General Discussion

General DiscussionRip league of the ancients

Rip league of the ancients in General Discussion

    Rip 2016, Dota is now like LoL

    Shitty gui like from chinese super hero manga gay game, fuck*d up camps, million runes, monkeys jumping from trees

    Rest in peace


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          Who Am I? Well, it is all on my profile but I'll restate it here. I am a fifteen year old student living in San Jose, California. I am decently smart and do competition math and computer science. I enjoy Ultimate, running, breakdance, and being in the outdoors. I am currently delving deeper into some more advanced algorithms and expanding my computer science knowledge. I attend hackathons and do some Android development, specifically in the rooting sector. What Are My Credentials? Many of you may already be looking down on me with scorn. "This guy is only 15 years old! Who the hell does he think he is, trying to preach to us as if he was some elite god?" Well, it is true I am quite young. However, I am fortunate enough to live in what is probably the best place for students in the whole world: Silicon Valley. Yup, that magical place in California where Apple, Facebook, and Google were founded and all those amazing new technologies are invented. Here, new companies are created every single day. (In fact, that may not be an exaggeration) The people and environment around me is amazing. For example, students and people I know are setting up TedX at their respective schools, inviting a friend that happens to be a Tesla co-founder to give a talk (This is a student and a great friend of mine), attending hackathons every month where students are encouraged to 'hack' and create new and innovative projects(and prizes are handed out, as well as scholarships and other free sponsor stuff), and it being strange when we don't have some national finalist in areas such as business, STEM, competition math, engineering, etc. Probably the best public school in all of the USA. The atmosphere, type of parents, teachers, and community we have are simply so dedicated that it is amazing. 4.0 is practically given. The environment here simply churns out successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, and thinkers. So I get to experience all these innovative people, be one of these people who are doing things that grown-ups or college students do, and everything is just so advanced here. Everyone does extra stuff, everyone has amazing background, etc. Repigyou, for example, goes to a school a few minutes away from mine and he quit Minecraft because he got a few bad grades in freshman year, which many might say doesn't matter because colleges don't look at that. Very ignorant mindset. Anyways, this might not have happened in other areas. In my opinion, this is a sharp contrast to most of you folks. In Mexico, Hong Kong, and other places in America, school is probably all that students have to do. You aren't pushed to do more, a couple of B's and maybe a C is fine. (Keep in mind this is general. In Korea for example I know the education standards are extremely high, due to the format of the College applications process) So I'm saying that many of you guys live in normal, ordinary schools where you aren't pressured to study and if you are it's only to get good grades in school, which is still not easy for some and can delude you into thinking that you're doing something. Perhaps you feel you are involved because you are in some clubs and your parents have encouraged participating in a club sport. Or perhaps you are depresed because Minecraft is taking over your life. Whatever. My point is that unless you are Apple, Plastix, Khazhyk, or somebody who's in a good Ivy college and still apparently plays on Overcast, you will find that I have a stronger background and experiences to be able to talk about this topic of studying, dedication, and life with certainty and conviction. But it's not all fun and games here. It's very stressful for some people. Sometimes I envy you careless gamers who don't have to worry about life. Actually, I don't. I'm happy I have this opportunity to live here. You should all envy me. So What is the Point of this Thread? Yes, we're getting to that. And as a note, what I say is really only applying to the players who've been on this server for double digit days. The donators, the people in teams, the people that are obsessed. Don't worry about this if you are very active in real life , which I'm sure many of you are. But still read this, hopefully you can learn something. The people this doesn't apply to are the noobs that get rotated out every month that are used to raise your KD to 1.0. Or the hacker noobs that stack up on the ban list, making the several thousand pages or however many pages there are. I recently found some depression threads on, and I never actually totally realized what type of people were on this server. Now I know that this place is filled with young and immature kids, in addition to the diseased, homeschooled, depressed, and normal kids. For example, people that spend all day on mumble wasting time playing porn for the other immature players to laugh at..