General Discussion

General Discussiondota 7.00 always fight literally everytime?

dota 7.00 always fight literally everytime? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    idk with this so much visibility on the map , jungle creep respawn every 2 minute, dota is not that intense and scary anymore

    like literally fight and fight every second

    is it only me that feel that way or...???


      only if you wanna feed like an idiot

      2k indog monkey


        meteor hammer

          a lot of heroes you can just force them to chase you around the big ass map all game and have 800-1000 xpm


            yea pretty much, this patch you have to be able to take fights if you lose fighs you lose map space and map space is really important this patch, if you get choked with no map vision and shit and forced to farm a small area its so hard to come back with half the jungle camps while enemy team is enjoying the super big map and quad bounty runes with free shrine regen


              you can check all the low tempo cores have suffered winrate decreases


                whats a low tempo core


                  you need to have strong laners cos offlane's duo offensive potential is super buffed, offlane has way closer shrine access compared to safe lane and having 2 heroes is helpful when there are more runes to take on both sides
                  trying to establish tempo instead from mid game ganks isnt as strong cos the two shrines make counter ganks way stonger and if you take fights near their shrine its a 100% lost fight


                    meepo alch am morph sven, offlane timber etc

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                      the idea that u have to fight this patch is really not true


                        not always but farming just feels worse this patch compared to previous imo