General Discussion

General DiscussionJungleing help

Jungleing help in General Discussion

    So I'm on a Loseing Streek with Keeper Of the Light And I Ingored The Fact That he's a Jungler With 1 out of those 3 bars That I never understood what they ment.
    Anyone Got any good Videos About Jungling In General Or Tips For Jungling with Kotl. (I'm aware his Illuminate Can push up A Creep wave alot And I want to not throw the game)

    Riguma Borusu

      You used to be able to farm stacks with illuminate a long time ago (before magic resist on creeps, and 2 minute spawn times). As it is now, just forget it, even if you stack it's better that your carry gets it anyway.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        The best advice is not hit creepwave with illuminate or just level up mana leak and roam. Or pick other hero. I always flame ppl who hit creepwave with illuminate.


          Sigh Ok then

          Johnny Rico

            To Win Stop With This, Ok.