General Discussion

General DiscussionMaxing bash on Void first

Maxing bash on Void first in General Discussion

    Can someone explain to me the concept of above mentioned exactly? So far I never did that, because I really don't see a scenario where this is working well. I mean maxing bash means lower survivability for more damage, which can be considered greedy. Why would you go greedy on this one as an offlaner. The only scenario I see this being good is when you are not scared of dieing at all.
    I mean if you go against a dual lane and your timewalk gets forced, you play more passively until the next timewalk is ready, because you don't want to die. If you max Bash though, you need to wait longer and therefore are not able to safely farm in the lane against two people for a longer period of time, which again is hurting your farm.
    So please, explain it to me please in every detail. Would love it if JDF8 answers to this, since he is spreading this build.

    doc joferlyn simp

      i thought max timewalk first was default and accepted


        If you play against mana drainers, max bash should be acceptable


          u just keep punching ur enemies

          Putins Price Hike

            only reason u would do that is because ur going vs a lane that cant harass you. so you only need time walk sparingly. but more than likely its lane losing

            casual gamer

              you farm faster and when you gank other lanes with chrono you have higher %success


                yeah but theres a huge downside for that. you cant go max bash first every game

                casual gamer

                  i play like a complete scared person and only go to the offlane creep wave when its 1v1 or 2v1, there is typically almost 0 risk of me dying unless they gank my jungle or dive me standing 800 units behind my t1

                  casual gamer

                    and if you dive a void lvl 5 with pms and raindrop ur going to die

                    casual gamer

                      i go max bash every game and ive never felt like i lost because i didnt have max jump. you just have to be aware that when you go in ur jump is going to be cd and position accordingly

                      void hits lvl 9 very fast unless you have a horrendous game (die in lane when they gank large camp, try to gank with lvl 6 and fail + die type stuff)

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        so you prefer jungling over staying in lane, ok
                        i guess i ll need to watch some of your void games to understand it, for me so far on 4,5k i can just stay in lane easily most of the time, so i never really had that scenario

                        casual gamer

                          5ks will gtfo out of lane as supports in the first couple minutes if i dont show, but they will never gank me (brain dead), so it creates a 1v1 eventually almost always

                          or if they do they block the camp and i unblock it and go farm normal jungle for a bit


                            okay, wow
                            that's a very different approach to the laning stage then. i can see why you max bash first, since you dont stay in lane anyways
                            thanks for clearing that up

                            casual gamer

                              this replay shuold still work

                              i dont remember the game very well but fr omthe stats it looks standard

                              casual gamer

                                i usually have to fly out extra tangos and headress, plus i purchase PMS talon very early. once i hit treads thats basically my "early core" i farm resonably fast and can guarantee picks on mid/offlane usually by buying smokes, often i get godlike support players that will tp to my lane and coordinate a kill on their carry


                                  i m gonna try your approach to the laning phase
                                  cant download the replay though, so i guess i ll need to wait until you play your next void game, lul

                                  casual gamer

                                    ill queue one after about prob 2 pm today and probably lose from being rusty af xd

                                    protip dont buy QB + rop for talon then accidentally assemble tranquils buying a ring of regen from sideshop like i did in a ranked game a month ago

                                    its vital you block the first wave so the range creep runs very far ahead and dies first, its about 50/50 a 5k enemy support will block the creep and save it but in ur games they never will

                                    always i either start wth PMS tango, talon tango, or stout double tango slipper/qb

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      alright nice!
                                      never did the qb + rop
                                      i know about blocking, but the enemy supports block my block about 75% of the time, so its common knowledge on eu lul

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                      casual gamer

                                        actually i have to go to the dmv i think so it might be a couple hours later xd


                                          you are in no hurry, i can only check it tomorrow


                                            Max bash as safe laner
                                            Time walk as offlaner


                                              your timewalk is your backtrack to heal the damage back.

                                              yeah sure you can max bash "time dilation is useless".

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                It's good when you are the carry or you are going 1v1.


                                                  well, time dilation is not the great it was right now.. by lvl 5 u should be 2-0-3 or 3-0-2.. not much different each other

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    5/11.2/20/31! magic damage per hit on avg, even ignoring the huge increase of manfight/chase

                                                    i think theres a pretty big difference between 4 0 2 1 and 2 0 4 1 in terms of survivability and mobility vs farming and killing speed

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      ok heres ur game

                                                      pretty standard game

                                                      minor things :

                                                      - my team had a shitton of damage and their heroes were squishy w/ high burst, so i didnt really get much time to hit people

                                                      - i played kinda shitty imo? idk i won

                                                      - the dazzle scouted out my obs and bodyblocked my first creep spawn, luckily i still managed to fuck lane eq (ty jugg)

                                                      - i got carried by meepo xd

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        its pretty typical though, i have 0 deaths until i run in on agi treads and feed like a retard at 30 mins

                                                        also i first picked it

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          It's situational, if you are versus antimage on lane and u need to exchange right clicks, u max bash, cuz u wont have mana for timewalk either way


                                                            Its only good in a 1v1 or 2v1 where you get a free lane

                                                            Otherwise, first ability is way better


                                                              Well I maxed Bash first for the first time yesterday in a 1v1 lane. It kinda worked although I misplayed here and there. Still need to watch JDF8s approach to the laning stage, but it seems reasonable in free lanes, although I am not convinced yet that it is the way to go the majority of games

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                i made a couple questionable ults, and maybe sacced the 2v1 lane a little harder than i had to + i think this is the lowest HD ive ever had on void (i played even more scared than usual because im a bit rusty). still, if i had gotten a bash at some points i wouldve solo killed the jug. i got what i needed out of the lane at least

                                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                  ts about 50/50 a 5k enemy support will block the creep and save it but in ur games they never will

                                                                  actually doesnt matter from my experience, you just draw aggro into ur range creep and nothing changes really

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    if they have a trilane that you dont wanna fuck with at all you cant go fuck with creep aggro unless u r ok with dying, especially since my response to a kill lane is rushing talon min 0