General Discussion

General DiscussionThe hud is too small make my eyes been hurt much

The hud is too small make my eyes been hurt much in General Discussion

    Will stop for dota cause feels like playing a cellphone moba game gg


      the only thing that really matters is the minimap. and u can adjust the size so it's okay.


        but i have been forgetting to skill shit for some reason because of the new HUD


          Same here feelSck, everytime I forgetting to skill up gg
          New to explore more to begins to this dota3 moba game


            literally unplayable


              Yea 7k tard. it really is unplayable. i skilled my first talent at level 15 apparently lul


                i felt sick actually

                MEXICAN JESUS

                  Bad man I don't think the HUD is affecting you. I think you're just trash at the game and have to complain about something that's actually not that bad.


                    ^dafuq are you on about. im actually thinking about getting a big ass monitor now.


                      jamal u retard myb u never dota1