General Discussion

General Discussiondoes midgame fighting naga (mid) REALLY not exist?

does midgame fighting naga (mid) REALLY not exist? in General Discussion

    I mean sshe has a serious power spike at like min 20 with aquila manta diffusal paired with her armor reduction, base illusions, the root spell and her amazing stat and armor gain.

    Basically you just ensnare and hit ppl with all manaburn illusions at once as you riptide, lul

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      Shadow blade naga the benao way

      M U R D E R

        Actually silver edge naga does seem interesting. Just not w/out manta diffusal lul.

        Feels like antimage just way sooner.

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          Yes it exists
          4 years ago

          M U R D E R

            Lul i completely trashed a game with this mid naga yesterday and rax at 23... so im bound to think this must be a somewhat legit strategy.

            But its too much snowball relient i suppose, i guess better just go radi and safely and surely farm that manta diffusal lul.

            Also it was normal skill game lul.

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            one syllable anglo-saxon

              fighting naga definitely exists
              it's called terrorblade

              Freya 69

                Battle Naga = Treads, SnY and then Diffusal, Heart.

                M U R D E R

                  Lul nope i trashed that game ONLY cause of the ensnare spell.

                  Battle naga heart noooooooooo.... abyssal come on.

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                  Freya 69

                    Her illusions will constantly do like 120% of her total damage combined at max level. Its less important to put damage on a battle Naga than it is for those illusions to survive to DO damage. Abyssal is nice, though, but spells will still obliterate illusions compared to a heart.

                    Edit: I should also mention that gem was a core item on a battle Naga pre 7.00, though. Soooo, maybe a little less sustain now...

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                    M U R D E R

                      A bit more than 120% if you take into account the mana burn and the manta illusions.

                      You can just slaughter most supports at that point (20ish min mark) so maybe should think twice about dropping his spells on the illus.

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                        one of my friend really like this naga build but it just don't work well since he need too many levels to be able to use his skills effectively and he die very early since he focused in team fights
                        i believe that Juggernaut/MK/ or even pa would work better with this item build

                        Freya 69

                          Yeah, but just the basic damage is 120% I believe. So like a 60 damage Naga with level 4 MI at 7 minutes and only brown boots has like 132 dps total with illusions. Which is pretty good for the minute mark honestly. It just relies on having that 120% damage bonus alive, which is where all that STR gain comes from with a battle Naga. Diffusal and Manta are definitely better here, but combined, they're aimed closer to late game if you take into account a Naga that is more focused on fighting than farming. Hence the need to snowball for this version over the survive everything version.

                          M U R D E R

                            I believe what you say The Rider, you need all spells maxed out if you want to solo kill cores.

                            Lategame still a beast as you spice your manta diffu up with additional abyssal butterfly and sth like octarine for 100%illus uptime or as you said heart, bloodthron, linkens/bkb

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                            M U R D E R

                              But i see the flaws in a sense that this build doesn't have a 100% success rate... radiance is much more reliable if you can farmit.


                                No there doesnt, look at her skillset

                                Freya 69

                                  Basically, yeah, stat items centered around a core Diffusal. If it has an Ult Orb in it, consider it. That and Butterfly/Heart.

                                  Aside from that, you could even throw in a utility Aghs to focus down that super farmed enemy core when they slap on their BKB. Good luck killing this version of Naga under those circumstances.

                                  Edit: Nvm. The big kahuna has spoken.

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                                  M U R D E R

                                    Yes yes her skillset is probably way too farming-efficient to pass up.

                                    But as proven by competitive dota, early active naga is also good (not this item build, also radiance) because of her amazing natural stats.

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                                      Its very shit vs luna and sven though. Why go fighting build when you can win late game. Pick tb if you want fighting naga. Pick am if you want rat naga

                                      M U R D E R

                                        Actually its even vs sven since you can solo kill him in early-midgame so easily once you purge his war cry. (Once he pops GS just ensnare and walk away,but he probably wont have any mana left to do that if he doeant pop it at the start of engagement)

                                        But ofc its a situational pick, i dont see the problem picking this early fighting naga against Anti-Mage+WK

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                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          how about just pick Phantom Lancer mid? basically the same tbh

                                          M U R D E R

                                            Yeah except he does lower damage and doesnt have a bkb-piercing root, smh


                                              Almost every thread on this forum is some ridiculous NS nonsense.

                                              How do you even come up with this nonsense?

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                eh.. there is a reason why so few or not even once i saw fighting naga . very high illusion cooldown and squishy in early mid game. i do not know if you want to rely damage on mirror image. and u ever see cast point in naga skill 2? and fighting means u fight since early to mid game i do not see bkb piercing root is that important if you play early mid aggresive build

                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                  ^you find the normal skill nonsense within you and nurture it

                                                  M U R D E R

                                                    Well i came up with this shit since i tried it and it was my greatest core naga stomp ever.

                                                    As i saod i can see the flaws.

                                                    But i picked it against omni (bkb piercing root) wk and am, naga was like the perfect pick.

                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                      The only issues i see would be if the enemy team has good wave clear. If theyre asking for a naga pick by having no way to deal with an illu-diffu army then give it to them, right deep into the rectum.

                                                      Freya 69

                                                        Its purely aesthetic imo. I don't like TB and I don't like AM, but I sorta like Naga. Am I the only person that picks draft based on vanity?

                                                        If you're going to play a utility Naga, just get shield and orb and you can zone pretty much anything in the game out of lane if they're solo, including junglers. This is ofc the ult/mek build to reset team fights. Also use to have gem as a core item, but since 7.00... Medallion is like m fav item on this kind of Naga. And Vlads too!

                                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                                          If u fail to wipe the enemy team with your diffusal blade u actually just lose the game

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            sry but Naga is dead. Ulli give gold, needs 2 much farm, jungle are shit and so on.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Naga had the misfortune of being the worst illusion-based hero in 6.88 so illusion nerfs hit her despite the hero already being really weak. Just don't play this hero until it gets major buffs.


                                                                I think the worst Illusion hero in 6.88 was PL mate. And he still is. If you want a fighting Naga you pick CK or TB. The problem with Naga in pubs you need impeccable last hitting and jungle stacking. Even with all this a rubbish Alch player will still get Radiance before you. The skill ceiling is too high for most players. And why go through all the effort?


                                                                  what if i told you diffusal blade illusions can farm ancient camps in 20 seconds (tested at aquila-treads-yasha-diffu time)?

                                                                  safely farm enemy ancients ez

                                                                  but yeah then again they give gold

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                                                                    Naga still kicking? move on