General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR calibration

MMR calibration in General Discussion

    Hi, when I go into calibration for MMR, will i get matched with other players that are playing their calibration games or with people that already have their MMR set?

    If i get all calibration guys i won't even bother to do it, it will be 5 man hardcarry team with no courier, everyone ends up with 300 GPM and lost game :/

    fear is the mind killer

      you will up end with player already calibrated dw


        you can end up with either uncalibrated or calibrated players, the game doesn't care

        during the calibration matches you're assigned an mmr, which changes during the calibration.

        you just can't see that hidden calibration mmr till you finish your 10th match

        anyways, in NS you can go at least bare possible minimum i'd say 700++ gpm every game even if you had 4 other carries on your team

        if you knew how to play the game yourself that is, so if you do know how to play the game then there's nothing to worry about and you'll get your highest potential mmr.

        if you suck, well you know what's gonna happen, you're gonna be one of those 300 gpm carries and you know the rest of the story

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          ok thanks for the answer

          What do you mean with NS?

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            NS means Normal Skill

            there's 3 skill brackets

            Normal skill (NS) 1-3200 MMR
            High Skill (HS) 3200-3700 MMR
            Very High Skill (VHS) 3700-10000 MMR

            You can see these brackets under the name of the hero on your matches page

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              Aaah ok. would you guys mind to take a look at this dotabuff profile and tell me what you think. like what MMR you expect me to calibrate into:


                ridiculously tiny sample size, play more and just open the page and that will make a rough estimate of your hidden unranked mmr(and how off it is)

                it says NS, so you can expect any mmr 1-3k


                  Ok, i actually had an opendota accoubt but never took a look at it. 3.4k apparently


                  What's the ''Unknown Skill'' ?

                  Thanks for all the answers man, really apprecieated :)

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                    unknown skill means that the game had parties where the skill was so far apart that the game didn't know the average

                    or it happens at really low accounts when the games are so low shit that there's almost no mmr to it.

                    anyways, it says 3.4k but like i've said the sample size is almost nothing.

                    if it's NS and it says 3.4k which should be in the range of 3.2-3.7 aka it should be HS then it's way off...

                    what the opendota does it finds the avg mmr shown on the profiles of other players in your game and just makes a sum average.

                    so if 1 guy showed 3.4k, it sums 3.4 with nothing and devides by 1, aka your mmr will be shown as his mmr.

                    so for a realistic reading you either need at least 50+ games or you just calibrate your own mmr.


                    here, in 1 of the matches 1 guy showed his solo mmr on his profile and opendota assumed that was your mmr:

                    so with a sample size of 1 guy from 1 match out of only 16 matches, and match skill says NS, then it's WAAAAY off.

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                      Oh I see. 3,4 was way off in my perception as well :)

                      I probably will get around 2 to 2.5 k MMR.

                      NVM i actually lost that game haha

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