General Discussion

General Discussionremake

remake in General Discussion

    rofl i give up actually xDDDD

    i cant think of a way for a perfectly mechanical timber to beat an equally perfect drow

    the only way i can think of for the timber to beat the drow is if he gets level 3 first than the drow and he has the deny advantage, this way he'll be able to heal from drow right clicks and safely get cs with just 1 set of tangoes; in short if the timber is better

    but thats another contradiction since the drow is perfect as well rofl

    it really is a simple question made REALLY complicated by me


      it's not simple. 1v1 situations like that are stupid anyway. high mobilty heroes like storm rek those situations simply because you cannot catch them alone, (and even than asuming he plays perfect you woulnd't be able to stun him anyway)


        1. they give up

        2. i think i will go to mid because it's close to my base,and my friends will be close to me t2 mid is also pretty hard to gank in my opinion it's pretty flexible also that you can choose to jungle at ancients&hard&go to offlane or the normal jungle side (if its not pushed,i will just pick any lane that is pushed by creeps or closest to creeps but i think i will avoid safelane)

        3. mid pugna,got bottle-travels-windlace-aghs at min 13 really destroyed that mid od,makes enemy lion and other 1 more int supp afraid of casting spells because of my nether ward (i also killed them like 2 times already) their offlaner axe get ganked easily when he's trying to farm at jungle or harassing my safelane,and when he got dagger,called someone i just decri him and blast-drain him my ms is really really fast too so i can position myself far from danger

        4. as an antimage,i will try to farm that manta as fast as possible,pugna didn't really kill me at all since i got blink and spell resistance (although my supports and t1 tower got killed by him) so i still got some space to farm(maybe bf almost done,or probably skipped bf? and go vg-manta? never really played this hero)i will tell od to buy bkb asap and supports to get some glimmer capes-axe to get pipe and tell them try not to die and just def,until i farmed my item and manavoid all pugna's mana

        5. my pugna game's really perfect,but that antimage is going to ruin my life if i don't use this networth advantage
        i will try to farm hex while pushing their towers and get more kills from his friends, if i saw antimage farm at my safelane(or their offlane) i will try to travel there and try to disturb his farm for a bit if me and my team not pushing,my autoattacks are good enough to make him go back
        if he's already/almost got manta when i only got mystic staff or ultimate orb,i will drop my hex for a bit and get ghost scepter,then make hex again,i'll also try to be really really far from fights so that if i got manavoid-ed i will not damage my teammates
        basically i will just try to push and end the game fast though


          1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

          failing to execute their draft better than the enemy team's draft (assuming equal chance of winning and not a 'checkmate' kind of draft)
          2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
          which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
          *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

          i like JD's answer the most. it really depends on the game, the heroes in the game, and the lane equilibrium. could they be roshing after winning a fight? i'd go and push the lane further away. are they winning? they are probably taking over your jungle. so i'd goto their safelane. do they have heroes that are realy good gankers (anti split push)? then i'd probably turtle in base if they are really far ahead. if this is the case i'd probably use a scan to try my luck and see where they are and see where i can go. it also depends what hero i have and if i have wave clear ability or high mobility. id probably wont show in lane at all if they have spiritbreaker and i dont have much mobility. mid and safelane probably not very safe if they are all missing. but then again it really depends how the game is going. if for some reason they have been hanging out around your ancients a lot, because they have more control over that area, then go safelane.

          3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say
          ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

          no hero can have a perfect game without his team. you can have a perfect game by outplaying everyone sure, so that picks don't matter. but u would have to assume the skill level is different. or else pick the most OP meta shit that can do everything by himself (like mid heroes during the leshrac OP meta).
          for example if i pick anti mage and i want a perfect game. i'd obviously want a trilane to secure me farm right from level 1. and then pull hard camp/deny offlaner xp, get a level advantage, then get supports to FO so i can solo the offlaner by controlling lane equilibrium myself.

