General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys I dare you.

Hey guys I dare you. in General Discussion
casual gamer

    why would people bother giving constructive useful advice when this is what, ur third thread whining about ur team?

    just a waste of actual thought that could to towards something worth a damn

    lo and behold, you insult everyone who does anything besides choke on your dick

    no point trying to help you when you have the worst possible attitude and react negatively to any kind of criticism

    ur item build is laughable too, so it's super funny. sny such a high impact drow item!

    casual gamer

      nothing to see here boys, just another delusional 4k fuckboy who thinks he's a god but picks awful throw hero/role combos and immediately pisses away whatever lead he somehow gets by buying completely useless items

      literally 0 fucking thought at all, probably pretty easy when ur brain dead i guess

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Dude, u shud not focus on team mistakes in game or out of game. If climbing is what u r after ur wasting ur time pointing out their mistakes. Im not suggesting anything specific cuz im not a high mmr player so im not as good at suggesting lines of play. But i can suggest lines of analysis, and u shud only analyze urself. Just dont bother with ur team.

        You know, Daddy. You may be a 2k player, but I got insight from what you said. Blaming teammates constantly is how tilting begins and you will end up in a bad mood. Do what you can, move on. I need to work on that.

        Merry x-mas.


          if you were any better you wouldn't be 4k nor charry picking games to prove some imaginary point

          the rest of us know how to play and can trash the 4k bracket like it's a pile of dirt


            The fact I've only made 2 threads and you're saying 3 already shows why you're retarded, I'm surprised how you're even capable enough to have a proper conversation with me, I insult only people that come up with retarded things, you're a perfect example here since 1 out 10 you make doesn't make sense and then the 9 other you make are supposed to be ''funny'' but nobody even laughs at them but only you.
            Nobody here is choking on my dick and if anyone here would be then it would be probably you. I never asked for help I asked to look at the match, that's 2 different things. Everyone has his own item build, I have mine, medallion is good and sny is good, if you don't like those items that's not my problem, there's 100 different items you can buy but you can only have 6 on your hero so you have to pick, you pick your items I pick my items if there's nothing else but your clueless comments and your memes that aren't funny then don't bother posting on my thread anymore because you're not worth my time.


              Im actually 700 mmr btw mocha. But i can appreciate how u value me :)


                The amount of pure retardation pouring out of u is actually making my eyes bleed. I cant even fathom how a human being can develop into a being this mentally handicapped

                casual gamer

                  if i wanted giant walls of autism from 4k shitlords id read reddit

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    please stop bullying benao
                    he's a gem of entertainment and should be appreciated and nurtured so he keeps creating threads

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      wait i said benao
                      whatever i'm not even sure they're not the same person anymore


                        what i just don't get is why can't you see you're wrong

                        everyone points it out, but you just keep making threads.

                        either you're on purpose trying to force a reaction out of us or i don't know.

                        there's seriously no way you're seriously in denial that hard

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          I'm far from wrong in this game.


                            Hello autism alert nation im ur host killer autism star. Lets get roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooight into the autism


                              ill try to give some feedback

                              u mess up the wave equilibrium, but you can still fix it by drawing creep aggro using the mid hero, which you didnt. cost you the lane

                              now the correct play here would be to postion yourself where my mouse is, weaver's next play would be to be close to the creeps so they will aggro him deep into the tower, you need to be ahead of the creeps to prevent or at least punish it

                              now that he got the creeps deep in his tower, but you should at least get some free hits off him with frost arrows (he has 1 tango)

                              potm already showed near venge 10sec ago, pugna is at top, but for some reason you play super scared and give waever another free wave despite him being at half health and you full

                              those are the main laning mistakes imo, if u played it properly weaver wud have been level 3 at most instead of level 7 and the early game might have went differently by you being able to pressure towers alot better

                              idk about medallion personally i think if ure ahead you shud go lance, if behind going mom seems like the better option but u got some kills with it so player preference i guess.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                could u perhaps do the same thing with one my games sometimes?

                                Visita Hari Danta


                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    If I did everything as you said and suggested would that have made a very big difference or not? Apart from maybe taking out their t1 bot tower and their weaver being a couple levels lowers and being less farmed? Most of the action was happening top and mid, that's where the feeding was almost nothing happend bot, we maybe killed him 1 time I think but most part venge was top/mid and was feeding there aswell. Medallion is a fun item IMO, when you hit level 6 and you have a medallion I'm pretty sure you can take almost anyone out the game, I used to buy masks on drow ranger but then once I saw I think the carry of Na'vi play Drow Ranger without lifesteal so I tried it out and kinda though that getting lifesteal on drow isn't really necessary so I just skip getting helm/mask. Apart from that thanks for your feedback, will work on more on the laning stage.




                                        idk its hard to say, say if u was able to pressure bot harder, they might have had to send one of their supports bottom, potm might need to come help out, then mid and top have an easier time etc etc and maybe the game would play out differently, its hard to predict the impact with the butterfly effect lol
                                        also there are definitely games where maxing frost pays off more than aura, but in this case since you are against a weaver and you have a dual top ( i think? didnt really notice but im guessing thats what visage pa did) and invoker mid aura would have paid off more.
                                        @alenari idm but ild prefer it to be stuff that i play

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          u play luna right?


                                            Lol 2 people now said you shoulda built aura.

                                            casual gamer

                                              wait he maxed frost arrows agaisnt weaver


                                                U gotta slow him thru shukuchi. IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE IM A 6K PLAYER. Im 12 btw haHaa


                                                  your playstyle is shit man

                                                  no one cares what items you like if ur not building stuff that is actually viable and efficient fuck you

                                                  how is solar crest sny more viable that what she typically builds

                                                  god 4k must be shitcan


                                                    Look at the items in this game and tell me your eyes are not bleeding


                                                      blademail arcanes invoker *HEAVY BREATHING*

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        brood knows greater maim and lesser maim stack #knowledge

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          this jdf8 is a huge cuck

                                                          who are you to tell us the brood item is bad? it is his PREFERENCE AND WHAT ITEMS HE LIKE, IF YOU DONT LIKE HIS ITEM BUILD PLS FUCK OFF.


                                                            sny is good, sange is good, if you combine them you get a VERY POTENT SLOW THAT COMBINES WITH YOUR PASSIVE (not UAM)

                                                            pls learn dota 2


                                                              This guy looks for self-gratification and the instant anyone gives even the slightest hint of sympathizing with him he head bloats and his epeen hardens.

                                                              Stop looking for matches wherein you performed well, you are presenting a sample size of one which is basically a guy doing a "survey", asks one guy about one thing, then draws conclusions and recommendations about what that one guy said, and say your survey is "legit".


                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                @trust is a beautiful thing
                                                                sanpai you are so kind,please add me friend.

                                                                He said 7K are just monkey and will feed once they go to lane before,he is much more then 7K



                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    ^So when can we know is a mommy boy,daddy boy,mommy girl or a daddy girl?


                                                                      the gender, after 18-20 weeks
                                                                      baby born probably during or after september

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        ^omg,congrats it's a starting of another Chapter of your wonderful life journey,enjoy it!

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          but will the baby get VHS


                                                                            Be sure to feed the baby with lots of killed heroes xD


                                                                              Its name is going to be skitskur right? Or what about rylai?


                                                                                Also guys dont forget abt the phase + heart clockwerk


                                                                                  @trust is a beautiful thing, I always go 4-4-1-2 at level 11, I have most chance to kill someone then and it's good for teamfights the 6 second silence, imagine this I'm against a weaver with maxed aura and only 3 sec silence, i hit him once silence him then start hitting him he runs away with like 20% hp. Now imagine if I had 1 point in aura and I had maxed silence then I start hitting him, then silence him and I end up killing him because of the longer silence duration, I have never been a fan of maxing aura because there's plenty times that you would've killed someone if you've maxed silence instead.

                                                                                  And also for the braindeads saying ''why u max frost arrows against the weaver when he can just use his ability'' then u are just retarded, no shit I'm not gonna kill him when he uses his ability? That's why I silence him? hellloooooooooooooo ???? don't get it either people have no knowledge about this game whatsoever or are complete braindead and just chat random shit trying to be funn. If I silence him he can't use his ability and then use max frost arrows on him and he's guaranteed dead? But no man!!!!! It's wrong build !!!! max aura !!!! braindead retards lmfao.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    I stopped playing long time ago and never had high mrr so my advice may be irrelevant.
                                                                                    Just wanted to say that you should relax a bit, and remember that it's a game that you play for fun in the first place, once you focus on that (fun), you can look beyond your own and teammates mistakes/attitudes and try to improve.


                                                                                      I'm very relaxed when it comes to playing Dota2 but when I see people say very stupid things that don't make sense then I'm calling them out on it, I only look at my teammates after the game ends and scoreboard rolls in that we got destroyed because of people feeding, before that while the game is still going I don't flame or say anything else to my team because there's still a chance to comeback and win but when I lose because 4 people were useless and fed at end of the game I'll just say they're so bad they're uncarryable.


                                                                                        Yeah but you are most likely not playing with 8k proffesional TI players. Just some random guys in solo-q pubs with a different vision of the game who might not be concerned with making optimal decisions.

                                                                                        Theoretically, your teammates (on average) are just as good/bad as you are, and calling them useless doesn't increase your chances of winning. IMO if you're focusing on your teammates mistakes, you're probably not thinking as much about your own impact and therefore not maximizing your own input.


                                                                                          Theoretically, your teammates (on average) are just as good/bad as you are, well if I'm looking at my 6.7k luna, 6.3k ogre and 5.5k underlord then I'm not sure how they could be on my skill level because that was just an absolute disaster.

                                                                                          ''And calling them useless doesn't increase your chances of winning. IMO if you're focusing on your teammates mistakes, you're probably not thinking as much about your own impact and therefore not maximizing your own input.''

                                                                                          That's why I've said I only say something about them when the game ends and score board rolls in that we lost, I'm not gonna say things to them because that's only gonna make them play worse, I think about my self through out the game but once we lost I look at others.

                                                                                          I basically answered everything you've said.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            Well, then I'm not sure what you're looking for

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              he's looking for a quality epeen stroking, if u can't give him a good stroke then pls stop wasting his time ty


                                                                                                I'm looking for less retards in my team.

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  because you are 4k

                                                                                                  clueless clown

                                                                                                    I agree with daddy


                                                                                                      Ofc you would agree, you're a normal skill just like him but he's 700 MMR, what's your mmr though? you normal skill brothers always help eachother out I understand.