Cuz he works well as a draft option. Like Mirana if u need he can support but he can also carry or even potentially dual offlane. He is so versatile, benefits from the new linkens cost reduction, enjoys diffusal, is a snowbally hero, and can stay relatively active in the early game like a jugg or drow or slark.
Wtf? What does his aghs do? I never use it, so many better item choices.
And Weaver is a cheese hero. If you want higher odds of winning, you pick Weaver.
He has great mobility, snowball, useful from early - late game, push, armor piercing.
Amazing hero overall.
people just realised how the hero just "isn't" dumpster tier anymore, even though nothing was buffed. seemsgood
Aghs turns weaver into a much more versatile pick, able to play carry or aggressive support. A pos 4 kinda support.
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Used to be dumpster tier, now in every competitive game?