          if i can't rely on my team, then i'd have to outplay my opponents massively? again this all depends on the draft and the meta. but just for the sake of this question. trilane AM against a melee solo offlaner would be ideal. if they don't have very good early push. you farm efficiently, get at least one kill on the offlaner with your supports, or else just burn all his mana and get a 12 min bf. hopefully your shitting on the offlaner by now and he cant contest you. then your supports go elsewhere to create pressure and you take the tier 1 and start farming jungle. try to take all outer towers and get ur manta before 20 mins. by then you should be pressuring tier 2 and anyone who rotates to stop you should create a favourable position for you team (splitting them up) and you should be strong enough to kill whoever rotates (unelss they rotate every1, which is still favourable because you just blink out and force them to waste time chasing you). by 25 mins you've won the game because the enemy has no early death ball and you've outfarmed the enemy by taking all their outer towers and starving their team of farm/xp. basically make every engagement ur team takes as a 4 v 5 more map control for your team, making every next engagement harder for the enemy (They would have to decide how to split up their resources. do they keep fighting you? or do they defend? the more they fight the mroe they lose map control the harder it is for them to keep taking fights and to stay farmed). you could always tp back to help your team chase the stragglers if someone rotates to defend the lane u push. the perfect game is always you getting the favourable trade by forcing enemy to make decisions to trade-off their towers. In the pub environment, this chaos should create favourable conditions for your team.

          4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

          if possible i'd get a more aggressive offlane to start to delay his battlefury timing, and a hero with good teamfight in the mid game to starve AM out, and can consistently win fights when AM is still useless. or if i can only chose one hero. mayb i'll pick drow and take all their tier ones at 15 min so AM has less space to farm. and try to end the game before he even has manta. just build lance and start 5 manning. of course this means u need team coordination. if your team won't listen to u. i would just keep pressuring AM with gust before he has manta. should be an EZ kill with + 1 friendly hero. even if you don't get the kill delaying his bf should win you the game easily. asuming AM is smart and he just goes and farm somewhere else and u cant stop his farm, maybe only delay it by 4 mins for example, then i would take fights constantly. of course whether this is possible depends on your team's composition. but i would just get rosh after we have all their T2s down, take over their jungle and force AM to take our safelane towers. our team should be winning all fights by now and completely out farmed the enemy. take rax while he tries to take our tier 3 alone with no dmg.

          of course this all depends on how well we do as 5 vs their 4. if we struggle against their 4 heroes then AM has won the game because he will always get the favourable trade. hence we need to crush all lanes + the early game. if we try to end early, but they have some cancerous heroes that make it hard to end early, then game is hard all of a sudden and AM has more time to catch up. but ideally even then you should have heroes that are aggressive enough to burst their team down 5 v 4. there's no 'perfect' solution in dota. either one strat works better through better execution, or u lost. perhaps they have good HG defence and your team has no sustain, then you need to quickly dive and burst. if you can't do that, you lost. perhaps you can starve them out by keeping them in base, then you'd need a hero that can deal with AM's split push solo. if that's not possible, you lost. you'd need a lineup that can push faster as 5 vs the 4 heroes defending + AM's pushing capabilities alone, or you lost. there are multiple solutions to counter one strategy and execution matters.

          5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X

          accept that i won't get a super early battle fury. rotate into the jungle earlier. i will fight a little be earlier to catch them off-guard. of course the success of this counter strat depends on how well you help your team by choosing tofight earlier instead of farming. there isn't a clear solution here. but there's nothing like surprise butt sex mana void to help ur team win a teamfight early game rather than try to scrap the crumbs off the floor for farm. if you or your team delay their push by 4 mins, you can offset your delayed item timing as well. still try to take favourable trades as much as you can to delay the HG. go to their safelane more when they are invading your jungle. farm their jungle. if they still keep steamrolling, just keep pushing the tier 3. assuming u do it slower than the enemy (because you missed your timing), just fight 5v5. and successfully defend HG, and force teh enemy to defend their tier 3 that's pushing in. then you farm your own jungle + any heroes that haven't backed fast enough

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            sry for wall of text

            Margaret Thatcher Gaming

              I've gotten my picks, but for those interested in answering themselves the questions, they're quite simple but they can become really complicated if you make them;
              1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

              Killing the ancient. I think the #1 reason is game awareness and map awareness in the first 10-15 minutes when really all the ultimates are up and lanes are still being consistently farmed. Those first kills should translate into objectives which should translate into a net worth lead which should translate into victory.

