General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar Disable

Huskar Disable in General Discussion

    Say your team desperately needs disable (maybe enemy last picked weaver I dunno), which option is better for disable on huskar, abyssal or hex? Or should you go bloodthorn?

    Vem Comigo

      you should not pick huskar agaisnt heavy phisical dmg heroes like weaver.


        Thanks for advice. Next time when I play huskar against last-pick weaver I will just not pick huskar.


          This is a fringe scenario obviously. How abt another slippery hero like windranger who fucks with huskar a lot. Ur missing the point hook.

          Story Time

            havent you lost all your towers before you finish hex?

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Those are more than 5k gold items D:
              I would never get Hex
              Abyssal blade is better for him, makes use of his ult
              But bloodthorn seems to sync with his ult's CD but to linger the fight you need Satanic or sth
              Yet Huskar is a kamikaze

              Abyssal Blade


                Ye i was thinking cuz his attack speed can be so high its not as bad that the bash chance is 10%.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Still it depends on the items,
                  If we're talking about Weaver
                  normally a Bloodthorn will give you the advantage since Weaver rarely gets Manta and BKB
                  Longer duration and more damage
                  While Abyssal Blade only gives you 2 second which is not enough, Weaver just time lapse back into shape if he survived

                  Still, you will need 7k gold for that

                  Savvy Cat

                    Scythe is solid on everyone, but less optimal on most, like Huskar. Abyssal can be if you can toggle from 1-20% hp properly. Bloodthorn makes his heal more viable, but otherwise offers no survivability outside of that, which Huskar kind of needs in this scenario; but it would sync better with a caster Huskar that does the Veil/Blademail/Aghs/Eblade build.

                    I prefer to think the most viable option in this case is debuffs that double as hp buffers like Halberd and Atos rather than hard disables.

                    Vem Comigo

                      just dont pick huskar, its easy to deal with him, and you leave disable to your team mostly.

                      But i would buy bloodthorne.


                        In general aside from the prevalence of weaver i dont see why huskar is so bad. He is a high tempo hero who comes online early. And with the new rosh changes i think he can take it faster now. He also enables drow strats by being a tanky frontliner and kinda eats embers dmg and doesnt give af. Not that he is an every game hero, just that i can see some solid huskar games where people still seem to ignore him.


                          Depends on your farming situation and when you need it honestly. All of those items are super expensive. If you can get the farm; Abyssal. If you can't get the farm; Atos.


                            i think because his life steal is talent lvl 15 so he need farm or would be kinda squishy in fights
                            if it was lvl 10 he would be top tier carry this patch


                              You just ask position 3,4,5 build atos. It solves your problem. Frankly, I would just get aghs vs weaver. To break his linken and slow him every 4 seconds.


                                Dude weavers dont buy linkens and there is no point in slowing someone who can go max move speed. Aghs is the worst item u cud build against weaver.


                                  And tbh huskar just needs armlet morbid mask to start fighting.


                                    If they have BKB then the only option is abyssal. Hex if they have some other form of dispel like manta or lotus. And Bloodthorn if they don't have any of that.


                                      Thanks that actually was too simple to figure out now that u say it.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Dude weavers dont buy linkens

                                        can you stop posting crap, thanks

                                        also atos no longer slows, you fucking retard, it's a root, and if you want to lecture others at least learn how the game works

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          weaver need disable for huskar and not the opposite


                                            hotd and dominate creep for disable


                                              My boy i was talking abt huskar aghs slowing not atos. Im not that fuckinf retarded, why dont YOU check yourself buddy. Ive been seeing a lot of weavers skip linkens, but apparently not enough man. U got me there.


                                                Hotd is a decent idea too actually

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  What about building your regular item ad don't hit weaver?
                                                  There is 4 other enemies hero in case u forgotten.


                                                    If weaver isnt their primary dmg dealer then sure. But it doesnt have to be weaver that was just an example for a slippery hero u need to kill. Substitute any other hero u need to buy catch against for all that matters.


                                                      I won't pick huskar if i'm playing solo or without suitable support like. oracle, dazzle, omniknight etc. So if you don't have atleast one of these points huskar is easiest carry to kill.


                                                        Huskar kinda rekts ember mid tho i wud imagine, is there any value in that? Or does he lose and im blind?

                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                          why would you play huskar in all pick ?

                                                          Bosnian Blade

                                                            just volvo remove huskar


                                                              You kinda need to kill the other 4 people in enemy team while your team dont get killed by huskar. Say weaver=safe lane carry. Who is your mid? Get bloodtorn and kill enemy mid and supp. Dota is 5 vs 5 remember


                                                                You don't have to build disables to kill towers and barracks.