General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with invisible heroes as Invoker (2.2k SEA)

How to deal with invisible heroes as Invoker (2.2k SEA) in General Discussion
sumail fan

    Especially Slark. Since no one buys sentries or dust even, I never see those pounces coming. Riki is manageable with a Force Staff, but Slark is nigh near inescapable. I generally build a lot of mobility items on my Invoker (EUL, Force Staff, Blink), and none of them work, as you might have guessed. Do I need to keep spending my gold right from minute 6 to sentry the map everywhere at the cost of my items, or do I have a somewhat 'safe' place to position myself that I may not be aware of? Or, do I need to invest in a BKB as soon as I get my first big item? How does one escape that pounce-leash thing? It gets so annoying I pick a Slark ban before every ranked game, and feel somewhat ashamed of myself xD


      buy gem

      and blink too

      see slark - blink away and tp out

      dont buy euls, ive had some sweet LULs when invoker eul me to combo instagib with sunstrike deafening blast meteor, and then suddenly dark pact basher gg

      otherwise just make travel boots and have deafening blast ready - slark cant deal with disarm pre-bkb, and you can probably just tp out to safety within the duration.

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        As Invoker you can ghost walk and most of the time he wont be carrying detection. If he comes with his team you can tornado them and then use a mobility item to buy time and ghost walk.


          Tbh invoker is decent against slark cuz late game he can kite the shit out of him, tornado during dark pact, emp to burn his mana, kite with ice wall, if slark gets out then defeaning blast him back in. Early game positioning matters most, otherwise u can try to use tornado and euls to buy time while pounced, then ghostwalk


            q-q-w-r (poof problem solved)

            sumail fan

              oh, so i have been looking at this the wrong way. I completely avoid fighting slark then? That is, I shouldn't even bother engaging him? That makes sense I guess. This however means that someone on my team needs to handle him, which doesn't happen and he gets fed. But better them feeding him than me haha.

              On an additional note, is there any way to escape him when he's leashed on to me? Except BKB that is? Would ghost scepter or glimmer cape work?


                you can engage him if you are ahead in terms of levels and farm AND you have vision to strike before he does, if you just got midas without any vision and he just got shadowblade you probably dont stand a chance

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                  if you get ghost scepter he will build diffusal, let the supp buy glimmer cape and ask him to use it on you, otherwise just use shadow walk.


                    Euls is good as defensive item against slark. Then just get ready either ice wall or blast him away with dat sonic boom. Then u go invis if u have invoke


                      buy forestaff, euls and dagger.
                      do the euls trick


                        ^ u can't force away from pounce

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                          Just euls, and when u land tornado slark im pretty sure thats almost all the time in leash. Then icewall kite, if he escapes icewall the defeaning blast into icewall again


                            qqw, doubt that anyone in 2k will carry dust. even if they do, on higher levels slark cant solo kill you fast enough since ure somehow tanky with let's say drums agh, mb linkens too
                            (except the cases where you're a lot of behind which shouldn't really happen with invoker)

                            or just throw ice wall/tornado at him and bye


                              You trash, don't pick invoker.

                              sumail fan

                                when i euls's myself he can purge it. But I suppose a tornado then would work. One thing i learnt from your comments is that it is all about escaping him. I've been looking at it the wrong way. Escaping is the way to go here.


                                  how does he purge it unless he has diffusal


                                    its fine having 1k networth on a support like 30 min in the game if u sentry the whole map and make game a lot harder for enemy invis heroes
                                    and dust when u gank them otherwise invisibility = invincibility

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                                    sumail fan

                                      yes with diffusal. linkens and diffusal are not very uncommon with these fishes even in my skill bracket.


                                        Unfortunately supports and even carries don't know the value of sentries.
                                        At 2.2k if you are going mid (offcourse u go mid as invoker) u must ask for one sentries or ward in min if supports don't give you one. You buy yourself. It pays off when you see slark or other enemy trying to thank you. One or two wards is enough if you are pushing to keep track of sparks movement.
                                        Also make sure you farm fast.
                                        I know supports are unreliable at our skill level but so is the enemy teams.
                                        If I see ganker in enemy team I make sure I ward as much as I can to keep our jungle and lanes safe. Many times you can actually counter tgank him.

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                                          Btw euls + blink combo can work too


                                            if no one buy dust like you say then just go invisible yourself..


                                              Every person with a brain knows how to deal with invisibility


                                                no one on u team build detection, so enemy team either.. try gost walk.. if u play against a non-idiot player carrying dust.. then the best option was posted by SIELOS VAGINA, buy gem, be wary and blink before he catches you.. if he build dagger instead of shadow blade (but i doub it) even with echo sabre he shouldnt kill by simple pounce-leash giving u time to react.. good play bro


                                                  wards, gem dont be greedy injoker.


                                                    just because you're a carry doesn't mean you shouldn't buy wards/sents/dust/gem

                                                    if you want to win, you do everything needed to win


                                                      slark is not only invokers problem, every mid player hates slark because u cant gank and kill him with most mid heroes