General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggest hard carry heroes for me

Suggest hard carry heroes for me in General Discussion
Leon Edwards

    Can someone suggest some HC heroes for me? My hero pool atm is AM, Clinkz, Jugg, Morph. I do play Troll, Huskar, Slark, Gyro but I don't really know what to improve. Some suggest only playing a small hero pool but I think in some situations those 4 (my hero pool) that I mentioned really don't fit in the draft against enemy team. Can someone enumerate heroes that I shouldn't play and enumerate heroes that I should in my bracket (predicted mmr is 3.4k). And enumerate the heroes that are just plain bad in this patch. Thanks all and sorry if my english is horrible.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Do your think you can go learn Abbadon carry?
      It's good

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      Story Time

        play CK for snowballing (u need team effort though), play Naga Sirene/Medusa for longer games, do not consider void carry in your MMR bracket. OD is viable carry, try him, but also do not get surprised if u get countered hard

        Leon Edwards

          I'll try to learn the hero. Has 57.35% winrate atm so must be pretty good rofl.

          Leon Edwards

            @Story Time
            I play OD, time to practice more I guess.
            Why not Void carry?


              Learn drow, luna, sven, offlane/jungle lc can transition into hard carrh if given enough time

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Filter 3 points in Carry

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  CK is the best HC right now. Roam, safelane, offlane or maybe even jungle with it.

                  Leon Edwards

                    I know how to play Drow, but enemy team in my bracket just auto-picks MK, PA or Slark which I know will completely rekt my hero.

                    4pos pudge/grim only

                      troll warlord is the hardest among them all. you can never go wrong with troll.

                      Leon Edwards

                        @Cheap Laugh Guy
                        I'll stick with CK. Not like Medusa or Naga, because I keep getting 25-35 min games with those heroes and lose just because mid doesn't have map awareness.


                          don't increase your hero pool till you master your current heroes

                          and i don't that you're anywhere near mastering any of the mentioned

                          Leon Edwards

                            What do you mean by "master current heroes" really. How will I know?


                              at least 65% winrate and 700+ gpm minimum for carries on average with at least 200+ matches

                              sample sizes of anything less than 200 is pretty much meaningless

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                              LISAN AL GAIB

                                As cookie said, do not increase your hero pool unless you learn 3-5 heroes, and then master them...My picks for example are Am, Luna, Void, Jugger and LS...I am pretty good with AM, Jugg and LS but i still need to learn my Luna and Void games a bit just learn your current heroes more imo

                                Leon Edwards

                                  I guess I'll just spam AM for the rest of my games. Thanks


                                    Void is okay
                                    Just hope that your team doesn't follow up the draft with retarded shits like AM + meepo


                                      AM is a very good hero to use to improve your carrying


                                        Wraith King, Spectre, Mortred. Easy to play but hard to master.

                                        Leon Edwards

                                          I'll choose AM, Jugg, Morph, Luna and OD(?) I guess.

                                          @Centaur spammer grill
                                          AM all the way, my fav. hero too tbh haha

                                          I think I should avoid them for now. But PA and WK do have high winrate, but I'm not using it as a reason to play the heroes but still, depends on the situation I guess.


                                            What's so hard to master about WK?
                                            Looking at his skillset, I don't see him having high enough skillcap to allow players who are amazing at him to outplay his counters consistently like slark, PA, etc
                                            I can only see pseudo-random chance crit abuse and that's about it

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                                              Cookie has the right idea as usual.
                                              Small hero pool, it shouldn't really matter too much what the small pool is as long as you master it.

                                              Leon Edwards

                                                *Is it bad if I transition from being carry to mid? For ex. I went OD safelane and Pudge decided to just go support. (Example only, pls no rage)

                                                LISAN AL GAIB

                                                  Good picks...just remember that heroes like Luna do not fit into every line up, they need supports that can protect her cause even if you are very far ahead you can die due to bad positioning or a bad fight cause she is paper due to very good dmg the end it applies to every heroe you mentioned (prob except jugg) but I say Luna cause i love her but gosh sometimes the other team has 2 much CC and you are dead a lot :(

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    ^don't read this at all, first pick luna every game, ez win

                                                    luna is too strong currently, and you can first pick her every game if you're any good with her


                                                      Jugg is squishy too tbh
                                                      But 3 sustain skills haHAA

                                                      Leon Edwards

                                                        I'll keep that in mind, in my bracket players really dont know the word "teamwork" or "support" so yeah, thanks again.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          luna is one of the stronger safelaners this patch, so if you're playing safelane, and you can't depend on being supported all the time, going jugg or luna is seriously the best, if you can play the heroes competently


                                                            Luna is an independent laner
                                                            You can have 2 junglers and one idiotic support who spins around doing nothing and still have a good game with her

                                                            Leon Edwards

                                                              Time to watch pro players (and I mean RTZ and Sing) play Luna then, since I only know stacking and dominating the hellbear (the red fat neutral idfk) to kill creep waves and that's it.

                                                              Leon Edwards

                                                                @Centaur spammer grill
                                                                I usually ping safelane first then hover to Luna, someone picks Jugger and Drow, then I get Injoker or Shadow Feed mid and LC jungle. So far I haven't got the chance to play with a real support.


                                                                  That's because you're playing pubs on a smurf account lmao
                                                                  100 games of pure cancer just to recalibrate isn't my thing

                                                                  Leon Edwards

                                                                    @Centaur spammer grill
                                                                    Well I got tired of my old account which I have all my items on and it's stuck in lp atm (crappy ISP) calibrated at 2.9 and then went down 2.4k I think, mostly because of abandon. I was actually just playing dota for fun back then


                                                                      No need to focus on calibrating super high just like most idiots who come here and ask stupid shits like "how to get vhs" "predict my mmr"
                                                                      Focus on improving, MMR will come by itself

                                                                      Leon Edwards

                                                                        @Centaur spammer grill
                                                                        I really just want to start off fresh. I don't even know if I can actually still play Dota cause I just bought CSGO again.

                                                                        LISAN AL GAIB

                                                                          NP...if you have a good team that gives u enough space...Luna is just simply unstoppable and farms like a demon

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            no void-hardcarry till VHS mmr bracket, because your team does not know what to do with it :D

                                                                            PS Why no one mentions TerrorBalde - he was Op recently and now have not seen him for ages?

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              his illusions went from doing 70% damage to towers to 50% -- a 29% decrease in dps


                                                                                Also huge nerf to flashfarming heroes including TB thx to 2 min camp spawn
                                                                                Diffusal nerf
                                                                                Illusion gives gold, you can't just simply send illusions to lane, farm jungle, and get easy $$$ without risking getting ganked while pushing