General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel like cloak/hood should build into some carrry item

I feel like cloak/hood should build into some carrry item in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    As of (relatively) recent, damage block is viable on carries through abyssal blade. There's assault cuirass which low armor carries can build, and there's satanic/heart/skadi/whatever for those who want raw HP. But there's not a single item that builds from cloak/hood that a carry would like to buy. Meanwhile, all those concepts (armor/raw hp/damage block/even lifesteal) have both carry and support variants to at least some degree.

    So if there was a carry cloak/hood based item, how do you imagine it would look like? Something hybrid and weird like abyssal blade, or straightforward like AC?


      I build hood on some carries if the enemy team has lots of magic dmg to survive early fights. I wish such item was there and it should give decent stats and not too much dmg (around 24 dmg like bkb would do).

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      Riguma Borusu

        yeah but you do not want to keep it when six slotted, while AC ad abyssal are obvious 6 slot choices on some carries, plus, instead of getting hood, you could build towards heart or satanic and get more lategame EHP vs spells by doing that (or just going BKB).

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          it can be replacement for bkb in certain cases but I don't think that's really good idea

          casual gamer

            hood + eaglesong or hood + sange + recipe

            active: 3 seconds 100% magic resistance



              I like the sange idea because currently there aren't many things you can do with sange. Also make it 5 seconds of 100% magic resist so its equivalent to a used up BKB

              Riguma Borusu

                ^also, for agi carries, it would make sense to make SnY so you can go manta/whatever item comes from hood + eaglesong + recipe

                So it'd really be like a BKB but not quite since you can still get disabled? Maybe make it have much lower cd than bkb OR make all disables last 1/2 as long. I think that'd be a very unique mechanic for dota 2 heroes (although creeps/heroes already have some difference based on wc3's mechanic).

                If all disables lasted half as long, you had a lot more attack agi and much higher magic resistance, it could actually replace BKB for some agi carries in a way, or it would be good against non-aoe bkb piercing disables (black hole still fucks you for whole duration, but RP/bashes are now 1/2 the duration).

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                  u saw hood on dk yesterday on lgd maybe or who played,

                  well, that is normal dk build and dont talk shit like u feel somehing
                  i also feel i should rape ur mother beat with plug wrench
                  hacksaw her head and proceed to fuck her dead body until she smels bad

                  registered flex offender

                    Or you can just build bkb

                    meteor hammer

                      in my head the passive mres was greatly enhanced, something like 40% magic resistance. So having a really good active would be imbalanced, part of what balances bkb is that it gives you very little passively, unlike this item.

                      3 seconds lets you tank a lot of shit like epi, finger, laguna, meatball blast, etc if you have quick fingers, the cooldown could be lower than bkb as well


                        I think it wud be cool for it to build out of armlet, for those heroes like legion, DK, WK, etc. Maybe armlet + cloak + sange =
                        Grants: 10 HP regen, 40 DMG, 7 armor, 30 attack speed, 20 strength, 15% m res
                        Active: Godly Strength: When toggled on grants 25+10% of your base strength, 50 dmg, 20 attack speed, 7 armor, and 35% m res (total 50% m res with stats) but drains 60 HP per second.
                        Passive: Maim: 25% chance to slow the targets move speed by 25% and attack speed by 25 and grants the owner 25% move speed and 25 attack speed.
                        SeemsGood ?

                        Freya 69

                          I wish GC could be upgraded to SE without the need to disassemble it. I sometimes buy GC for the magic res and utility to keep team mates alive, simply to upgrade it into SE past the 30 minute mark while losing that nice utility and magic res. :(

                          This is ofc on a str utility core mindset, not a support one.


                            The cost is 5170 gold


                              So Freya ur talking abt ur spirit breakers and such?

                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                i think pipe + crimson guard is somehow the best combination to a new item because these two items are really good when they coexists together for hero like axe or bb. so pipe + crimson + ring of basi + 1800 gold recipe would seems nice. passively gives all the old auras and actives of previous components but addition of extra 5 armor when activated (for the basi part). although it deal like nearly no damages and kinda not so good for carries, but it save slots for some core so they can buy another item which could help the carry.


                                  They shld bring back aetherlense v1

                                  4pos pudge/grim only

                                    and i always want a items whose components are staff of wizardry and robe of magi + recipe so its like a int version of sange or yasha. and you could combine it with sny and name it like 'trinity staff' or some shit. but i have no idea for the abilities of the item tho

                                    Freya 69

                                      It def can work on Str cores like SB and Brew and DK that need the damage and attack speed and stats from SE, but could also greatly benefit from the magic res on the side.


                                        If there is Basher+Vanguard, why not to add Basher+Hood? Hood Basher? Skull of Defiance?...


                                          Armlet upgrade bois. Come on.

                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                            CRIMSON + PIPE mega tank item ftw


                                              Yea I feel like upgrades need to have more trade offs. Like u have to pair 2 unrelated items to make the decision to upgrade harder. I would like to see mek +armlet into something dumb



                                                Everytime u Dagon someone u steal magic resistance

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  can we have hood + raindrops

                                                  wet hood : blocks incoming 300 magic damage with 20 second cooldown xD

                                                  the wet hood procs even the magic damage is less than 300 but no less than 50

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                                                    I'm glad none of you are Icefrog...


                                                      How about absorb and stores magic dmg so that you can release it on the enemy in an aoe bomb at any time later on

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                                                        Armlet and Mek are her purchased by the same hero. Refer to my true armlet upgrade which makes actual sense

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          "I'm glad none of you are Icefrog..."

                                                          worst thing yet, you can't be certain

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