General Discussion

General Discussion@ triplesteal and ywn

@ triplesteal and ywn in General Discussion

    ^ u got something to say bruh?

    never seen a sensible statement from anyone below vhs
    how do you manage to have less mmr than number telling current year?


      i think the wr guy was spunki (faw), and we were doing comp quests

      if u r looking for disastrouc matches i actually had, u can find some of them by sorting the cm games; ive lost to ppl with av mmr ~1k lower than ours one several times.


        wheres my badge jacked. i need it to feel gud about myself.


          I've beaten multiple 7ks in tournament games while carrying 4ks, where's my badge at?

          Dr. Banana

            Tbf I've never seen triplesteal brag about his MMR.

            Jay the Bird

              Yeah triple is like the least toxic person on the forums wth are you talking about


                what a subtle way of calling me toxic

                me, government hooker

                  Tbf I've never seen triplesteal brag about his MMR.

                  who tf would want to brag about 5k lmeyo

                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    ^everybody who is lower than 5k

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                        Ah, this is the Dotobuff we love and missed.


                          if you beat a 7k it doesn't mean you're 7k

                          it just means you've beaten a 7k

                          me, government hooker

                            wow thats deep


                              Wow you beat some scrubs in a pub now gotta boast about it.

                              Now onto the real thing:

                              Look how roaches gotta be carried

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                              clueless clown

                                Lol even IF the people you mentioned kinda look down on lower mmr players, you shouldnt lash at them on a damn forum. Thats defamation! Tbh, i dont know the situation but ur attitude makes u just as shit as those of the accused. Even then i dont know if ur rant is true or not. Btw pls get a life and grow the fuck up

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                                clueless clown

                                  ^ this is for shitnautsmidht or something. The author of post


                                    Man I beat this fine stack of bulldong. I must be a BackPack now




                                        The way I see it, if u beat the world champ, that makes u the world champ.

                                        Fuck all the naysayers. 7k badges for everyone.

                                        @arin sensibility is overrated.


                                          Ok for all u dull af MMR justice warriors, I know how the system works. Obviously beating a high mmr player once does not make u high mmr urself. In light of this god awful system, vote me to be the president of valve and I will change ranked system to cage fighting style where the winner remains King until he is beaten. That way everyone gets a chance to beat a 7k and cal himself 7k until his next


                                            I have 700 MMR and still don't have as much autism as a 4k toxic fuck


                                              It's proven the more mmr u have the more autistic u are.


                                                I dont think people understand that the distribution of players across mmrs breaks 50% at 2250, like
                                                5k->4k is a big skill difference and all but like anything 4.1K + is in the top 1% you guys need to chill.


                                                  LUL LUL LUL haHAA I'm 12 btw, I beat 6ks before so I must be 6k haHAA

