General Discussion

General DiscussionDagon on Nyx Assassin?

Dagon on Nyx Assassin? in General Discussion

    Hi guys, I would like to know when not to go for a dagon. Recently I've been rushing dagon and getting a better KDA, also the burst damage usually generates a 4 vs 5 scenario. Is dagon always good?, when should I go for a midas?, should I rush a blink instead?
    Ty for ur answers.


      dagon tends to lose you games even tho u got great kda and always get the impression of ur team being the reason u were defeated. however, the problem is that dagon is inefficient and scales dramatically bad, particularly now.

      get aghs/lens or blink/euls/force instead


        midas is also ok wi the aghs build

        Forget me not

          Go for dagon if your team draft are more pick off and early oriented, so at early game you can delete one enemy at time and get advantage in number then snowball to push the enemy which is at disadvantage by 4 vs 5,
          But if your team are more of late game oriented or have carry that have push power it's better to go fs and agh I think. So your team can go push better with burrow,.

          Potato Marshal

            Eh, I think that aghs + blink is the way to go ever since they added an aghs upgrade for Nyx. Also don't go midas.

            Forget me not

              @potato Marshal why not.? I think Midas is good way to keep your level and get extra gold because NYX don't have a good farming ability .

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                Dagon 1 is good. Dagon 5 is not.

                Go Dagon 1 to replace midas if you and your team can get early kill gold to scale into Aghs / aether / force or blink.

                Potato Marshal

                  Does nobody understand what Midas does? It takes 18 minutes just to recover the cost of the item itself. It doesn't mean you'll get more money after 18 minutes of buying it than if you didn't buy it, even if you always use it on the exact second it's off cooldown, since that gold could've gone towards another item that helps you get more kills or farm better. Realistically it'll take you at least 10 minutes to even afford it, unless you're somehow getting uncontested free farm. You're completely crippling yourself for the first 30+ minutes of the game, with an item that's only giving you 30 attack speed.

                  Midas works on a hero like Invoker because he greatly benefits from levels even after level 16, getting a bit of an exp boost on Nyx Assassin so he can max out spiked carapace a few minutes earlier isn't worth a 2000+ gold item.


                    Nyx scales really well with experience though. All his spells benefit a lot from being higher level, which means an underleveled nyx is gamelosing. and if you have midas, even if you're losing the game, you are going to have an aghs at endgame no matter what.

                    Forget me not

                      And enlighten us then what item that can help nyx getting better farm than midas,?
                      As been said above Nyx skillset us already good for scoring early kill and to gank with just lvl without any item though and midas give you a boost of exp with midas you will almost be the top 4 player XPM wise at least in the game . And tbh if nyx are aiming for a late game, midas is almost always purchased by pro player .


                        midas gives you experience you are extremely reliant on, particularly if your hero doesnt fit the draft ideally. gold bonus barely matters.


                          Midas gives xp my boi. I go aether lens, blink, aghs, but those items can be shuffled in a different order