(Not pointing fingers at all, please don't be offended, I still respect you. This example just helps to prove my point) Really. I had always thought that I was only playing with kids that even if they were young, were mature and had control over their lives and gaming. But still, there are a couple of specific cases I want to address. The most basic case. This was me for the past two months or so, and in my guess 50% or so of the really good players on this server: You are a normal or dedicated student, but Minecraft has taken over your life. Your grades are suffering, but you and your parents don't really care. You have stopped playing sports and ditch track practice every day. You play until morning, and finally sleep when you ask yourself exactly what you are accomplishing by ruining your eyes and sleep quality. Finally, you go to sleep and wake up on the same day, eyes burning in the morning and vision foggy. You tell yourself that you will never ocktick again, and finish your homework at school, finishing each classes' homework in the class right before. Sometimes you are unable to. (I always did, as I am BS and clutch master. And got full score. And my grades didn't suffer. But my eyes and self-esteem did.) You come back in the afternoon, find that your mom is not home and clock a couple of hours before dinner. You tell yourself you will work later, but find yourself playing Minecraft again. This vicious cycle repeats over and over. To aid in your slump, you download and tweak some programs so you can hotkey and hide Minecraft from your taskbar and screen. These people know Minecraft is bad for them. But they can't tear themselves away from farming a couple of more monuments on Primed or wrecking noobs on Conquer. Then the minority case. You are bullied or depressed from real life problems. Perhaps you are antisocial and unable to make real friends. You are immature and get depressed about yourself because your 'crush' is in a 'relationship' with another person. You find yourself disappointed with yourself and the current state of affairs. Perhaps you are diseased. You turn to Minecraft for comfort and friends and to lose yourself and forget all your fears, expectations, and homework. You find that friendships online are easier to maintain. Eventually the only thing you look forward to is Minecraft and it becomes your life. And these are the problems I would like to address, and hopefully provide some valuable tips, advice, and insight to help anyone that might be in this situation. I want this to be a wake up call for you guys. Great, So What Can I Do to Help Myself? Okay, I have a lot of information for you guys. I'm going to try to organize it as best as possible, but please don't be disappointed if it's not so clear. I'll do my best, and please try your hardest to stay with me. I'll provide a brief summary at the end as well. Step 1: Finding an Interest The first step in getting out of this slump is to set a goal. Without a goal, you're just a sad looking Magikarp floundering around. If you don't have a goal of becoming a elite Lvl. 100 Magikarp or a sexy Gyrados , you're not going to get anywhere in life. So this first step is finding what interests you. This could be anything, from art to design to computer science to biology to law to business to e-commerce to networking to engineering to fashion design. A common answer I've gotten from my ocktick buddies to this question is 'gaming'. Now. Guys. Galls, girls, folks, buddies, homies, niggas, besties, strangers. Listen! 'Gaming' is not an answer choice for this question! Games are flipping made to appeal to people. They accomplish absolutely nothing but merely provide enjoyment. Like drugs. I know most of you fantasize about getting rich off a youtube channel, but this is very unrealistic. 99.9999% of you need to stop thinking that this is an interest. Gaming is a time-waster. The only purpose should be to help de-stress, there when you need a break and need to forget about life for a short while. It is not something that is going to turn into a career. So get that mindset out of your heads this instant. And you will have an interest, trust me. The only reason you don't have one right now is because you've been wasting all of your time ockticking! So how do you find an interest? I encourage you to take some time to just surf the web. If you're interested in technology, go to popular tech websites such as the Verge or similar sites and just read about current technology. Find something that seems cool, or interesting. Anything that strikes out at you as potentially interesting, learn more about it! If you are interested in what rooting does to an Android phone, google it. Try rooting your android.(Actually, don't if you don't know what you're doing) If you think 3D printing is amazing, learn more about it. To find an interest, you really just need to spend time out on the web surfing, researching, becoming interested. I don't know. Bioengineering? Step Two: The Inevitable Now that you've found an interest, you need to be able to spend some time learning about it. And that means steering away from Minecraft a bit. I know you're all fearing this, but it must be done. You don't have to quit, but you should definitely cut down on the time you spend gaming.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            ^Solid tread 8/10
            Please at least replace minecraft to Dota when you copy/paste

