General Discussion

General DiscussionWeakest hero in dota 2

Weakest hero in dota 2 in General Discussion

    ^ topic. And why u choose the hero..

    For me the weakest hero is visage, this hero so fragile, his presence at team didnt help team so much and his base and skills really need improvement

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      you saying that visage is the weakest hero and needs a NERF?

      visage is ranked 4th on best winrate at 5k+

      visage is op imo %67 winrate over 200 games and played only MID

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        Visage weak? LMAO


          Yea but seriously u good using that hero..


            Lel.. I just want to know ur opinion about who is the weakest hero in dota dude. I


              still, why would you want a NERF if you think its the weakest hero already

              weakest heroes are

              3: sylla


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                Oh my bad. Why i write nerf there.


                  Make Visage's resistances the same as other heroes. He has armor & magic resistance as a SKILL. Those armor & MR should only be bonus because he doesn't have, for example, Riki's permanent invis+backstab damage in one SKILL!!


                    It's base on the perspective of the player. IMO theres no weakest hero but there are heroes that are better this patch compared to others. Dota's meta changes every patch and its up to the players to decide whats shit and whats gold from the patch.


                      The weakest heroes r lesh, lina. Lesh is a squishy dp who loses the game if he loses the lane. Lina gets shit on by raindrops. I think lycan and ld can fit into push strats and such. I cant imagine on nerf in 6.86 putting ld to the bottom u know.

                      2k indog monkey


                        Shikanoko Noko

                          I dont think brewmaster is weakest hero. he got high survival abb with his 2nd skill and his ultimate.


                            furion, bristle, gyro, pl are pretty weak and brood is only good situationally

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                              Potato Marshal

                                Raindrops really screwed over a lot of burst casters like qop and lina. Ember and doom definitely need a buff next patch though.


                                  Visage mid is probably the most OP shit I have put my hands on.


                                    Lina is trash cuz of drops. In ns no one buys em so she is fine there.


                                      Lina win rate in <2k - 44%
                                      Lina win rate in 5k+ - 46%

                                      Not that she's not a shit hero or anything, but don't comment factually wrong opinions in here, please. This forum is a gathering of highly intelligent discussions. Try to be more consistent with the atmosphere next time.


                                        She feels fine. This is subjective. My b. She is still squishy and food too ur legions, pa's, and purges.


                                          Riki is the most weak hero... he has 500 hp despite being a melee hero... thankfully he has a invis

                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                            Techies, gyro, doom, lina, tusk.


                                              techies, and by far


                                                There's no weakest hero in d2 ... but only bad techniques and shit draft according to enemies' lineup.
                                                The main point is to depend whether you guys know what heroes to pick and won't be countered by enemies . Popular + imba +solid heroes such as wraith king , sven , medusa still can be countered easily and turns out to be useless in the game .


                                                  techies no doubt


                                                    techies doesnt even count as a hero so the answer for me is furion


                                                      about time they buffed linas armour


                                                        techies without script.

                                                        pls dun kill me.




                                                            bristle, hard countered by silver edge. needs some kind of buff the be decent now that this item exists.


                                                              lina, all
                                                              Visage? Lmao he's so good especially in mid

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                shadowfiend is dead bois


                                                                  defiantly techies


                                                                    beastmaster is op hero..
                                                                    brood sucks



                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        Lycan so weak and need to buff.


                                                                          Visage needs a major buff, I'd say have his familiars have a larger aoe stun would make him much more useful, and change his skill which gives him damage resistance


                                                                            Luxon 'highly intelligent' haHAA, brew sucks, you just went in for a thunderclap and then you ult which has a cd of 130 second, slardar has better way better initiation, boosts your carries' damage. Brew needs aghanim's and blink, Slardar needs only blink. PL i guess, even in the games I win with him ( which was kinda long ago tbh) he just feels kind of underwhelming. IDK about brood, he's reliant on line ups a lot, Lycan agreed, visage LUL, lina is mostly due to raindrops, glimmer didn't help either tbh. Something should be done about gyro's aghanim's, how they can change an upgrade from horrible to downright garbage is beyond me


                                                                              As someone who has just started playing Visage with a dozen or so bot matches and 3-0 in pubs i can attest he is highly undertated. Dropping your birds in the middle of a teamfight to stun a kiting timber has to be the most frustrating shit. Time it right with ags +micro and you can stun the enemy cores for 5-7 seconds. Nevermind the endless armor and basically a free dagon-2 with short cooldown.

                                                                              The ability also to turtle lategame, send a bird across map and then have your whole team BoT in without need for BoT2 is good as well.


                                                                                But to answer: probably broodmother. If you arent chipping away at their throne at 18:00 you have pretty much lost

                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                  Puck and QOP are


                                                                                    If u think gyro aghs is the worst aghs then u clearly don't know how atrocious some aghs r. I think a gyro build with maelstrom into aghs bkb is the best build for him rn, cuz then he can actually farm fast. U can even mess around with crits or satanic to get double hits with these things.


                                                                                      Techies... Definitely techies. Useless hero in all situations.




                                                                                          1 brew, hes is stronger without ulti lol
                                                                                          2 brood, lesh - in same spot, they can be fearsome if feeded, otherwise, useless
                                                                                          3 techies, just a joke hero, i think he cant win a game


                                                                                            Brew is a strong one (if not strong then he doesnt suck) now actually but still needs a buff to break into the meta

                                                                                            As for me gyro is the weakest now. low magical dmg.Weak lane. Low hp. Low phys dmg. Can carry late if only the enemy has no carry

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              gyro,sf,tusk about tusk he feel so good early on the game but still weak and can mostly focus on the squishy heroes like sniper,drow,lina,wd,shaman those who basicly has no hp early on the game otherwise he need srx team fight help to be able to snowball and feels like useless if the game manage to go 50min+


                                                                                                didnt know we had so much visage mid lovers in this forum


                                                                                                  Tusk as a carry I agree. But as a support he still scales fairly well, I even think late game aghs walrus kick is decent. At least against ur melee enemy Carries u kite the shit out of them.


                                                                                                    techie is so dead after land mine change and all the hp buffs. my kda dropped by more than 1 after these changes and im decent techie player. but he really needs major buffs or a rework of his skills.

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      bristleback is terrible


                                                                                                        Qop Lina Lesh gyro brew Lycan