General Discussion

General DiscussionPugna - Legit or ?

Pugna - Legit or ? in General Discussion

    Everytime i random or play pugna, the hero feels incredibly strong.
    I think that he should definately be played mid, in push orientated lineups. Lategame his roaming *fountain* capabilities are intense with aghs + bloodstone.
    My original 'pugna' counter play picks were always based around *tinker, zues, 'i have lots of mana and high cost spells' type heros* however recently i've become quite fond of pugna against heros even like PA, as he blinks on you. you decrep him, blast ulti. and he's done for. Against single target right clickers he becomes pretty boss at kiting.

    With windlace he has 350 ms w/o boots, which can enable the hero to sidelane decently, however i find him *underwelming* in sidelanes unless you're with a strong partner.

    I just played a 60k hero damage game with an sk lane partner, which is quite a potent lane.

    I find the hero incredibly rare to see at 7k+ level or in the pro scene, i'd be quite curious as to how they lane/build the hero.

    i think his items are quite situational however i'm thinking mek aghs is generally his core, its more of a question of how much farm priority do you give pugna, he has the ability to farm pretty quickly given the space.

    Refresher pugna is all kinds of legit, double bkb, double ward, sucky sucky mutha fucky

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        in a general sense, but situationally he can be great.
        Say against OD or tinker, don't you just pick this hero and push before they bkb. Assuming you get the advantage your bkb timing should be faster than theirs for mid/lategame highground pushes anyway

        Their 2 depushers were tinker/timber - both of which werent physical (push lineup) stomp

        and here was that other game where i random'd him (less situational but still a strong asset to the team)


          Aether lens?

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            not a pub hero
            if ur team doesn't go destroy towers with u once u get lv7+arcanes the game's pretty much over


              @himmatwala, i honestly don't know about aether lens, it feels right and seems to be very good on pugna.

              However, Arcane boots are just too important and are worth keeping. so i honestly don't know the proper progression.

              Dire Wolf

                If he gets his farm he can be devastating late. The issue really in pubs is where are you going to play him? Mid is ok, probably only spot, you will never get safe lane, offlaner pugna is susceptible to ganks. Most pubs make him support.

                M U R D E R

                  I feel like he couĺd benefit from early travels + windlace and dissasembled arcanes into aether lens. Since he has big MS and could kite as well as even splitpush with his wave clearing ability.


                    U can make aether lens without disassembling arcanes if u feel u need it. But aghs and aether r core. Pick him against skywrath with his 800 mana ulti will gib himself. Also greaves r nice against silences, but i wudnt bloodstone. The man has 4.5 int gain, if u need some mana buy hex. Pick against od too. He will have to hit u a lot to even dmg u with his ulti cuz u have so much int.


                      Decripify is one of the most cancerous skills


                        You should check ZAI's last Pugna games he is a god with that hero and you can see him change the Item build a lot


                          Pugna is only picked competitively for ward or pushing ability with nether blast. Otherwise he is pretty cookie cutter and as far as i know lifedrain isnt really a counter to anything.

                          Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                            Pugna is a common pick in the chinese scene :D

                            Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                              @himmatwala , I always buy Aether Lens as Pugna mid to kill towers early and safe :3

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                                I think its better if pugna goes mid to farm up for supporting item and his core items, then when it hit late turn him into a support. It works for me

                                ?.Stock @zzo

                                  Yeah, but still the hero feels bad at fitting a proper role. I can understand the mid-pugna thinking, but in a solo matchup it is not strong at all, he will lose to lot of top tier mid heroes. I've played kind of support pugna, but still you miss control early game, even if you can recover the farm losses pretty fast. I think he can't actually go solo offlane, but can fit maybe a dual offlane.. but for what? There are plenty of heroes that would fit that role better.

                                  I guess you can think of playing pugna against certain heroes as a pure counter, but that's it.


                                    in watching recent pro games just as i thought, pugna has come more to light especially in the Chinese scene.

                                    The hero's kit is actually very strong, and i believe he is severely underated. i believe his role earlygame is to push all towers, and his role lategame is to become a medic.

                                    He's a difficult 'pub' hero, however i think in a competitve level the hero offers alot of utility.

                                    He has high base damage and a good animation, with a nuke. so midlane he is actually very strong, during different matchups you can skill an early point in ward or decrep.
                                    Eg, against a zues if you place your neather ward on your hill and nuke out the wave, the zues can't ever cast anything and gets absolutely destroyed.

                                    I'm like 90% sure he should be played mid, however there is merit to duel laning him.

                                    The thing about pugna's kit, is he is 'Area denial' in a nutshell, Think Undying. if undying places a tomb near your tower, you instantly say *fuck that* and go the other way. neather ward does the same thing.
                                    Pugna being able to siege and have area denial, with an amplify/save and a heal/single target dps. His kit i personally believe is very underated.

                                    In recent tests Aether is a must on Pugna, not for the ulti range (while this is nice) but it allows pugna to sit out of 'initiation range' while blasting towers.

                                    Pugna has one of the fastest pushing kits in the game, Fits into drow metas and has a reasonable time as alot of the heros he counters are in the metagame at the moment.
                                    (ogre magi, WD, OD, Nyx, Jakiro, PA, Darkseer)


                                      @daddy life drain instagibs illusions which sounds like a good counter to illusions to me :)

                                      4pos pudge/grim only

                                        pugna is actually so strong but not THAT strong..some people think that they are immortal or some shit when life draining a target with no stuns or disables, but some hero just powerful enough to burst pugna down. hes good as ganker and pusher after level 7, but when the game passes 30+ mins, hes not that strong anymore (aside from being a mobile fountain and healer)


                                          Well dota1 pugna can be easly played as carry. Dota2 pugna is more about nuker pusher and semi support. Try using ulti on your carry while in battle, its super effective.
                                          Build should be arcanes, lens, scapter, dagger. Thats my thoughs of na player, no butthurtz plz


                                            well you probably watched the game where WINGS got rekd by pugna and pudge combo


                                              shit hero