General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do people feel like mk should be built

How do people feel like mk should be built in General Discussion

    In my opinion you should go 1-1-4 because +200 damage before 10 min is crazy and his q only scales in stun length, the crit is the same on all levels. and one level in the tree jump is plenty for getting away and hiding early on.


      i like to go for 1-4-1 because the spring is the best ability early on and you dont have good attack speed early on to make use of the jingu mastery

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        also the ult doesnt make use of the passive


          i think it depends if you're laning against a mele hero more points in his passive is better because it allows you to force them out of the lane with better trade and more sustain, and if you have another hero for setup then it shouldnt be too hard to get in four attacks and then you get massive damage from your q because the crit works with his passive. if you lane against a ranged hero and you dont have any setup then I can see not going for your passive.


            As a support i think 4-1-1 against really mobile heroes or a 1-4-1. But as a core i think 1-1-4 is the build cuz u can just shrek anyone in ur lane.