General Discussion

General DiscussionI've been playing pos5 support in my solo ranked games

I've been playing pos5 support in my solo ranked games in General Discussion

    I lost all of them, I got stomped everytime, I found myself a really self-centerd player, when my carry and mid get fucked by 2-3 roamers, I find myself farming in a free lane, when I try to help, it's never enough to keep my dudes alive. Sometimes I die along with my carry.
    What should I do when I don't get my position(mid and carry)? I need help.


      2 things

      1) play support and dont do the stuff u mentioned
      2) first pick ur friggin heroes


        find supports u can play


          Pick crysta maiden


            hm u obv dont know to play suports but as i can see u picked shit meta suports
            try sd he can save in disruption many nukes
            i fucking killed with sd farmed sf as we were losing i died but still kill 5 items 25 mi sf lul just with ulti and disruption


              either learn to roam or play offlane support


                Some of meta support ogre magi, warlock, slardar, riki, tyrant protector, underlord


                  wat, Underlord is a core and Slardar very rarely a support

                  Dire Wolf

                    The carry shouldn't be getting stompped by roamers cus you should be in lane protecting him. As a 5 position your biggest priority is to win the lane for your carry. That's probably 50% of your job. Win lane before leaving to roam, which means zone the offlaner, make sure he has free farm. Don't pull unless he has that first. Then if you do roam to gank mid or something make sure to checkin with you carry. If they rotate to his lane you need to go back and win it again.


                      I play them all as support please forgive me


                        stop playing and play dota imba


                          Make the safe lane a safe place for your carry. In a perfect vacuum, creeps kill each other and meet again half-way between the t1's. But your carry is probably going to push a bit, especially at 4k and under. Perfect for an enemy gank since it's less safe. If the creeps are around where radiant meets dire, you should be pulling.


                            You're a shit support

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                              Alien Righteousness

                                There are a ton of supporting guides out there on YouTube, and some really high quality ones on PVGNA that I have watched. Most supports, even in 3K, are mediocre if not bad. They don't know how to ward or rotate. People like to talk about how supporting is much more than warding and rotating. Yeah, well, I'd like to see 90% of them start doing just that correctly before anyone tells them anything else.

                                Are roamers on the map? Then ward so your safe lane carry doesn't get ganked.
                                Are you pushing a T1? It's not hard to ward that area beforehand so you don't get ganked during the push.
                                Are your carries trying to farm? Ward the entrances to your jungle so they don't get ganked.

                                This seemingly obvious advice very few supports actually put into practice. It's MMR down the drain. The other team probably isn't doing this either, so you give your team a huge advantage if you do it.

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                                  benao as always with the helpful commentary.

                                  Try picking ogre to dominate a lane, or if you want to roam and hit multiple lanes try spirit breaker. also PLEASE pick first


                                    benao's not wrong though,
                                    @op, just watch some high mmr supports play and try to copy and analyze their patterns

                                    Not Saske

                                      i always play pos 10 guy, and i really enjoy it, not sure why tho.

                                      everytime i want to pick carry, deep inside my soul always tell me to pick disruptor and rekt them, and i did it :(