General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to achieve VHS Bracket? and what is VHS bracket anyways?

How to achieve VHS Bracket? and what is VHS bracket anyways? in General Discussion

    I looked into my all time skill brackets and it looks like i rarely participate in a VHS bracket, does it mean i suck or something hahaha, and what is the difference between a VHS 3k mmr and a VHS 5k mmr?

    And also wish me luck for my road to 5k if ill ever achieve it haha played dota for 2 years got stuck on 2.5k mmr - 3k mmr and now i seem to make a break through probably thanks to my teammates haha.


      not this again..


        To achieve VHS you need to play like one
        No need to worry about the bracket and focus on getting good if you really want it
        VHS 3.7k and VHS 5k ofc is very different (talking about ranked matches)
        Any 5k would shit on 3.7ks without even trying


          let me explain anyway.
          <3200mmr = normal skill
          3200-3700 = high skill
          3800> = very high skill.
          the reason you are playing some normal* skill games are because those are party games and your party members mmr is low

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            I dont like answering that and never see the person asking it ever again in the forum :(


              ahhhhh so thats how it works? ok2.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                How to GIT VHS count :1111110


                  Icetea learn binairy

                  Theres no way its been 126

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                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    I lost count or it's 111110?
                    Btw my Dota quality is D now almost same as my Additional Mathematics grade when I was in high school, give me a plus now!

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