General Discussion

General DiscussionIf trump wins

If trump wins in General Discussion

    @dank matter

    russian government stated their goal is to restore soviet union. hillary said that shes not gonna let them, trump didn't even notice cause he wants good relations with russia you know.

    also lots of voters have been intimidated to vote for trump but that doesn't matter lul. its over, he won.

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      yeah right
      the fact that the current leader of russia quoted the exact opposite of what you are saying should be ignored?



          its not the exact opposite, and im not talking about the actual soviet union rather just the territorial borders it had.
          and the laws within russia of course. such as death sentence to political enemies.

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          D the Superior
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              Seeing all these SJW types crying on Twitter about how they're "literally shaking" and how scared they are makes up for my shitty loss streak this past month.

              tumblr is in flames as well lmfAO

              Luis Miguel joven

                whatever I dont want to see any usa noob scrubs in latin america since now

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                  The amount of shit that you can hear from modern day liberals just never fails to impress me. It seems like they want to shitpost but they are actually serious about it what makes it even funnier.

                  The awkward part is that the people are not laughing at their content but at them because their content isn't funny and they just point out how little they actually know about what they are talking about.

                  For example the time when Hillary accused Russia of hacking her emails. She accuses Russian for providing actual mails from the people around her as proof of an intervention to manipulate the outcome of the POTUS ellection. She never even tryed to call the mails fake or anything else so they basicly just let the people see the truth. How is that "manipulation"? Just let that sink in for a moment.

                  If I was about to manipulate the outcome of an ellection I wouldn't try to provide the truth but to spread fake propaganda to smear the candidate I don't want to win, or fake accomplishments of the candidate I want to win. Calling something that actually exists as a "manipulation attempt" is just batshit insane.

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                  doc joferlyn simp

                    i lmao'd


                      "Also, let's not get too political. We all know trumps not gonna win. I will donate all my mmr to a scrub if he does" - Jacked.
                      COME ON NOW
                      WHERE'S THE MMR DONATION
                      AND PROOFS
                      CLUCKITY CLUCK

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        i had a great time reading random twitter elecrion day posts this morning


                          It's a joke lmao


                            lol you guys serious when you say Russia is going to invade countries because Hilary didnt win?
                            Where do you even get your info? what are you guys smoking? l'd love some.

                            Trump is a showman, and believe me when I tell you that half the things he said in his campain were targeted at a specific audience, dont expect everything he says to turn into a bad idea, he is smarter than you think, just check his last speech after the election were over, he already changed his tone and words.

                            I am, for once, positive and glad about this change. I will never forget what the Clintons did to my country and America cna do much better than raise hate all around the globe.

                            Just my 2 cents

                            EDIT: Grammar (I'm sure I still failed lol)

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                              doc joferlyn simp

                                memes were a solid 5/7 tho


                                  You said you will donate your mmr to a scrub, so do it, cuz Trump won!


                                    hate me all you want, im practically quoting russian parliament officials on the restoration of soviet union borders and stalinistic laws that suggest death sentence for political enemies.

                                    D the Superior
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                                        Rip. Road to 1 mmr.

                                        casual gamer

                                          thats a fantastic gif


                                            Putin first guy to officially congratulate trump.


                                              Sielos dude, what is wrong with you?

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                if a guy wants ww3, who are you to deny his dreams?


                                                  *First leader to officially congratulate Trump


                                                    It is called an echo chamber. He hears only the same things over and over again and forms a opinion based on it.
                                                    If you don't know what I am talking about go on the facebook site called "Occupy democrats" and read the content and the replies on each post. It is pure indoctrination.

                                                    The regressive left created Trump, it is a reaction to the bullshit they did over the years. I am actually glad that he came into the white house before it is to late, because the next form of reaction would be much worse then Trump can ever be(described by the liberals).

                                                    registered flex offender

                                                      Vermin Supreme didn't win? What a shame... this country is gonna go to shit without him


                                                        SeemsGood Thanks america nice fuckinf candidates literally everyone is a piece of shit SeemsGood


                                                          SeemsGood Thanks america nice fuckinf candidates literally everyone is a piece of shit SeemsGood


                                                            So either we vote in a serial liar who is every type of bigot, or a serial liar who is corrupt and crooked and is pay to play. WutFace


                                                              I honestly can't wait for the wall to be built, that promise is too big for even Trump to dodge and I can't imagine a worse way to spend literally billion of dollars. I guess this is what you end up with when you have to choose between two awful candidates in a system with no room for third parties.


