General Discussion

General Discussionwhat if you have urself as ur teammate in every solo ranked game u pl...

what if you have urself as ur teammate in every solo ranked game u played in General Discussion

    a team consisting of five you's. would u win every game

    i think i would xDee

    Ce sujet a été édité

      hell no


        a team of 5 me's would lose 99% of the games


          We would both fight over the offlane and whoever gets to play timbersaw, Insta -25


            ^shit i forgot about that

            pls be patient very noob ...

              The support me could only play CM and roaming alch
              The offlane me only plays tidehunter
              The mid me, a so-so tinker
              The hard carry me, for the shits and giggles abaddon


                Only one person can pick spirit breaker so nope.

                if i could have team of 5 sb tho yes that would be the greatest team ever.


                  lanes would be; offlane axe + necro, mid legion, safe omni + antimage/spectre.

                  without the carries worrying no one would tp to their rescue, supps that doesn't sap xp from their carry and actually helps, and no one types in all chat "end" after goes 0-5 sub 10 mins.

                  I guess i'll win more than losing.

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                    + We would never tilt because we'd forgive each other.
                    + Assuming the lanes were at least even, we would win most teamfights before 35 minutes and actually push after winning those fights. Utility items like mek and force staff would actually be bought.

                    - Low Skillcap heroes.
                    - Pos. 1 farms too little, fights too much, tries too hard to save teammates, and keeps trading his life for supports. BKB is either never bought or used too reactively.
                    - Not enough wards from the Pos. 5.
                    - Not enough TP rotations. Players are often left to die if the laning phase falls apart.

                    Probably 50% winrate.

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                      i could play cause i play all roles i would be new ti champ wings here i come

                      Président® Salted Butter

                        Great communication, one knows exactly what the other is thinking, but the hero pool would be VERY small, and mid/carry me have very little experience (maybe I'll be decent, maybe I wouldn't, who knows?)

                        So... maybe we would win 60+% until 4k?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          5 "I'll take midlane, ty" at the start of the match

                          a test of wills as to whoever picks first. the weakest version of me goes first pick random, i hate the -2s every second. plays that hero whether mid/supp/off/any

                          next pick will be a race for the mid hero. mouse taps will be spammed. luckiest me gets to do mid. other me's wont want to lose so they give consent to the 2nd pick me but threat to report if that me fails

                          third pick will be either offlane/hc whichever's available, any hero. role depends on which me picks first

                          fourth pick either off/hc but picks are now leaning towards the specific heroes of the enemy team trying to counter them. if off and hc are already designated by third pick and random pick, i go a semisupp. spam tap so that i wont be pos 5

                          last pick me is whatever role is left. ask thoughts from my team regarding good picks vs theirs

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            if everything goes well or at least enemy team doesnt heavily outclass mine, game will be filled with ">Well played!"'s and enjoyable on my end. even with some minor fuck ups i wont tilt, just one sarcastic remark and leave it at that

                            idk i think i can win like 7/10 but i can be toxic af

                            not arin

                              my offlane would lose terribly
                              my mid and carry would be either fighting for farm or running into enemies too much
                              one support would shit on the enemy offlaner but the other one would die in attempt of ganking mid and ended up with lvl 2 in 10th


                                9k mmr 's all five


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                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                  i just pick five heroes with stuns and disables and go all five to every lane. kill one random kid top, then proceed to mid, then to bot and repeat until we all lost because enemy push lanes whenever we rotates ggwp

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    my offlane would lose terribly
                                    my mid and carry would be either fighting for farm or running into enemies too much
                                    one support would shit on the enemy offlaner but the other one would die in attempt of ganking mid and ended up with lvl 2 in 10th


                                      We would all be in lpq after the game


                                        I think I cud win, mostly because I cud guarantee communication which people don't do in the shit tier


                                          Void off, sky Sven cm bottom, huskar mid. Tbh huskar is way too easy to stomp with in the shit tier


                                            I'm unselfish when it comes to choosing hero's and my communication is on point. My carries would be limited to brainless carries. However, I'm a support player and severely obsessed with aoe hero's so my team fight always on point. I say 55/45 win rate.


                                              I wouldn't pick till the enemy team picked. Then I would pick whatever I feel like will win us the game. I play a lot of heroes.


                                                5 of me will won a TI kappa

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  so cancer lmao

                                                  my support play is too weak and im too passive to have 5x me, we would just end up saccing mid + offlane and then losing to some 900 gpm sven


                                                    btw just to remind
                                                    4 reports nowadays is enough to inta put someone into lpq

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Well at least we would win the safelane for sure and do fine at the offlane. Mid would suck but it would get help from the supports because the carry is capable of staying on his own.


                                                        every game we would RAPE RAPE


                                                          I would be all about wombo combos.


                                                            this sam is playing vs dendi damn im jelaous

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                                                              Imagine 5 Yoshi rubicks


                                                                Mid will abandoned the game haha


                                                                  5 of us will walk down mid. U can't have 5 alphas in one game.


                                                                    In solo ranked my team would be 6.4k average every game which is higher than any game I've ever played in Aus. So I don't see how I'd lose ranked games. For more serious dota my mid and offlane would be too garbage to be playable.


                                                                      ^how do ppl get past 6k on aus/low population servers if they dont play carry? you'd be highest mmr supporting people 2k below you and awful stuff. seems rigged


                                                                        They don't/only ever queue when they can snipe multiple other 6ks. I once got a guy who was legitimately 3k in my game, that was probably the saddest I've ever been.

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                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                          Would probably do some stupid 5 man pushing strat with Drow, Venge, Jakiro, and Dragon Knight with Tide tanking creeps. Hit 6 then rush mid.

                                                                          Super Speed Snail

                                                                            Making female fatale team offcourse.

                                                                            From pos 1 to 5, spectre, luna, mirana, lina, wr.

                                                                            Id like to play barbie with them. Changing their clothes and stuff. currently even learning hard hero like templar just because they have sexy costume.

                                                                            No, Im not saying I use them to fuel certain imagination. Its Inappropriate...


                                                                   talk about it here.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              is life on austalian server actually that bad?
                                                                              ir i got several games above 6.4k av on euw while being just 5.5-5.8 myself

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                My hardlane is totally fed, mid is ok and enemy hardlane has been anally raped (as i'm carry support player only)


                                                                                  Thers not enough creeps on map for 5x me even Supports would farm all game.