just plant wards were enemy farms are also in lane if your team is cancer report them you will be rewarded with high priority pool if they accept your report.
buy stuffs that your team needs.
okay your stats are cancer its way more worst than smurfing.
For the basic I think you can read The art of support from liquiddota, as for support player to watch for , sonneiko and jerax is a good player at warding and teamfight positioning. And gh.God too .
How to ward:
Put wards in places if you want to know if people are there. When attacking Dire Top T2, consider the cliff just southeast of it, etc.
How to deward:
Only deward if you notice behaviour that indicates they may have a ward there. For example, an enemy changing direction for no apparent reason when you are on high ground near them.
Do this until you get more experienced and can predict enemy ward spots and so on but for now, stick with this.
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Can somebody recommend a 6k+ support player to watch replays from? I really need to improve my warding, drafting, and team fighting positioning.