General Discussion

General DiscussionIMPOSSIBLE to climb 3K playing SUPPORT

IMPOSSIBLE to climb 3K playing SUPPORT in General Discussion

    Honestly, Calibrated 3K close to when i first started dota and figured I'd do the right thing and climb. I've always played support and enjoy making carries lives easier. It's just too bad that no one seeMS TO HAVE A FUCKING CLUE HOW TO PLAY CARRY.

    I always try to be positive in game and take the lead if need be but, I just had my carry last pick a safelane Axe.

    Check my profile or my games or whatever, not saying i'm a pro but definitely not 3K. Holy Shit.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Okok u are 3.1K,happy?
      Why don't u changet your topic to IMPOSSIBLE TO CLIMB 3K WITH MY SKILL ON PLAYING SUPPORT?


        Just calm down and keep playing/improving I guess.

        If some people can do it, then that just means we aren't playing at a high enough level to climb.

        There will always be frustrations like carries not knowing how to take advantage of the equilibrium/harassment you bring to the lane, but don't focus too much on where they go wrong because you will tend to miss out on your own mistakes.


          actually given a higher mmr support player he'd destroy the shit out of the 3k bracket playing every support

          i'd say he'd have at least 85% winrate in 3k

          you just suck at supporting


            sorry to break it to you but licetea is right

            i have been getting carried ever since 3.2k by playing the offlane because i know how to make space better than the average 3ker. simply put im a better offlaner than most 3kers

            u can climb with any role given that youre much better at that role than the typical player at your MMR. if you're a 4k+ support you will climb to 4k from 3k by playing support. thats just how it is son


              But i cannot le carry my team the same way as a support. I can only do so much; stacking, pulling and ganking when proper. I can't control the bad decisions or bad last hitting in someone else's role?


                @alice spreads cancer

                While I agree that it is possible to go up the mmr ladder playing support, there's a problem with reliance, by playing support you are putting the team's presence on the late game in the hands of the people you are helping on the early to mid game, and most of the time you are going to regret having made this decision, so you're helpless when the late game comes and your carries have no idea what they're doing. This is not all about MMR, every skill bracket has a handful of people who have no idea what they're doing (granted their skill level is much higher, but the mistakes are sometimes the same).

                Another problem is the spiraling effect, the moment you lose a game, your mmr goes down and you have a higher chance of relying on even more clueless carries next game, all it takes is one game, really. I also play support, and I love doing it, when I first got my mmr, I was around 3,5k. After deciding to climb up the ladder to the infamous 4k mark, I picked support and lost about 500 mmr, which made me give up on ranked altogether.

                A good advice I'd give OP is: Pick a support that can easily translate to a carry mid to late game (pitlord, windranger, even lich after the talent tree appeared), when you see that all of your carries are clueless stereotypical 3k, find yourself a good place to farm and try making a difference later on.


                  supports must apply the right kind of pressure. u say u do everything right. but do u apply the right type of pressure on the map as a support? if u dont u wll find games unwinnable and blame the carry.


                    This is factually incorrect. Purely statistically if you are better than the enemy supports overtime this will be reflected in your win rate and with a high enough number of games inconsistencies such feeders for your team and the enemy will not be reflected in a significant MMR loss or gain over time.

                    However it may not be as easy to QUICKLY gain MMR over time as a 3k support as I would say there are more variables that are out of your control as a support rather than a carry (this is however subjective and some might argue that as a support particularily a strong roamer such as Pudge you can have a great impact on games you only have to look at pudges win+pick rate to see that roaming pudge is extremely strong in pubs right now).

                    It is much more likely that you are falling victim to the Dunning Kruger effect and that you are "mistakenly assessing you ability as much higher than it really is".

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                    Story Time

                      nothing is impossible, look at me - I also started in 2k and went to 4k by playing almost supports. Now i try learning carry and it seems so much easier than support with all the map awareness i learned


                        You have to play support better than you currently do


                          For climbing and gitting better


                            WOW Kudos to you guys that actually raised your mmr to 4k while playing almost supports WP.

                            In my case playing almost position 3 offlaners worked for me when I raised my 2.8k mmr - 3.8mmr, especially using Slardar and Balanar.

                            it seems so much easier than support with all the map awareness i learned

                            This quote is true I also learned map awareness when I played offlane and supp.


                              Actually positioning map awareness helped me to improve as a a carry push farm helped me to win a game


                                Do I have to spam BH to prove you that it's not impossible?


