General Discussion

General Discussionofflane terrorblade

offlane terrorblade in General Discussion
anime is the best :3

    is it just me or is it best cure for cancer ever?

    get talon and tangoes, value point in slow, point in meta, point in illusion, max meta, get ult when possible, max illusions, max stats, max slow at last 3 levels. don't die. zoned out? farm jungle while stacking and microing illusions. get brown boots into dragon lance into tp boots. split push like an asshole. timber tries to shit on you? unless your team doesn't try to teamfight he can do nothing, becuase you have hurricane pike. you force his tp's, while your techies is mining whole map. shadow blade, blink, ghost scepter situtaional. towers die faster than rosh in 1v1 with level 25 ursa. 3 tp's at t3. you blinked away while you at it you warded enemy jungle because you bought your own wards. furion tries to counter push? he is fucked, you have radi and dust. your ult goes through bkb. enemy carry just lost 1v1 against offlaner. storm gets orchid. you have manta style. you can counter literally everything with right itemization.

    doc joferlyn simp

      you do realize this applies with all heroes

      anime is the best :3

        not really. no hero can split push as fast as tb. maybe fed lycan, but i didn't play him in recent patches.


          i like going offlane terrorblade against am, feels good to see am get mana burned by terrors 1st skill


            U realize that safelane tb does almost everything u already mentioned right. There really isn't a reason to offlane tbh cuz he needs a reliable source of farm.


              Unless tb uses meta for a tower Lycan pushes faster

              anime is the best :3

                i'm offlane player mostly and i think it is great when you have hard carry in safle and you focus on gaining map control while your carry farms your woods. space creation, try to end game asap, if it fails your hard carry is farmed af. in general 2 carries > 1 carry.

                also yeah, the whole point is using meta on towers.


                  Not really, IMO if u pop meta on an uncontested tower u may not have it up for the next fight. And Lycans push is always up, it just receives a boost with necronomicon. He still can push really fast with just howl and wolves and some minus armor. I've taken entire racks plus t3 within 12 or so seconds.


                    I too play offlane the most and know that in the shit tier u can make really anything work, but tb will get rekt in the offlane if u start playing against people who know what they're doing.


                      hi every1 im new!!!!! charges mah lazr my name is ted but u can call me Anonymous!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 22 years old (i still live w/ my mom tho!!) i like 2 look at mudkip threads with my boyfreind (im bi if u dont like it gtfo) its our favorite kindof thred!!!! bcuz their SOOOO random!!!! hes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of friends here so give me lots of replieses! DESUDESUDESUDESUDESU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _ hehe…toodles!!!!!

                      traps and cp,



                        my ficken god


                          tb really scares me. People rarely pick it in my games but when they do, most of the time they know what they're doing and rape our team


                            If I play tbh either everyone is so scared of me they send a jakiro and undying to the offlane, or I just completely dominate and 1v5 the enemy team while my team is bait.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Tb isn't much of a split pusher anymore. The illusions die too easily and without the meta aura they don't do enough tower dmg. He's an awesome pusher just not a rat splitter any more. He can throne you off one team wipe at rax for sure. But he's also a very underrated man fighter with that ult and massive dmg.


                                Why would you split when you can just push with your team backing you with 2k hp+ and 30 armor.


                                  Td is like naga, but hes very timing dependant with manta and bkb/skadi. Imagine you solo push and 3 guy tries to stop you. You kill the 3 guy instantly coz high damage at least that how i play him at ns




                                      When I was first trying out TB I'd offlane for the first 6 minutes or so to farm an aquila and boots, then you switch to the jungle fulltime. It speeds up his early game a lot faster than jungling from the very start and also means that you have a secondary carry to back you up. Plus helps against the other offlane hero from being zoned out at the start of the game.