              2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
              which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
              *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

              I think this really depends on -
              - where I last saw the enemy
              - My overall level of vision of the map. I.E., if my jungle is warded and I last saw a hero or two next to the opposing bottom tower I can probably safely go to my jungle.
              - How pushed in or pushed out the lanes are.
              3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

              Sven (I have a 58% win rate with him and feel pretty good with farming patterns).
              Has a relatively easy lane (i.e., is offlaning against someone who really doesn't pose a huge threat and is able to get 90CS by minute 10 and has a support stacking jungle)
              Does his own stacking of ancient creeps with HOD purchase
              At minute 12-13 goes and kills a 4 stack of ancient
              Likely has 18 minute timing of PT, echo saber, , HOD blink and is maybe 120 seconds from Crystlisas

              4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

              Bane - Sven is difficult to truly counter in lane because of his cleave and he can go to jungle and still get his CS (even in a highly contested lane sven should get 70 CS by minute 11-12). I suppose if I want to contest his lane I might pick a silencer, nec, or maybe an ursa. Bane is more the longer-term counter ecause of his hard disable through BKB.
              I would actively look to contest his ancient stacking as early as possible. This could require a smoke to successfully get over there. I would want my team to push a tower or two early while he was farming just to create pressure on the board and to reduce his overall space on the map.
              If I can reduce space on the map, contest his ancient farm and knock down a tower or two it is possible we will knock his item timing down by 5-6 minutes.

              5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X
              try not to contradict yourselves

              I think that for Sven to be successful in this scenario that my team needs to be coordinated to give space for at least 20-22 minutes.
              I think that the supports need to be aware of the ancients and to de-ward ASAp once they realize it's blocked.
              I think the supports need to work on a few stacks of their own in the first 10 minutes to make sure Sven can get a CS advantage.

              Long-term term, the goal with sven would be to jump on the bane first and kill him prior to ulti. I think if the enemy support is at all aware then he should always position himself such that it would be nearly impossible to do that.


                see, incomplete answers: question 2, you didn't pick a lane you just gave reasons on why would you pick a lane.

                question 3, incomplete: you only said up to 20sh minutes, the rest of the game no where to be found?
                no mentions of pushes or anything, for all you know that game could end at 2 hours because you never pushed.

                4. is incomplete same way with 3, no timings on when to push/end game.

                5. you pretty much broke down, you didn't answer any of the things you mentioned you countered in question 4, you just assumed that your team will fix your mistakes. aka incomplete answer, realistically no answer at all

                Margaret Thatcher Gaming

                  Let me work on that and re-post. These are good questions that honestly I haven't thought in depth about.

                  Margaret Thatcher Gaming

                    I've gotten my picks, but for those interested in answering themselves the questions, they're quite simple but they can become really complicated if you make them;

                    1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

                    Killing the ancient. I think the #1 reason is game awareness and map awareness in the first 10-15 minutes when really all the ultimates are up and lanes are still being consistently farmed. Those first kills should translate into objectives which should translate into a net worth lead which should translate into victory.

                    2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.

                    which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)

                    *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                    I think this really depends on -
                    - where I last saw the enemy
                    - My overall level of vision of the map. I.E., if my jungle is warded and I last saw a hero or two next to the opposing bottom tower I can probably safely go to my jungle.
                    - How pushed in or pushed out the lanes are.

                    I pick the lane that is pushed closest to my tower which will provide me with vision, quicker farm, and a TP point for teammates to come help in the event of a gank.

