General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease give me tips to git gud as a carry

Please give me tips to git gud as a carry in General Discussion

    i want to improve


      farm everywhere you go

      get proper items

      do not die


        Push lanes until they are unsafe, then go farm jungle. Build appropriate items and press your buttons as necessary in fights. This will get you to 5k if you do it properly, after that you might have to apply thought and strategy to your game depending on how good you are at pressing buttons.


          Can someone tell me how to know when to Join fights and when to not?


            Join every fight unless you are going to get a tower or the fight is totally unwinnable. Even as afk farming hardcarries like Morph and AM in the current meta you can't really afford to let your team feed in 4v5 fights, especially in pubs where your teams morale will go down the shitter if they start dying a couple of times. What you want to do on that sort of hero is avoid getting into fights, not avoid joining fights.

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              Don't tilt when you're losing.


                If you're dominating the game, say, 30-5, then go fucking push. We don't need a 6 slot Slark to be able to finish a game against people who are dead literally 50% of the match, just fucking punch the towers. Most games I play with proper carries actually participate in clashes pre-20 minute, and most of those games are wins.

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                  farm farm farm, skills skills skills and eat heroes.


                    watch bsj