretty sure you go mjollnir everytime, daed after unless you want a skadi.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            MoM is core on Sniper
            If you can't get away from backstabs get Pike before so

            Player 123655765

              so after DLance i go MOM right away? then mael after? If in case there's no one jumping on me can I go straight to daedalus>mjol>pike?


                MoM isnt always needed, it is rlly good in games where their only way to kill you is running at you. The move speed and attack speed to proc more headshots helps a lot in this. But in games where the enemy has more mobility to get on you by blinking, charging, etc, then its not as good cuz the movespeed isnt enough (clockwerk exception, although he can jump on you, th attackspeed helps to break cogs and then the movespeed helps you run from battery assault)


                  Get pike before MoM and mjollnir first before daed. Sniper wants attack speed more than raw dmg.

                  Player 123655765

                    Okay will do, thanks @daddy. Appreciate the replies guys. So basically SB is really situational and will only build it in case where even pike can't save you from enemy team.

                    Player 123655765

                      I just saw MOM in the popular items and just want an opinion on it. I only build it when enemy get blade mail, but I guess I should build it every time. thanks


                        Just think abt the game and whether u need what the item offers. Sb is when you need to reposition in a fight. I wud get it after dlance if i wanted it.