                    3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

                    Sven (I have a 58% win rate with him and feel pretty good with farming patterns).
                    -Has a relatively easy lane (i.e., is offlaning against someone who really doesn't pose a huge threat and is able to get 90CS by minute 10 and has a support stacking jungle)
                    -Does his own stacking of ancient creeps with HOD purchase
                    -At minute 12-13 goes and kills a 4 stack of ancient
                    -Likely has 18 minute timing of PT, echo saber, , HOD blink and is maybe 120 seconds from Crystlisas
                    Depending on enemy stuns/disables/debuffs I may go either BKB or daedulus. Against a bane I probably go for daedulus
                    Once I have my crystalis (in a perfect world I have it at minute 20) I am deadly and ready to kill anyone on the map with a blink/ulti/crit proc initiation. In theory I have supports who are capable enough to understand this. At that point I want a fight so I can create a numbers advantage and directly push objectives. My most successful games with sven entail killing one or two of them and immediately pushing into the tower(s) depending on the ones who I killed. If I am successful in this I can easily push rax with just a couple of ultis.
                    - I should continue farming while trying to find kills. I.E., if I invade enemy jungle for a kill I should clear camps if I don't find one.
                    - Itemization against a bane might include a bloodthorne to silence due to his ulti being so impactful on what sven is trying to accomplish.

                    4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3
                    Bane -

                    -Sven is difficult to truly counter in lane because of his cleave and he can go to jungle and still get his CS (even in a highly contested lane sven should get 70 CS by minute 11-12). I suppose if I want to contest his lane I might pick a silencer, nec, or maybe an ursa. Bane is more the longer-term counter because of his hard disable through BKB.
                    -I would actively look to contest his ancient stacking as early as possible. This could require a smoke to successfully get over there. I would want my team to push a tower or two early while he was farming just to create pressure on the board and to reduce his overall space on the map.
                    -If I can reduce space on the map, contest his ancient farm and knock down a tower or two it is possible we will knock his item timing down by 5-6 minutes.
                    - I likely itemize to increase spell cast range and keep sven away from me with an aether's.
                    - I am probably at least partly responsible for wards. Keeping in mind that sven should be pushing/ganking/killing by minute 22/23 my wards should be more defensive in nature (again, depending on map control I guess)
                    - It is possible that I go for a bkb after aether's to render myself immune to sven's and other stuns that break my disable.

                    5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X
                    try not to contradict yourselves

                    -I think that for Sven to be successful in this scenario that my team needs to be coordinated to give space for at least 20-22 minutes. I think it's reasonable for your teammates to have the same general game sense.
                    - I think that the supports need to be aware of the ancients and to de-ward ASAp once they realize it's blocked and/or create more space around the ancients. If needs be sven can do it but I'd rather he save for items.
                    - I think the supports need to work on a few stacks of their own in the first 10 minutes to make sure Sven can get a CS advantage. In addition sven can pull the hard camps and stack them and clear once he has his ulti. A lot of this depends on the creeps in the safe lane. If the offlaner disappears I should push my lane as hard as I can, and then retreat to the hard camp.
                    - Long-term term, the goal with sven would be to jump on the bane first and kill him prior to ulti. I think if the enemy support is at all aware then he should always position himself such that it would be nearly impossible to do that. Sven should probably seek to do this prior to minute 30/35 when 5 manning becomes just part of the game.
                    - utiliziation of smokes to get into the proper positioning to kill bane first. Maybe a back initiation where I wrap around. If I know where the enemy carry is I probably know where bane is (behind the carry).


                      1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)
                      biggest reason is team comunication(your team can be net worth lower but PMA and understanding and agreement in team is biggest reason for win ,but not sure if its same on every bracket)

                      2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                      which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                      *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)
                      even if i have t1 alive i dont tp i just move forward hero and if i see something is going on on some lane or its not happening nothing(if their cores are on other side farming) then i tp so i can know its safe usually safest lane from radiant for me is bot .Rarely go to jungle after respawn (only when i cant go any lane)

                      3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)
                      I would pick Tinker after i would get my travels i would insta go to mine safe lane ask more people to come and push cause i have lvl 4 march at 10 min which does a shit ton of dmg and if a fight is made if i put 2 march in fight someone gona die if no we gona just take the tower

