General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar's bash – why so underestimated?

Slardar's bash – why so underestimated? in General Discussion
Ænimal Planet

    Hey there.
    I love playing Slardar.
    I usually grab the bash at the first level. Then I leave one point for the stun and keep maxing out the bash. My usual itembuild is phase boots -> armlet -> blink dagger.
    Recently I had an argument on this build with my friend. He kept telling me that bash is useless, pro-gamers max out the stun and so should I. However he did not explain his opinion at all.
    Could anybody explain that to me?


      First of all, if you enjoy and find success with your build - then why change it? It if works, it works!
      Your build seems like a right click build with Slardar - instead of skilling sprint you get your speed from phase and you utilize bash with Armlet. Slardar is a good rightclicker with his Ulti.

      Pros picks Slardar for his continuous low cd stun + ulti for Rosh. He requires very low level in order to invade the enemy jungle (lvl3-7) which can be very useful in lots of match ups. He is also a good setup for spells such as Arrow, Timbersaw, Sun Strike, Tinker nukes etc. You could say he is played as a "support"-hero in a way.
      Later on he gets items such as Dagger + Force in order to have almost global initiation with maxed Sprint.
      It is not unusual to see Sprint maxed over Stun if the hero is starved for levels.

      I also love playing Slardar and you could watch MVP.QO's games
      He plays a combat slardar with Pt + Armlet and had a good run a few months back with carry Slardar


        Passive Bash first level is stupid as fuck, your sprint and spell bash are enormously better simply because of the reliability.

        HOWEVER, I personally like to grab a single value point of passive bash over sprint that apparently lots of other players don't do. I think it's great because yea, it's unreliable, but if you smack those children around and happen upon a good bash, you might have just found yourself a kill if you combo it with your active stun.


          The levels in crush and sprint are more valuable early on. Also, your attack speed is too slow early on to have your bash be reliable.

          its gonna be fun

            chance, max just have chance 25%, but the stun is cast, so it can guaranted to give the stun(only if ur enemy doesnt have spell imune), then why you need that bash if u can go with stun, dagger - stun - kill, its more helpfull to gank someone,.


              i mean u can just do the math lmao

              Pale Mannie

                i predict a thread about maxing crits on ck first

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                Pale Mannie



                    If JD maxes bash on void , I approve maxing bash on slard. So I would recommend playing the right clicker style to trade hits w safelaner. Pms armlet is good. 1 point in stun but max sprint and bash to be absolutely annoying.

                    Also I wanna suck mr verified players dick for the very awesome and mAture answer he gave. Although I duno who he is


                      If JD maxes bash on void , I approve maxing bash on slard.

                      if people level blink + stats on AM, I approve leveling blink + stats on qop.


                        hey i get bash lvl 1 on spirit breaker quite a bit lul.


                          SB bash does way more DMG lvl 1 than slardars. If ur gonna go slark bash max I hope ur not offlaning at least. Thing is bash is really useful on suppose a carry slardar, but not early. Ur as lategame can be made to make bash give overall more stun, but early on its not as reliable, so its better to max the aoe stun that's more reliable. Thing is as a farming core slardar wud still rather have his disable cuz it helps him fight and farm better, and as a playmaking slardar the choice is obvious, when doing a gank they won't let u initiate by walking up and hitting hoping for a bash. I think maxing bash second on a farming slardar wud make sense, but not first IMO.


                            antennas,yo.i wouldnr recommend doing thaton qop because its a different hero mate,

                            pls be patient very noob ...

                              Verified player PogChamp saw your game vs empire with the cancerous PA double rapier. What a fun match


                                Hey jacked thanks for the tips man will keep that in mind.

                                LISAN AL GAIB

                                  A pro player answer your thread and i cant even lift 225...feels bad man