                                  Also I don't see anything wrong with safelane axe, it's not your typical shit but it's not braindead stupid for sure


                                    i actually experienced winning the game just by picking sup. for me cm works out perfectly idk just feel like the hero is so good kills lane contestants with a carry like pa, weaver or a lot of others. ganks mid and easily kills him if mispositioned. treant is also becoming my second favorite this patch

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                                          yea u right its immposible. everyone come here and try to be dick and say hey you are low skill thats why u cant climb but i understand u man its immposible with ply sup and climb at 3k iam now 4.6 and i cant boost 3k acc with play sup .

                                          only way u can climb is to play meepo or be a original 5.5k player and carry your game 1v9 or u will stay at 3k forever.

                                          sry about bad eng .


                                            U can i reached from 2.4 to 3.3 using omni treant es so pls u jave proofs u can reach need to get gud..

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                                                You can, patience and determination is the key. And hope you will get a decent carry teammate.


                                                  You just need to pick high impact supports. Heroes like abaddon or dazzle don't work if you want to climb fast imo. Gankers and heroes that can catch the enemy when they're out of position are good.


                                                    As rab said. For climbing solo queue I have to spam the supports with 55%+ win rates. Climbing party where I can count on my teammate (s) coordinating successfully I win with all supports.

                                                    This Time is Different

                                                      You should play more ranked matches if you want to gain rating. You've played 11 ranked matches in the last 3 months.


                                                        u dont need to rely on some1 to win as a support
                                                        the impact u can get playing pos 4/5 is insanely high



                                                          wyvern is legit again?
                                                          e: wait isn't wyvern like.. pretty good against monkey king in laning stage
                                                          flying vision, partially ignores monkey king's bullshit by deleting physical damage (though it can let him build the stacks..)

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                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                              Great picks and great supports dictates who will win the game, not the carry.


                                                                tbh tripple is really correct on this one

                                                                it used to be when playing support, to boost mmr you need to make your temamates play better.

                                                                now with all the buffs to supports in all these recent patches, you can trash the game just by yourself even if your teammates don't know how to use a keyboard

                                                                Optimus Drip

                                                                  i find it impossible to win unless i buy wards for my 3k teams. i dont know what u on about. wards. win. games.

                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                    also: if your better than ur team, just boss them around, if they listen ull win


                                                                      i find it impossible to win unless i buy wards for my 3k teams. i dont know what u on about. wards. win. games.

                                                                      because buying wards as a support is completely irrational and unreasonable decision

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        *LAUGHS IN 3k SUPPORT*

                                                                        Not Saske

                                                                          3k sup in 2k17 ecksdee

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                                                                              It still amazes me the amount of 5k and 6k trash in here who spread false information. Solo support at 3k+ is like the worst thing you can do as a person to yourself and i imagine if you do this straight for 3hours and on consistently you'd become schizophrenic sooner or later, whether you win or lose.

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                                                                                Ye its obv not fun or a good experience. Theyre just saying its POSSIBLE

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                                                                                    Playing support in 3k games is extremely easy. Most likely the other team won't have supports. Even if they do, the supports don't know how to play their role.

                                                                                    You will end up carrying your team as a support, if you do your role well.


                                                                                      Nobody said it is not tiring
                                                                                      Everyone said it is possible


                                                                                        I appreciate all the comments here, even the trolls. Just want to clarify that i don't think of myself overly good but i would hope somewhere around 4-4.4K isn't unreasonable? One criticism i have for myself is that i don't play consistently well enough. But once again, if i played with better carries (or higher skilled players in general), would it improve my own performance?


                                                                                          And btw, i've been playing a lot longer than this profile suggests. I had another account with 1500 games or so with more mid oriented heroes

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                                                                                            Spam Omniknight.
                                                                                            First pick.

                                                                                            You play too many heroes and overthink yourself.

                                                                                            Just spam straight up broken supports and you'll win more than you will lose.

                                                                                            Dota is simple: you either pick broken heroes or heroes, with which you have huge experience.

                                                                                            You don't mess around with 10+ hero pool.

                                                                                            You play just 8 heroes, but good. Preferably 2-3 of them must be broken.

                                                                                            And you will win more games than you will lose if that's your end goal.

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                                                                                            Story Time

                                                                                              4k is just a not-drunk 3k, so i dont know what u are talking about...


                                                                                                I made it to 4k playing supports and carries equally.


                                                                                                  I'm 2k btw haHAA


                                                                                                    IMPOSSIBLE TO CLIMB 3K PLAYING SUPPORT


                                                                                                      Give u another choice. Create new account and spam sup. I gotten into VHS easily spamming cm on this acc. I rekt norm and high skill with cm. If you deserve 4k, you'll get it. Sup can ez get 4k.


                                                                                                        its actually easier as support. however its impossible when guys on your team instapick 2 supps and u must play core.