            Riguma Borusu


              General Discussion
              General Discussion
              Rip league of the ancients
              bbx 4 hours ago
              Rip 2016, Dota is now like LoL
              Shitty gui like from chinese super hero manga gay game, fuck*d up camps, million runes, monkeys jumping from trees
              Rest in peace
              Esuna 4 hours ago
              Press F to pay respects
              Hook And Roll
              Hook And Roll 4 hours ago
              Press Alt to pay respects
              Vertoxity 3 hours ago
              Who Am I? Well, it is all on my profile but I'll restate it here. I am a fifteen year old student living in San Jose, California. I am decently smart and do competition math and computer science. I enjoy Ultimate, running, breakdance, and being in the outdoors. I am currently delving deeper into some more advanced algorithms and expanding my computer science knowledge. I attend hackathons and do some Android development, specifically in the rooting sector. What Are My Credentials? Many of you may already be looking down on me with scorn. "This guy is only 15 years old! Who the hell does he think he is, trying to preach to us as if he was some elite god?" Well, it is true I am quite young. However, I am fortunate enough to live in what is probably the best place for students in the whole world: Silicon Valley. Yup, that magical place in California where Apple, Facebook, and Google were founded and all those amazing new technologies are invented. Here, new companies are created every single day. (In fact, that may not be an exaggeration) The people and environment around me is amazing. For example, students and people I know are setting up TedX at their respective schools, inviting a friend that happens to be a Tesla co-founder to give a talk (This is a student and a great friend of mine), attending hackathons every month where students are encouraged to 'hack' and create new and innovative projects(and prizes are handed out, as well as scholarships and other free sponsor stuff), and it being strange when we don't have some national finalist in areas such as business, STEM, competition math, engineering, etc. Probably the best public school in all of the USA. The atmosphere, type of parents, teachers, and community we have are simply so dedicated that it is amazing. 4.0 is practically given. The environment here simply churns out successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, and thinkers. So I get to experience all these innovative people, be one of these people who are doing things that grown-ups or college students do, and everything is just so advanced here. Everyone does extra stuff, everyone has amazing background, etc. Repigyou, for example, goes to a school a few minutes away from mine and he quit Minecraft because he got a few bad grades in freshman year, which many might say doesn't matter because colleges don't look at that. Very ignorant mindset. Anyways, this might not have happened in other areas. In my opinion, this is a sharp contrast to most of you folks. In Mexico, Hong Kong, and other places in America, school is probably all that students have to do. You aren't pushed to do more, a couple of B's and maybe a C is fine. (Keep in mind this is general. In Korea for example I know the education standards are extremely high, due to the format of the College applications process) So I'm saying that many of you guys live in normal, ordinary schools where you aren't pressured to study and if you are it's only to get good grades in school, which is still not easy for some and can delude you into thinking that you're doing something. Perhaps you feel you are involved because you are in some clubs and your parents have encouraged participating in a club sport. Or perhaps you are depresed because Minecraft is taking over your life. Whatever. My point is that unless you are Apple, Plastix, Khazhyk, or somebody who's in a good Ivy college and still apparently plays on Overcast, you will find that I have a stronger background and experiences to be able to talk about this topic of studying, dedication, and life with certainty and conviction. But it's not all fun and games here. It's very stressful for some people. Sometimes I envy you careless gamers who don't have to worry about life. Actually, I don't. I'm happy I have this opportunity to live here. You should all envy me. So What is the Point of this Thread? Yes, we're getting to that. And as a note, what I say is really only applying to the players who've been on this server for double digit days. The donators, the people in teams, the people that are obsessed. Don't worry about this if you are very active in real life , which I'm sure many of you are. But still read this, hopefully you can learn something. The people this doesn't apply to are the noobs that get rotated out every month that are used to raise your KD to 1.0. Or the hacker noobs that stack up on the ban list, making the several thousand pages or however many pages there are. I recently found some depression threads on, and I never actually totally realized what type of people were on this server. Now I know that this place is filled with young and immature kids, in addition to the diseased, homeschooled, depressed, and normal kids. For example, people that spend all day on mumble wasting time playing porn for the other immature players to laugh at..