                                                                okay im sorry for trying to be serious

                                                                i keep forgetting internet is not a place for such discussions

                                                                but pls you shouldnt insult people just cause you're unaware of the subject

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                La Lumière

                                                                  Are you mentally retarded? Bill Clinton established a well-rounded economy that overall excelled this country. "Never forget what the Clintons did to my country." Oh shit, they helped it. We should prosecute them for treason. And no, I'm not a Hillary supporter. Just my 2 cents. @Yoshi

                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                      Baby Snacks, when you say help, you mean bombed right? like when they bombed a bridge full of civilian protesters?
                                                                      I am well aware how they "helped" dont worry about it, I lived there when the bombing was going on.

                                                                      I dont mean to be rude, but you seem the one uneducated.

                                                                      It's quite clear what it's their agenda when some country starts flourishing.

                                                                      But enough with serious talk, politics is already something out of topic on this forum, I'd hate to get too serious about it, I'll just stick to read what everyone says :)

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                        idk i think russia is the only one who's winning in this election

                                                                        i genuinely believe that russia will invade smaller countries and also we can write off the crimea as lost, 100% sure about that

                                                                        D the Superior
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                                                                            idk because they stated that their "goal" requires them to do so?

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              Told you guys: women cannot be leaders.

                                                                              Can you imagine if all countries of the world had women in charge? 4 leaders would have their period and then spend billions of monies to send troops to invade other leader's that made fun of her hair or some dumb petty shit.

                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                                  idk where you live but if russian "parliament" broadcasts are available in your country you should maybe try watching it. it must be boring af but it does reveal many things of the sort. for example they apparently wish to restore borders back to how they were before teh "illegal separation" of ex-soviet countries.

                                                                                  im not following that shit anymore but what i heard is enough for me.

                                                                                  idk if you've heard but they have invaded ukraine recently (not just crimea) so idk why you think they are some saints.

                                                                                  look i have nothing against russians themselves, but this kind of warmongering is quite scary

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    idk where you live but if russian "parliament" broadcasts are available in your country you should maybe try watching it. it must be boring af but it does reveal many things of the sort. for example they apparently wish to restore borders back to how they were before teh "illegal separation" of ex-soviet countries.
                                                                                    im not following that shit anymore but what i heard is enough for me.

                                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                                                        there are 2 reasons why they could and likely will invade smaller countries

                                                                                        a) trump has shown himself really kremlin friendly in the past. it's not unlikely that he will neglect the NATO in order to build better relationship with russia which results in

                                                                                        1) missing options to defend themselves (because the NATO is basically controlled by the US)

                                                                                        2) the US cares less about international politics and may (or may not) close their eyes so they don't have to react to Putins actions

                                                                                        b) you can use the crimea as a precident. it is likely that with donald trump other countries will follow with national ideologies (think about front nationale in france, afd in germany etc.) in upcoming elections

                                                                                        over all trump is bad because he showed himself pro nuclear weapons in the past, & because Trump and the republicans have 100% power right now


                                                                                          ^that's exactly how I feel right now.

                                                                                          eheheh :-P I understand you fully

                                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                            i don't think putin thinks that the seperation of countries from the warsaw pact was illegal - he believes that the USSR was an okay thing and that it would not have failed, it should just have reformed itsself


                                                                                            rt is pretty much russian propaganda

                                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                                Trump win the election . . .
                                                                                                nothing happened

                                                                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                                  why would they not? why did they go to crimea apart from the fact that it's a good position for a military base?

                                                                                                  why do russian jets fly near finland and violate NATO airspace?

                                                                                                  why do russian jets fly over US american ships?

                                                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY



                                                                                                      Spunki just leave it be mate, its a difficult discussion, I'd love to give you a proper answer but as I said above, I'll fueling the discussion.
                                                                                                      You ask questions but don't give answers when questioned back, just leave it there and lets play dota tonight :)