General Discussion

General DiscussionGPM talents are bad?

GPM talents are bad? in General Discussion

    As Dotabuff statistics show, GPM talents are declining in win rate to both offensive and defensive alternatives, Barely winning against -respawn time talents mostly.
    So, is it safe to assume that GPM talents are bad in general?

    Vem Comigo

      respawn > GPM


        doesn't matter if respawn time reduction is good or not. What matters is that it's never taken in games that are going well.
        While people go for GPM talents usually regardless of the state of the game. And of you compare it with a defensive talent and it loses in win rate it probably means that the talent is terrible to begin with.

        Dire Wolf

          any gpm talent past level 10 takes too long to come online and be valuable


            GPM is good if it's an early talent on a farm-starved, but farm-efficient hero.

            E.g. AA's lvl 10 GPM talent is superb on him, considering how impactful his Aghs+Lens would be.

            Same with Disruptor.

            Most other cases are just poor talent design, IMO.


              if u are losing but u have good turtling lineup they are good.


                If youre the kind of hero that dies easily and is likely to die then the GPM talent just means you feed more gold away. In most cases the extra gold isn't enough to get you the items you need and only really pays off in a long game.

                On some heroes like AA and Phoenix its worth it.

                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                  I mean when you get stuff like 60 gpm and you only have it for like 30 mins thats only 1,800 gold where as usually the other talent helps you win (team)fights/stay alive and IMO a fast game of dota is whats currently favored which makes negligible gold over team seem much less important...
                  But im only 3.5k so what do i know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯?

                  Side note biggest nerf of 7.01 was nps lvl 25 talent (kappa)

                  Dire Wolf

                    yeah like CK's 12 stats or 120 gpm at level 20. You're probably only getting 10 mins tops out of that gpm talent. Or puck's, even more ridiculous cus it's level 25.


                      i was really disappointed with puck GPM talent , i mean how you plan to turtle for like 10-20 AFTER you get lvl 25 to get your items ON a hero that want to end as early as possible before losing his impact


                        ye well but if you absolutely have to turtle or you can't win, gpm is good

                        like in example (probably bad example coz trash low mmr) i was forced to just sit in my base on void for a long time with my 120gpm talent, still got 8 slotted and won game

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