General Discussion

General DiscussionThe harsh truth about the 7.00 update.

The harsh truth about the 7.00 update. in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Valve's recent decision to fast-track Dota's tried and true patch evolution brings with it a grim realization.

    They're trying to rush this game out.

    This is also why they decided to have the Majors. Three major tournaments in a year, as opposed to when TI felt almost religiously iconic and quintessential.

    Dota 2 is almost 6 years old. Valve knows that none of their games have kept rising in both viewership and interest for much more. TI 7 or 8 might be the first time ever for the prize pool to either stagnate or even decrease.

    Unless they plan to release multiple new heroes simultaneously (which would be hard to do cos balance), pulling off a stunt like this is their only way to really shake things up on what they feel is the "final" years of the game.

    "Your battle to defend the ancient will never be the same." - yea right. They're gonna change so much just to justify the 6.88-7.00 move, Dota would feel like a different game.

    I'm all for the longevity of Dota, as I've been playing this game for 10 years, half my life. I just don't like what Valve is doing currently.


      we haven't even seen whats gonna come this update the battle to defend the ancient makes me wonder whats gonna happen. maybe some big map change and more changes to mechanics of the game. I really don't know what to predict but the longetivity of dota should not be harmed. that's all I want too.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        Sorry, but DotA isn't dying as of now.


          LIVE LONG DOTA


            I don't think we're at the final years of the game quite yet. However, I do feel like the prize pool will, like you said, stagnate or decrease.



              Putins Price Hike

                yeah dota and counter strike sure will die. i mean those games have been out over a decade. im sure now when they have the most people playing it. 13 million in the last month. im sure its dying, kid


                  This game won't die till there's a better alternative

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                      Dota is not like other games. People like me that have been playing it for 14 years know for sure this shit won't die and cannot be compared to lame ones like minecraft. As such, it won't develop like it and you can see it already, it's growing. Now, it will stagnate but it won't decline, the reason for stagnating is from reaching the maximum possible players available out there, you know, since others play other shit, casuals and so on. A determined amount of people will game, like with sports and dota like football will live on because yes, dota is the greatest game out there.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Dota 2 is Good Game, and will have non other game will be so good.
                        Hope it won't kill it self like how once World of Warcraft the super great game kill it self patch by patch

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          And if this is big change - they sure will be some that can't adapte it and quit Dota, I am 3.3k player for so long recently I have try hard and play hard to grind until now 4.5K I was trying out hard and the Machanic change after Dota 7.00.
                          is it time for me to quit Dota?


                            As long as there r new memes, dota will survive


                              Isn't this kind of post exactly what people were posting back when WC3 Dota was beggining its transition to Dota2 and then again when the latter became Dota 2 Reborn?

                              And look where we are now. Lol, kids this days.


                                Esports aren't the same as other computer games. The ecosystem surrounding them is orders of magnitude greater and there are too many vested interests and personalities for that to happen.

                                Of course other games can come along and take its crown but there isn't any evidence of that. It isn't just going to disappear.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  He's being over dramatic, people don't like change (too much at once anyways) it scares them, so it's common practice that they look toward the negative. You should be excited that they're skipping a patch, that means it's gonna be huge, probably the biggest in a long time. If you still think the game is dying even after playing the patch, then that's fine. Dota hasn't peaked yet, it's probably just passed it's mid point.

                                  Also, your " This is why they decided to have 3 Majors " argument is shit.

                                  They could have just done it because the game is booming, and they saw an opportunity to give the masses more of what they wanted, and still make a few extra million dollars, ever thought of that?

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    Dota still have a big future, i would compare this game with counter-strike , we know that game cant die, community about those games are too strong also valve do a good job, we all would move after need on maybe dota 3 one day but thats like very far away i guess, but community stay, anyway dota is complex game as not any other,we love dota we live dota, players who meet this game would always love it,in many ways as the "game" just with friends (real life) or tryhard whatever you are, dreaming about pro gaming, im low mmr player, but i understand game very well, i know its nothing about luck, i know this game have still such a big future.


                                      this game has a big future pls no more "leaving dota comments" pls

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        Thanks Yorkey I will try my best again Dota will be a GG as it always be I should have faith


                                          dota is alive and getting more and more popular for over 10 years now.
                                          counter strike is well alive and has been so for nearly 15 years

                                          they're just taking e sports seriously like LoL kinda does since its debut


                                            Maybe this patch they will balance dire vs radiant kappa


                                              fucking esports. fuck dendi.


                                                Dotes has changed too much it's not fun as it was before, which is the main issue. I played like 5k hrs, I gonna play something else while they sort it out, If they don't, I'm not coming back.


                                                  Nice necropost cun.t.

                                                  basement :)

                                                    Dota will literally never die. As long as it is owned by Valve, they can wave it all over Steam.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      didn't i saw this copypasta already as 7.0 came?


                                                        Ppl always was dota is dead but it have been around for around 15 years. I believe if they keep introducing new hero this game wont die.


                                                          If they keep shuffling the meta the game won't die

                                                          Malcolm Reynolds

                                                            @Maddog 5k hours and 1.7k mmr, SeemsGood


                                                              kokosnød SeemsGood


                                                                5k hours 1.7k MMR SeemsGood

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                                    lol i have 5k hours and im 6k

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      hit 6k and retire from solo ranked :thinking: