General Discussion

General DiscussionSven itembuild questions

Sven itembuild questions in General Discussion

    After you rush your helm to stack the ancients, you get boots > Echo Sabre > Blink what next?

    Do you go for PowerTreads? Or you get Travels?

    Do I fight with my team if I get like 14 min blink/echo/dominator/boots or I keep farming my next item and just join important big fights?

    Let's say I'm playing against an Antimage and Jugg, my team got Inv, Ogre and LC and Pudge.

    What would you do in that case?

    What's the optimum CS for Sven ~30 min? Is 320-330 CS good, coinsidering you had highest HD and KDA aswell?


    Mister Nice

      The next step after boots > Echo Sabre > Blink its a situational item, like BKB if you are getting too focused or disabled, also you can buy a offensive item, like MKB or Daedalus. SnY could be good in some cases too. AC its a very good end/game item for Sven.
      Every time you have your ult(since lvl 6) its a good chance to fight. The 100%/150%/200% extra damage will make squishy heroes dissapear in every stage of the game, keep farming after echo/blink will make you loss the early potential of the hero.
      About the optimum cis, it really depends on the game, how many kills do you have, etc.
      Power Treads are very usefull to sven in early game because of the stats provided by them. Late game you should get travels.
      I hope my information was usefull to you.
      Sorry about my english, im not native speaker.


        Sven needs treads cuz the strength gives more dmg for ulti, tread switching is so good for the hero to save mana (something i need to learn), and he needs the attack speed.


          power treads are good, but for the atk speed, not the dmg bunus (9 str = 9dmg + 9*2ult= 18 for total of 27dmg, better than nothing, but no significant)... also, after blink, sabre, dominator, bkb and dedalus/mkb u have no slot for tp, so i recomend travel boots..


            I go treads > hotd > armlet > blink > bkb > then situational or go for travels. However if I am way far ahead I'll go for crita and just 2 shot a team


              hotd, finish pt, echo, blink, daedalus, ac

              and u also need bkb pretty often, probably b4 daedalus or just instead of blink


                early bots are shit on this hero


                  Thanks Triple.


                    @triplesteal- I go treads for treadswitching for mana for the stun, saved my ass many times tbh

                    casual gamer

                      dom treads echo blink bkb

                      skip bkb for crit if ur feeling particularly dumb

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        where does bloodthorn fit in?

                        casual gamer

                          bthorn is a crit replacement

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i heard someone preaching bthorn is superior to daed, do you know why he said that?

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              Some higher mmr players said to me bloodthorn is better for pickoff and daed is better for teamfights.

                              Edit: check dota2bowie.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                What you don't ever skip pt. u farm so slow.

                                I have been building bloodthorne instead of daed. And I must say I find it very effective because most ppl don't expect it..? Low cd with incredibly good utility. So ur not just a hero getting kited like a fool. Allows u to play a slightly different style. Can get pickoffs which is incredibly useful too. I imagine there are some situations daed is better. But so far I haven't found such a situation. If I don't want Bkb after echo blink it's usually bt.


                                  U can run on brown boots and upgrade them to travels before Satanic. 80% of time its deadalus after echo + blink. And its all around 21 min mark.

                                  G rush domi (4-5 min mark) and stack 3 neutral camps closer to middle lane, while supports stack the big one near safe lane. Ancients are usually contested and its a way safer way to get your farm.


                                    Yo pops^ have u tried bloodthorne yet though. Bt>daed


                                      No mention about armlet ?. Ithink this item replaced by echo..

                                      casual enjoyer

                                        Treads, HoD, Echo, Blink is core and you should all this by AT LEAST 20 min. Anything after that is situational, you can go bkb if you think you need it, daedalus if you lack damage or think you can get away with being greedy, ac if your team really needs it. I usually keep my HoD and go Satanic later. Good luck in your games !!


                                          U can literally can get 6 slotted in 25mins.The basic sven pleb build is Hotd, pt, bkb, echo and blink. Which is alrdy taking up 5 slot.There's just too much items sven can build and that makes it solely based on your choice or situation on which items you choose.


