General Discussion

General DiscussionSF mekansm in pub games

SF mekansm in pub games in General Discussion

    Is it even legit? i know when sf get it in 10 min - 12 min 90% first teamfight after get mekans will be win.
    But, in 4k who teamfighting in 10 min mark? they just farming and blame that time.
    Is it just work in pro scene?


      Meka sf=auto lose

      Freya 69

        Push until they defend; that's where the mek rush for mids come into play. And yeah, it is more for people willing to communicate and pick drafts and the like. Kind of boring doto though...


          It used to be a thing, Its a good item with a strong 5 man pushing team,
          but now I think its just better to get dlance


            Can't sustain mana cost well; raze mana cost too high to be realistically spammed while maintaining push unless you've got multiple Arc boots on your team or you have something like a KOTL.


              10min sf meka is aquila meka 8 min is legit
              then go SnY domi ac deda or skadi


                please kill me, i can't read this nonsense


                  Meka on SF in patch 7.00 LUL


                    Kill me now this is even worse than the midas on midas thread

                    30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                      Madness sf is the real deal


                        problem is that u lack mana
                        it used to be good when mek and razes mana cost were a lot lower
                        but if u have well coordinated 5stack, it can still be good

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                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Way out of meta style,can't believe people still using it.

                          *chock and try to kill 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩*

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                            its fine

                            people just tend to be brainless and overreact if somethings not done every game by sumail or arteezy anymore

                            metas sort of shifted away from it but it can still be fine and its not bad by any means. its just that u farm slower now because u cant jungle as fast and stackings harder and u cant be super liberal in spamming waves out in mid so its kinda hard to get it at the early timing u used to be able to get it on the DAC patch, manacosts also hurt him and stuff + sf was very reliant on the heros in the dac meta to push, ex sf/dazzle

                            but people saying this is straight garbage r idiots. dlance is generally better id say since it offers u somewhat similar capabilities in terms of early fighting although its obviously much weaker in that 10 minute stage, id say u dont really get to use mek as much as u need to to get value out of it, similar to why mek od isnt that great anymore.

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                            Riguma Borusu

                              I'm pretty sure mek rush on a mid is terrible unless you're playing at avg 5k+ and people underestand what you're doing and why

                              it's not once that a sf would get a mek, I'd tp mid to push and it'd be the two of us alone, even if we wait 30 seconds for others to come, and farm some woods in the meantime

                              people just don't get it, and if they don't get it, it's a bad idea

                              mek gets its value from five manning, and if you know you won't be able to do this then just don't

                              I'm about 100% positive you don't rush mek on any mid (even viper) in 4k because people still have trouble grasping the importance and idea behind it

                              I highly respect KR and I know he's a really good player, but the thing is, here he's giving advice that applies to MMR above 5k and doesn't do anything in the trench (<5k basically)

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                its not optimal for sure. id go dlance regardless of mmr because its just better, but mek is nowhere near as bad as ppl make it out to be

                                also a lot of these games are decided by the guy who can tp and turn ganks, if u can do that then it helps a lot. most of these games have multiple farming heros (sf+am isnt uncommon + one jungler) so its not always the worst idea to do this.

                                i think id probably just go shadowblade first item and try and run around and get kills and stuff because thats the easiest way to win these kinds of games from my experience.


                                  yes also make vlads to help ur other 4k trashes with the aura ggezloze

                                  They dont Care about us

                                    miracle do it alot but u need to understand when u need it when not
                                    coz he pick hero and pick items to fit in match and for his teammates as well , 2k , 3 k ppl buy shdow blade 1st :D mekanism for miracle level and dendi level ppl who understand what to buy and when :D


                                      get meka early stick as 4 , carry split/farm clear all tower and get high ground . Remember u get meka if u try to end the game fast

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^what he said is good,just don't u buy the meka and afu farm lane without group push!

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                                          Its effective drops really fast so unless you are a very pushing lineup dont buy it. With that money + abit of gold you can buy sb and move around the map killing people while farming. And with that money you make se or dlance. Then you teamfight and won. Get bkb get rosh get skadi get butter ez game.


                                            Like this game win a megacreep comeback.

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              one aspect that makes mek on sf mid actually better nowadays is that drow is really viable, and you can have drow TP mid at levl 6 so you take T1 and T2, pretty much uncontested (at around 8 minutes into the game). But even in that case you'd still prefer to five man and not go just sf+drow, and drow is likely to take a lot of towers anyways.


                                                It was never legit, unless you are miracle