General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this permanent?

Is this permanent? in General Discussion
This disunity must end.

    "Your Dotabuff profile cannot post comments or create forum topics."


      did you just get a new acc to circumvent a ban?


      This disunity must end.

        no i'm trying to get vhs bracket with new account!! 2.4k on main I can't fucking climb no matter how hard i try and it's sad
        neway is that ban permanent or temporary can confirm?


          no it's for ~1 weak

          casual gamer

            if you cant climb 2k something is deeply wrong with your dota 2 play


            not small mistakes or minor errors

            ur making massive misplays that any remotely good player would immediately see


              the only acceptable reason to lose in 2k is if you get matched against 4k players with 1-2k party mmr in a party stack lul


                Are you saying that the majority of the dota player base plays badly!?!?

                Maybe you just play well alright.


                  Guys it is perfectly acceptable to be in 2k


                    2k is like 50 percent of the dota 2 right?


                      Do not listen to the people saying you suck. A lot of people are 2k and a lot of people are 1k and there are even some sub 1k. The people higher in the mmr bracket are just better. You just gotta improve and you will get to these mmr gods one day! xd


                        duration of a mute may vary based on the infraction


                          helpfulness of a mods comment may vary based on how many fucks they give about us


                            *may vary based on whether Skim is on his period


                              if it looks like this:

                              its temporary, otherwise its perma iirc


                                No hotlinking you plebe.


                                  People who make smurfs to get past the fact their main is low mmr have no perseverance.


                                    People who buy accounts to get past their main is high mmr have perseverance.



                                      50 % of Dota players have less than 3000 mmr

                                      And it's very likely that players with higher mmr are more likely to show their mmr.

                                      So it may be even lower, this says that mmr is a gauss curve with it's maximum at 2250:

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        Predikt mmr plz


                                          Yes, Jacked, the majority of DOTA2 players, including us, plays the game badly
                                          The game is very punishing, in-depth, and complex, of course only a small percentage of peoplr would do well and master most of the aspects


                                            @ the mmr santa

                                            I can't really help him becaause he didn't link any account he is referring to. So yes, the duration of the mute could be anything at this point.