                      4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3
                      The counter for tinker is imo (Void clock spirit b tusk) i would choose clock.
                      The tinker comes lane call hia friends to push tower .i would call mine too and the battle would start.The fight starts and i try to do my best to position myself best posible to hookshot tinker (best situation when he rearming) and stop him from doing dmg and panic him and if posible kill him ..later is easier when i get blademail.
                      5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X
                      Prettt easy,i would buy fucking a force staff (+eul in some scenarios good too) if he catch me ,but my position in game would be same would just be alot more careful with him (and would blink in trees rarely tinkers do cause i got 500 tinkers and i know lot of tricks)


                        1. Its easy to think that youre better than anyone at your mmr when you have around 50%win rate. But what really lose us most of the game is trust, trust is very important because if youre playing support, you must trust youre carry to be big and strong. Thats the reason why low mmr people dont play support because they think they are better than anyone. For example, i have played with baumi(the youtuber guy which have a lot of hater) and i trust him as a carry so i pick support to support him.
                        2. Lets say im playing lifestealer which is very popular as a midgame carry. So around that time i should be building toward a deso. I would be farming the lane which allow my pos2 carry farming the jungle. But ill check the roshan pit 1st with my team or with some ability like sunstrike. Around 22-24min i should finish my desolator and infest+smoke gank with my team to get a kill. If we got a kill which is most likely because i would be 4 shotting enemy supp. Then either this would broke into teamfight or they just going to let us get our roshan which i would take the aegis. Then we all proceed to take a fight at the highground. The game should be over for a aggresive lineup with lifestealer, or if we fail the highground we should be taking map control and choke their farming abilities. We w8 for the next roshan and rinse and repeat. That is what will happen when we got the aggressive lineup. If enemy team is very aggresive like ursa then we should w8 for late game. Stay at t3 w8 for enemy aegis to run out and try to smoke gank at the same time.
                        3. Im going to choose my best hero so far, alchemist. I would get a perfect lane at around 20 ping in my internet. Get a 10min rad skipping armlet. Then im going to farm the jungle as soon as enemy mid t1 falls. If enemy keep defending their t1 mid in going to jungle and farm up and play split pushing game. At best around 25min i should have either bot rad manta octa or bot rad manta agh. Then we all push t2 if our team is stronger. Then we take rosh and give the aegis to pos1 carry and i would have my shiva/ac finished and push highground and end the game. Of course this wasnt the perfect scenario for rad alch. The perfect game would be at around 13 min i should have armlet and rad and fight push all t1. Then we w8 for my manta and fight again. We should be winning every fight now and take aegis and push highground if we got a midgame line up. If we have a lategame lineup then our pos1 carry should be in our jungle and me at enemy jungle choking them to almost no farm. But we should be selfless and buy the ward and giving them to our supp.
                        4. Lets just pick the most famous counter to alch, timbersaw. I would go for the 2-0-3-1 and the reason behind that is i could be diving the tower killing him again and again. Then when hes missing i would be bringing 1 support and ganking the jungle where alch should be. Then we just shut down alch to trash.
                        5. This is very easy to say but very hard to do. I would have support stacking my jungle and i would do the best not to die. I would pull the creepwave to the t2 mid and farm there. Then when I hit 6 i would be farming the jungle. Yes,i know that timber is going to go into my jungle. I would be calling is offlane 2 supp to try killing timber+ the support. Then he should be dead. With that time given i would be farming all of the stack. Then with that time we should be getting our 15min rad+armlet. With that we should be building toward manta. Why manta, manta is good for split pushing and def you tower vs timber. Then i would be building bot and stall the game as long as i could to get a good 6 slot alch by 35-40 min and start getting rosh and pushing highground. So the point is getting farm without dieing instantly to timber.
                        So cookie you have take your pick?


                          Notice me senpai cookie xd see my essay that i make for u, prof.


                            professor cooky will be grading your assignments. everyone in normal skill automatically gets an F ;C


                              SEATARD.Jacked my school assignment used to be U (ungraded). Lets just see my journey to vhs