General Discussion

General DiscussionA Better Way to MMR?

A Better Way to MMR? in General Discussion

    The current MMR system is in good place overall. With having said that, I think it could be refined to fit the game of DOTA in a more specific way. A common gripe in the current system is q pops, loading screen, then the second the hero pool pops up 3 people spam PA safe lane carry. I don't really need to expand on the typical ensuing dialogue. Right off the bat people are tilted, players then pick roles/heros they don't want to play making the game less enjoyable and often less competitive.

    I believe I know how to fix this! Hear me out...

    When you q up for a game, you enter q as either carry/support/mid/offlane/solo offlane. You have 10 matches as each role and have separate MMR's for each. So someone after 10 as mid player is lets say 2.5k, but after 10 games as support they rank around 3.5k. When said person q's for a game wanting the mid lane, it puts said person in the 2.5k bracket but when they que as support it ups the MMR bracket to 3.5k. That way, before the game even begins we have people agreeing to play each role (and happy with it) and should have a more competitive game.

    For unranked you take the median MMR for all roles. I think it could work great!

    Riguma Borusu

      yeah sure man enjoy your 20 minute game search times

      also this wouldn't work because laning setups are not static, this is not fucking LoL

      people would be able to abuse the system to queue as a support for quick queue time and then pick a jungler or simply a carry because there's nothing stopping them from that (and shouldn't be)

      like, the idea is fucking awful

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        Not really. IF you q for support you can only pick support heros. Easy fix. Use your brain next time before you make a retarded reply. Dumb ass.


          How would the game categorize which heroes are supposed to be played as what?

          Use your brain next time before you make a retarded topic. Dumb ass.

          Riguma Borusu

            did you just buy that account? There's no fucking way you played 3,701 fucking games of dota while thinking what you just said is not retarded

            oh wait, you're still 3.7k after 3700 games and you have 50% winrate

            I get it, you stopped using your brain a decade ago

            casual gamer

              helllooooooooooooooooooooooooo sven can be played as a support would you block him off from support queuers? because someone can queue as support and play jungle midas sven and not support

              Riguma Borusu

                I have a feeling I need to stop playing party ranked and just grind solo ranked until I get at least 4.5k+ so that the bracket I am in is not associated with m0ngoloids like this fucking guy


                  no, what if u q as support and go carry? who guarantees that noone will do it?

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Venge is one of the most 50/50 heroes right now, so I'd like to know whether venge is a support or a caarry, oh the wise OP, would you tell me that, because I am too stupid to figure that out?

                    Btw warlock mid is suddenly impossible now, because he can't be a core position. How splendid.


                      I dont have all the answers, it's just a concept. You'd most likely still have to rely on people not being assholes, but this way it would lessen the chance of that happening. If you q as support that doesn't lock you in per se, it's saying if you q as that it will put you in a higher MMR bracket since when you play as support (buy courier/wards/support items) you've played better than as a carry. If you q as support but choose to carry it would be in a higher skilled bracket when you got there as support thus you just lessening your likelihood of winning because you got that MMR as support not carry.

                      Does that make sense?

                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                      Riguma Borusu

                        no, it's terrible, because dota doesn't work like that, never did, never will

                        there are thousands of things that can happen in a match, and any restriction in the matchmaking would ruin the concept completely or make it abusable, and it is not the type of abuse that you can take care of

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Sounds like caste system. What if I'm good with Ancient Apparition as support too and enemy team picks Morphling or something I can counter but I'm a "carry picker". Feelsbadman


                            If you feel like playing that then just go queue CM


                              It's not restricted. Like I said, you can q as carry and then play support. But you'd have to realize if you q as carry but have a much higher MMR as support whereas another person on your team as a much higher MMR as carry it doesn't make much sense for you to play carry....


                                and that's called standard queue

                                some guy can be 7k mmr by playing core

                                if he picks a support he plays like a 4k

                                some guy can be 7k mmr by playing support

                                if he picks a core he plays like a 4k

                                i don't see a reason to overcomplciate something that works

                                so just let the 7k guy play his role and you'll be fine

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                basement :)

                                  That will inflate queue times greatly. Most people play core, and that is only available in middle and bottom. Also, Dota has versatile lanes. There could easily be a dual off lane or a solo.


                                    The concept is role preference. There are 2 main points to it. One is to ensure that when that game does pop you have 5 people that are willing to play distinguished roles instead of 4 of the 5 stubbornly wanting to play cores and not budging on the issue. If you can play support q up as someone willing to support. Not that you're locked into it, but you're WILLING to do it. Game won't pop until at least one person q's up as willing to play support. I don't see that lengthening the q's much longer. Or just have the option of quing up the old school way (currrent way), without role preference. (Again, this has nothing to do with specific heros, just roles.) I think especially at lower MMRs this could make the game much more enjoyable.

                                    The other point would be to discourage a situation where a 7k support gets a wild hair up his ass and decides he wants to carry when the MMR equivalent of said player is 4k as carry. So when he plays carry he plays against 4k. His public MMR is a median of both + solo offlaner. View is profile see his MMR as core/support/offlaner like current solo Q mmr and party mmr. I think this is a good idea because say I get to 4k but I did it just supporting so now if I want to play core in a competitive (ranked) game I lose my MMR because I get sick of supporting every ranked game I play. This way I can track my progress in each dispensation of the game in more balanced, competitive games. It would truley expose which part of your DOTA game is the weakest because you could specifically track it. Suddenly someone 6k in offlane, core, and support is a lot more impressive than 6k role/position/hero spammers.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    basement :)

                                      Names these roles.

                                      Just instantly click the lane you want. In almost all my ranked games, the first person who clicks a lane gets his preferred role.


                                        So whoevers screen loads first gets to play whatever they want and everyone else just has to deal with it? I think there's a better way.

                                        Insead of the spending the pregame figuring out whos gonna go mid/support or whatever you've already delt with that from the start of your Q. Instead you're now discussing hero wombo combos etc since role has been already established.

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        casual gamer

                                          the big issue is queue inflation. it would take forever for 6k + players to find a match i think

                                          you could enable it for 1-2k thru mid 4k or something i guess

                                          basement :)

                                            Everyone loads before picking begins.

                                            Use the strategy time for that, and rarely anyone actually discusses strategy.

                                            Name the roles for this queuing system.

                                            Ian Lim

                                              ROFL LMAO


                                                Im at 1k so ill just pick cores and carry my team as usual.


                                                  Theres a reason why there is a choice betweem all pick, cm, etc. And theres reason why its called allpick.

                                                  Even if your mode even gets implemented, im sure nobody plays that anyway andplayers still going to choose all pick.

                                                  Queing cm already takes forever


                                                    I think its like, the best idea everrrrr


                                                      the current system is a way to punish narrow hero pools and spammers, too


                                                        mmr is your ability to win games, including your versatility, will to adapt, communication skills, etc.; and it is supposed to be this way
                                                        you cant play anything outside of pos 2 = you are not so good as a player => you lose some of ur games because of that

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          protip necro oflane is op
                                                          templar talent tree is op
                                                          tree offlane is op


                                                            Hi. I'm jacked. And I don't like this idea