General Discussion

General DiscussionAm i improving?

Am i improving? in General Discussion
_kuhaku_ i think i am, the only thing that was stoping my stomping was that pl radiance

    1-IceTea 🌟

      No you aren't,your TA is bad, it's not even close to 1K GPM go to learn 'how-to-1K-GPM-TA' first

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        your ranked winrate show you aren't improving


          You decide it your own, one pub game is not enough to decide
          But if you start to do that kind of performance consistently ON RANKED GAMES, then probably yes

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            @1iceTea link me up on that 1k gpm TA

            fear is the mind killer

              your build gave me cancer :(

              fear is the mind killer

                dont build phase if you are going for blink first, go PT. Then if you are stomping that hard make a fucking daedalus. If you need attack speed/tankiness don't go shitty moon shard/hot but just AC.

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                1-IceTea 🌟


                  Will I get ban from mods for posting this?

                  fear is the mind killer

                    ^ lmfao
                    OP just follow this match, its the legendary 1K GPM GOD GAME


                      Im afraid to even mention that
                      mods forgive me




                          Altho i whould like to disagree about the phase thing, its pretty good in the early stage with the blink... like blink in SS-1st-2nd then activate phase to secure the kill