General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do ppl hate jungling

Why do ppl hate jungling in General Discussion

    Surprised u feed so much. Life stealer should be in your hero pool too


      Just don't buy sb on life steAler

      Won't care, Don't care. XD

        lol licetea, you need to learn LS with this 1k scrubs, he got rampage, and carry my azz


          I think the main reason so many people hate it is that so many people who do it are extremely static and lazy, when the exact opposite ought to be true. You don't have another player to contend with and ought to be able to dedicate more effort to watching the lanes than a player who is busy contesting his own lane. Watch a replay of someone good doing it and do it from player perspective and you'll see they're watching the lanes constantly (and probably communicating to boot) to take advantage of a tp gank/countergank, push, defense, whatever.

          Even if you just carry a tp and watch all the lanes for an opportunity that alone makes it way more successful. Deciding to pick a jungling hero and to stay in the jungle until you have "x item" before the game even starts, perhaps even before all the picks are in is what is so infuriating. A lot of players just watch themselves kill jungle creeps for ten or fifteen or even twenty minutes with zero flexibility or even seemingly aware that there could be an opportunity for them to make some kind of difference on the map.

          I don't hate junglers per say as there are people who do it well and situations it's advantageous in, however I do kinda loath the lazy inattentive jungler who self imposes themselves to be completely removed from the game until some arbitrary point they decide. Oh, and if they jungle the pull camps- don't do that either.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            LS is a walking creep after 30mit and I need 40mit to farm jungle, thus can't play him well, as for the 1K scrub, his enemies is always 1K flat, I can use babadon to rampage there!!!!!


            CALL ME 1ice or AT LEAST ICETEA!

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            1-IceTea 🌟

              As for the main topic,player hate jungler in their team because 90% of them are tardy that can't lane and choose passive jungle.

              Won't care, Don't care. XD

                at Least Icetea = at Licetea

                k licetea


                  Why can't ls jungle well? U r noob mayb

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Ls can jungle pretty well,but he's a hero that need to cooperate with team well,I don't play him much because I have trust issue xD

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      I play quite alot of LS jungle back when he can ulti ancient at level 6,the farm pees is insane back then.

                      Won't care, Don't care. XD

                        you don't trust me licetea? :(

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          I was about 3.5K when I spam LS.I don't even trust my HS comrades,play with my RL friends ther are 900-unknow how can I trust them.
                          No not any trust to 1K pink crying face.

                          Edit : But middle 4K are more trust worthy then midden 3K,maybe I will practise more when I get higher mmr.

                          I start to put my 20% trust in teammate now

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                            Lul savage licetea.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^I come from jungle what do you expect?
                              I bite!


                                Its ok licetea I had 40% LS winrate with 1 KDA xd

                                Bigontino Neoxa

                                  Usually jungling is terrible. We have exceptions, but they are rare and valuable. Normally, in decent matches, everytime one team picks a jungler, the other does pick a roamer and then dissipates all the lanes. If they coordinate well, they will have 3 on every ganks and will guarantee the advantage on every early tfs. Hero killing provides a lot more of xp and gold that jungle does, while also negating the other team's resources. Also, it tooks space from hc, which if he does well (or very bad) he'll go for jungle's farm as them on very early game. Depending of the hero and the lane, he'll start to farm on jungle at 5" mark.

                                  But still, a jungle can do a lot of impact on game, on a few scenarios. *If the other team plays passively and/or can't gank properly (lack of coordinating) and feeds your team, a jungle one can grant even more gold. But on that situation the 4v5 is already wining the game, so the impact of jungle is doubtful. *If the jungler have good tf capability, normally control and uses it to do early ganks and/or reactions fine to the other's ganks. A hero that has an aoe disable or a trust one (single) are both excellent examples, but we have a very few options that also has a good killing rate of jungle's creeps.

                                  If you really can't lane properly and prefer jungle, I can give some options that I believe can achieve a very good impact on most of games:
                                  Enchantress and Chen [macro and micro for those who have good macro and micro skills]
                                  Bloodseeker (great aoe silence + rupture's 60" cd = lot of kills), Ursa and Axe [snowball potential]
                                  Before patch 7.0 (I've not tested on this patch yet): Sand King, Venomancer (EG's tactic) and Dark Seer [early stacks clearing can provide a very valuable level for those heroes, and they have good control + tons of aoe damage]

                                  There are really not much options and they are somewhat different of what players usually do. Still, there are few more options that I've don't included because players on general suck so hard when they pick'em as it's needed to have the whole team picking heroes to fit the strategy. LC, NP and Sven, for example.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ^Why I never pick hose hero that you mention and I higher mmr then you?

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      Answer me Brazilian!

                                      Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                        why jungle is terrible?
                                        i a lane up with 1 1 3 or 1 1 1 2

                                        so offlane/hardlane (since it is hard already) can get maximum exp without sharing (you know a good player will denied their own creeps)

                                        safelane no need to share xp with 3 heroes.

                                        even tho, solo support is always gonna be hard for the support, but if your team doing good and take objective properly without throw, solo support won't be so hard

                                        Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Because jungler player usually has the highest "ego" in your team.

                                          I have that one game where we have a jungle WK with Deso at bout 15mins, Echosabre on 20mins, but we got defeated by around 35mins. He blame us the lose and brag he got items.

                                          The funny part is, his hero dmg is only 2k, tower dmg 0, and level gap.

                                          Bigontino Neoxa

                                            1iceTea, r u stupid? Didn't u see I commending Ursa? And as I said, there are another heroes, but harder to people in general have some impact. Like Lycan...


                                              He's just joking around chill out man

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                B-but Lycan is good

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  And WK I good and idk you have 7 lost streak my bad.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    I think people hate jungling because not all those who jungle know how to jungle efficiently and effectively. Something junglers need to remember is that once they get out of their jungling phase, they NEED to be able to snowball the opponents and create a huge impact immediately. This won't happen if the jungler doesn't know how to stack while farming, know what pattern he should go for, or even time the spawn of neutrals before he goes in/out.

                                                    Also, some players force jungling even when it isn't fit for the game and ally/enemy heroes - like LC, who does amazingly in lanes but some ppl are stubborn and force to jungle because they're lazy.


                                                      because the majority of players do these mistakes:

                                                      1. they don't farm fast

                                                      2. they don't compensate for them weakening the laning phase

                                                      pretty much similar to icetea, he does play after the laning phase

                                                      but during it, he doesn't farm his levels/items fast nor does he help during the laning phase