General Discussion

General DiscussionItemizing Against Heavy Armor Cores (as a Core)

Itemizing Against Heavy Armor Cores (as a Core) in General Discussion

    Mjollnir or -Armor items (AC, Deso)?


      whats the situation mate ?Vs PL vs a slark ? vs what ?


        Depends the who vs who. Like getting a deso on Luna just to get the minus armor is not good overall since she gets the damage mostly from attacking fast, just as an example.

        casual gamer

          not -armor dont be retarded

          casual gamer

            if you buy -armor against high armor heroes sincerely go end your life, thanks


              reducing armour is less effective at higher armour values. u shouldn't get ac or deso just because the opponents have high armour, if you get ac it's usually for multiple reasons, not just because ur reducing the enemy's armour by -5.

              desolator's strong in the mid game because armour values are lower. armour reduction is most effective in terms of relative damage increase when you're reducing your opponents to about 0 armour, so it works well with carries that also peak at around that time and have mainly physical damage e.g. pa, weaver, ta


                if ur opponent has high armour just build ur normal late game like daedalus / bloodthorn. the average damage increase from the crits will increase your damage more than -5 or -7 armour.


                  Why would you get minus armor items against high armor targets
                  Minus armor items are most efficient against low armor targets
                  So you either get raw damage items (daedalus, MKB, bloodthorn, etc) or mjolnir depending on the hero

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Dagon the way to go


                      Pick sladar -_-


                        What if slardar is picked by the enemy team xd


                          Pick Sven, cleave ignores armor

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Buy a Divine Rapier for sure.


                              Basically what this guy is asking is why do we see so many naixs, legions who rush deso even against high armor targets when your support can do the same job with just a fucking medal? Mjonir is great vs high armor targets and it's also a farming item too that doesn't fall off late game.