                                            Everyone saying u can be 5-6 slotted at 25-30. How. Just how do u do that without having more than 10cs per min. Teach me pls


                                              I like going ac right after bkb cuz he needs the attack speed.


                                                Stacks and more stacks.

                                                Before echo sabre, ppl used to build SnY on sven


                                                  Ive never been six slotted by 25 min, but i have by abt 40 ish. Tbh i dont farm as effeciently, and in 1k shitter games theres a lot of time wasted. U gotta farm the wave, then go clear jungle camps till the wave pushes back to a safe spot and repeat.


                                                    Before sny people built armlet MoM lol


                                                      I have seen some pros do it within 25 to30 mins but no way in hell i can do it cause im shit at last hitting.


                                                        Rip SNY. Make SNY great again. Remove OP echo saber


                                                          I get bloodthorn vs slippery heroes that will be split-pushing a lot like Storm, Morph, AM. For straight up team fighting daed is preferable especially if your allies have ways to hold enemy heroes in place. AC is over-rated on this hero compared to butterfly, heart is much better than satanic, bkb is very important but delay it as long as humanly possible as Sven with a 5 second bkb is very mediocre. Always get treads I don't know why I even have to say this.


                                                            Butterfly is good on sven, but i like the ac for good pushing aura as well


                                                              I actually kinda like the idea of butterfly on Sven. But I've never seen anyone build it on Sven.

                                                              Why heart>satanic though?

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                heart is way more damage and you get more hp if you dont hit people

                                                                (my opinion: you can buy a courier for ur hotd and get free alpha wolves for the rest of the game)

                                                                when sven is low on hp ur chances of getting free hits off is minimal. ur not sniper

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  bfly + warcry is insane physical ehp, flutter and attack speed have obvious benefits on sven


                                                                    Why do u need the extra dmg that much tho. I feel like lifesteal when manfighting was crucial many times. But that's just experience from my shitty games.


                                                                      Thing is if they wait for u to pop satanic then kite u then sven == rekt


                                                                        Here's how you fight as most satanic heroes such as SF, Luna, Drow, troll etc (note they are almost all ranged/can be ranged). You sit on the edge of fight and chip away at people who enter your range, kite gay shit as necessary. Throughout the fight you are constantly dealing damage and getting chipped away at so the passive lifesteal helps your sustain quite a bit. You only need to pop your bkb when they try to jump you usually especially if you have a decent hp buffer with satanic. When you get low hp you will usually have at least a few targets in range or even creeps to hit and there is a decent chance you've managed to save your bkb to ensure you get hits off. If the guy you try to hit ghosts/forces/glimmers you can switch targets fairly easily in the 4.5 second window.

                                                                        Here's how you fight as Sven. You jump in and are forced to basically instantly use your bkb so you can get hits off. You do as much damage as humanly possible in these 5 seconds where you are basically invulnerable due to warcry armour+bkb magic immunity so the lifesteal does nothing as you are full hp. When the bkb runs out you get chain stunned and kited by the enemy heroes. You pop your satanic at 20% hp and run around trying to hit people with your blink canceled, multiple slows on your ass and nothing inside your melee attack range. Even if you do manage to get to someone if they use a save item you basically have 0 chance of switching targets in the 4.5 second window. GG nice Satanic.

                                                                        Heart gives a bit more dps, frontloads your hp which is more important as you are basically never going to use satanic to heal up midfight, and also gives you much better sieging power as you can use the heart regen much more effectively in sieges than the lifesteal, which is a very underrated part of the item as Sven sucks at sieging.

                                                                        Butterfly is mainly because of flutter, forces mkb and gives similar dps. Also if they do have no mkb good luck killing a butterfly sven with warcry. AC pushing aura is really the difference maker so if you trust your teammates a bit more AC is still pretty good while butterfly is better for the 1v9 games.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          No offence to anyone but some of things said here are super werid to say at least.

                                                                          Resoning behind some item builds are just no brainer.

                                                                          Thanks for useful tips tho. Found them aswell. :)


                                                                            bloodthorne is indeed a good lategame pickup if u didnt get daedalus early for whatever reason, or a great midgame item if you are far ahead