General Discussion

General DiscussionMidlane wave tips

Midlane wave tips in General Discussion
clueless clown

    Hey guys.

    1)When is it right to double wave and what does it accomplish?

    2) if you think that ur gonna get ganked, is pushing the wave out and retreating better than keeping equilibrium at the tower?


      i thought about Wave tbh


        I'm like 98% sure if ur spooked of ganks u just deny as hard as possible and pull ur wave to ur tower.


          BibleThump wave FeelsBadMan

          clueless clown

            Whos wave? Or perhaps what?

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              thats a Who
              hard to explain


                In general u want ur wave as close to ur own tower without being under ur tower. It makes u the safest, but if the wave is under tower it becomes harder to last hit. However whenever there is a rune spawn that u want to go for, abt 30 seconds before start pushing the wave out. Basically it forces the enemy mid to either let his tower take some DMG, or miss the rune, both of which r good for u.


                  1) before rune spawn to force enemy to tank under tower while you secure a free rune

                  2) it's best to keep track of where the ganker is, don't push because that makes you easier to gank because of lowground vision

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    or can i push the wave as much as i can and rotate to jungle?


                      Ye pushing before the 55 second stack time is good, but u shud only clear it when ur tower is far away from enemy creeps aka ur creeps r hitng his tower


                        dog sh*t.

                        clueless clown

                          I see. Also, does it make sense to intentionally push out the wave as fast as u can and go do smth else if there r active gankers. This way they cant touch u. And keep repeating this. Does it make sense or am i making shit up? I do know the norm is to keep the equi near me but im curious bout dis

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            Push the wave before stacking, ganking, checking runes etc. Ya

                            clueless clown

                              Um i mean if for example theres a pudge. And i just nuke my wave so i can hide somewhere else. Basically reducing the time i can be seen rather than keep equi