(Not pointing fingers at all, please don't be offended, I still respect you. This example just helps to prove my point) Really. I had always thought that I was only playing with kids that even if they were young, were mature and had control over their lives and gaming. But still, there are a couple of specific cases I want to address. The most basic case. This was me for the past two months or so, and in my guess 50% or so of the really good players on this server: You are a normal or dedicated student, but Minecraft has taken over your life. Your grades are suffering, but you and your parents don't really care. You have stopped playing sports and ditch track practice every day. You play until morning, and finally sleep when you ask yourself exactly what you are accomplishing by ruining your eyes and sleep quality. Finally, you go to sleep and wake up on the same day, eyes burning in the morning and vision foggy. You tell yourself that you will never ocktick again, and finish your homework at school, finishing each classes' homework in the class right before. Sometimes you are unable to. (I always did, as I am BS and clutch master. And got full score. And my grades didn't suffer. But my eyes and self-esteem did.) You come back in the afternoon, find that your mom is not home and clock a couple of hours before dinner. You tell yourself you will work later, but find yourself playing Minecraft again. This vicious cycle repeats over and over. To aid in your slump, you download and tweak some programs so you can hotkey and hide Minecraft from your taskbar and screen. These people know Minecraft is bad for them. But they can't tear themselves away from farming a couple of more monuments on Primed or wrecking noobs on Conquer. Then the minority case. You are bullied or depressed from real life problems. Perhaps you are antisocial and unable to make real friends. You are immature and get depressed about yourself because your 'crush' is in a 'relationship' with another person. You find yourself disappointed with yourself and the current state of affairs. Perhaps you are diseased. You turn to Minecraft for comfort and friends and to lose yourself and forget all your fears, expectations, and homework. You find that friendships online are easier to maintain. Eventually the only thing you look forward to is Minecraft and it becomes your life. And these are the problems I would like to address, and hopefully provide some valuable tips, advice, and insight to help anyone that might be in this situation. I want this to be a wake up call for you guys. Great, So What Can I Do to Help Myself? Okay, I have a lot of information for you guys. I'm going to try to organize it as best as possible, but please don't be disappointed if it's not so clear. I'll do my best, and please try your hardest to stay with me. I'll provide a brief summary at the end as well. Step 1: Finding an Interest The first step in getting out of this slump is to set a goal. Without a goal, you're just a sad looking Magikarp floundering around. If you don't have a goal of becoming a elite Lvl. 100 Magikarp or a sexy Gyrados , you're not going to get anywhere in life. So this first step is finding what interests you. This could be anything, from art to design to computer science to biology to law to business to e-commerce to networking to engineering to fashion design. A common answer I've gotten from my ocktick buddies to this question is 'gaming'. Now. Guys. Galls, girls, folks, buddies, homies, niggas, besties, strangers. Listen! 'Gaming' is not an answer choice for this question! Games are flipping made to appeal to people. They accomplish absolutely nothing but merely provide enjoyment. Like drugs. I know most of you fantasize about getting rich off a youtube channel, but this is very unrealistic. 99.9999% of you need to stop thinking that this is an interest. Gaming is a time-waster. The only purpose should be to help de-stress, there when you need a break and need to forget about life for a short while. It is not something that is going to turn into a career. So get that mindset out of your heads this instant. And you will have an interest, trust me. The only reason you don't have one right now is because you've been wasting all of your time ockticking! So how do you find an interest? I encourage you to take some time to just surf the web. If you're interested in technology, go to popular tech websites such as the Verge or similar sites and just read about current technology. Find something that seems cool, or interesting. Anything that strikes out at you as potentially interesting, learn more about it! If you are interested in what rooting does to an Android phone, google it. Try rooting your android.(Actually, don't if you don't know what you're doing) If you think 3D printing is amazing, learn more about it. To find an interest, you really just need to spend time out on the web surfing, researching, becoming interested. I don't know. Bioengineering? Step Two: The Inevitable Now that you've found an interest, you need to be able to spend some time learning about it. And that means steering away from Minecraft a bit. I know you're all fearing this, but it must be done. You don't have to quit, but you should definitely cut down on the time you spend gaming.
              1IceTea 2 minutes ago
              ^Solid tread 8/10
              Please at least replace minecraft to Dota when you copy/paste

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                I recommend uninstalling and logging out from steam

                Pale Mannie


                    glad everyone agree with me


                      there's no tree in lol, thus no monkey jumping from tree, thus we're not lol

                      M U R D E R

                        MAP DECORATIONS LUL CAPS

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          The perfect example of the game hours is way more then mmr number.
                          Can someone help to predick bbx memer?

                          Lester, Moe

                            That picture looks like a shitty game if you ask me.