General Discussion

General DiscussionIm sucks now

Im sucks now in General Discussion

    f*ck*ng skill bracket after the new algorithm.
    I am getting high skill and vhs in my previous account last year.
    but now I came back to dota2 because I never play dota2 for 6-7 months because of my thesis.
    I am now getting the mother f*ck*ng NORMAL FUCKING SKILL WHAT THE HELL.
    I think theres a new algo? map awareness and responses are nothing tho nowadays. I already tried pure support account and pure carry account and still NS.


      Im suck now too. Babyrage the thread

      Edit: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        yes i am lol


          nahh, you probably became worst after not playing so long
          edit: I think your story is bs, stop pretending or making up shit for your own incompetence

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            wow new kind of predict my mmr thread lmao


              Ayy op have u tried just playing casually. Like a label means nothing. U could be same but everyone improved maybe. Just chill. Or Ur rating may still be same just they decided to change the labels. Either way it doesn't matter cus you are the same person and as long as you are true to yourself you can be happy


                Look at bright sides.. U can bully other at normal skill or high skill bcoz u very high skill..


                  i've already create like 5 accounts this month. nothing change :(
                  and I know I have good skills because I hate everytime I play in my bracket.
                  PA vs. BS - when PA ruptured, hes running and blinking just like wtf is this guy.
                  and trashtalks everywhere. In my old brackets, I never see one who trashtalk. They just say GLHF and GGWP and they can create a space for the pusher to rat.
                  I miss VHS :(


                    Stop making new accounts. Ull probably just go crazy playing w other smurfs. It hardly resembles dota even if they label it VHS. And who cares what they call it, if u have good skills like they say u do, then that's enough. Who cares what mmr u are.

                    people ask me all the time how I handle the humiliation of being in low mmr. People laugh. The grills don't give no respect. Everyone is a monkey playing now with one hand and one brain. It's filthy. It stinks. But it's okay, because I know I'm 4k deep down. I look myself in the mirror and I say, that's right, that's what a 4k player looks like.

                    pls be patient very noob ...

                      Ah the savory salty tears of a sad sad smurf

                      4pos pudge/grim only

                        yo @jacked your last Luna game actually brought you to high skill bracket so 4k seems doable actually for you


                          Saqil thx for your encouraging words. Reason I was high skill is because I played in a stack with good players. Although, I won't deny I carried super hard in those high skill games and that Luna game was Pretty sick.


                            Once again for all the Animals, and the guys with slower brains out there. VHS IS STILL BULLSHIT THERES NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 3199 AND 3750 MMR. cheers.


                              Let me tell you a secret... you are trash like me.