General Discussion

General Discussionjuggernaut

juggernaut in General Discussion

    how do you play this god awful hero. general thoughts on items (i tried blink, then i tried skadi into butterfly. seems good, but not sure why i would get those items). and also how do u farm (No bf) on a hero that needs to fight so much with his team? should i be spamming spin to farm faster? also what do u do about early game bullshit mana pool?

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      please keep this discussion civil and within the dotabuff COC. please reply like havoc does thasnks


        n o o b l a

        very good csgo player

          Predik my ememR, how too git vry hi skil


            yo vhs scrub. any thoughts man

            Dire Wolf

              uh you are winning on him, what's the issue? There's basically two jugger builds that work really well other than just building for your situation. Not going to consider shit mask of madness or aghs builds.

              Farm build- build battlefury and farm non stop til you want to fight. Items after bfury are pretty much the same as other builds

              Manta diffusal build- Rush manta and diffusal as your core items. This build has a very early spike in power, really good vs anyone who depends on mana. You might be a little squishy doing this but not really any huge downsides, items build easily and do good dps. Just a third option might be better.

              Other than that jugger is a very flexible hero so you can build almost anything on him, just evaluate the situation. Are you facing a ton of rightclickers? Vanguard into abyssal is good or butter if they won't carry mkb. Are you facing a lot of magic and cc? Get bkb even with spin. Do you need more hp to tank? skadi. Do you want to be a glass cannon? Deso, mjollnir type stuff. Do you want to gank and/or be ultra mobile? Silver edge or blink.

              There isn't a one size fits all, just decide bfury or no and then manta/diffusal combo or something else. Jug can farm if given space or fight if not.


                theres no issue, aside from the fact i dont feel like im playing jugg optimally. thats all. i dont understand the hero well like i do with other heroes (even if i do poorly on them)

                i think i like skipping bf, because who needs to farm in nskill anyway. aside from manta diffusal, what would be a good 3rd core item on jugg? just so i dont have to think so hard what to get in games. blink abyssal feels really underwhelming on jugg, its like trying to do what am does but with needing so many more items to do it. skadi and butterfly seem good for me because u r just tanky and it gives a little dmg so u rarely go wrong. or is there a more optimum build?

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                Riguma Borusu

                  "i think i like skipping bf, because who needs to farm in nskill anyway."

                  people who want 100% winrate

                  farming is the only sure way to win games in ns

                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    why? just do that aghs refresher build which you said is so good in 1k mmr


                      Pls jugg pickers stop building bf vs tinker or zeus.


                        Are you actually serious? Jug is one of the easiest, best carries in the game right now. Go battlefury regardless, either manta or diffusal, and proceed to win the game.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          @milnor: what the fuck does battlefury have to do with tinker or zeus

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            ^ That's the issue. It's redundant when dealing with certain lineups and will be best to not pick up BF at all.


                              NS is always like that no need farm - just kill enemies and I will be fat.

                              That's what differentiate VHS with NS,VHS know u have to farm up and then will ensure u win war win game while NS carry can't see that and stuck in NS forever until they see this.

                              and BTW if u want to see more different build,go 'Dotafire' dotabuff won't help u as much as there.

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                                Get mjollnir and bfury for farming with jugg. And get diffusal for fighting. Its awesome.(At least in my trench)


                                  you still need teamwork to win. i saw 700 gpm jugger lose by getting 6sotted full rambo mode not waiting for team 5 man omnislash and get rekd

                                  casual gamer

                                    jugs really good atm


                                      2 ways to play jug
                                      1: buy bf
                                      2: not to buy bf

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        After diffusal and manta good core items would be abyssal if you need lockdown and right click mitigation, skadi if you just need raw hp/stats, butterfly if you need dmg and dodge.

                                        LISAN AL GAIB

                                          It depends on the enemy line up and your team. I personally like BF first for farming, but, if your team has a bad line to fight think about manta first (also depends on the enemy team, if you dont really need to dispel anything go diffusal first) but Jugg is super flexible with his items...consider BKB for high magic damge like tinker or Zeus, even a storm but one thing is never forget about farming even if you have a pushing team farm tiny parts of the jungle while u push cause pushing early means sacrificing levels for towers, which sometimes can go left...imo Jugg does not need Abyssal blade. My build are:
                                          1 - poor mans
                                          2- perseverance
                                          3 - BF or manta (as i said, depends on the other team and my team's line up)
                                          4 - Diffusal
                                          5 - Skadi
                                          6 - Butterfly
                                          7 - MKB


                                            When do you even go Bf on jugg ? i only go bf if they have illusion heroes or split pushers

                                            if they dont have that i just go manta/diffu

                                            remember to drink water

                                              BF > Manta > Abyssal/Diffusal/Butterfly/MKB > Same + Skadi if you wanna go late game

                                              Yasha > Diffusal > Blink/Agghs/Basher/Manta/SnY if you want to fight early

                                              Jug is very flexible to itemize so it's pretty easy to audible your build if the pace of the game changes


                                                Jugg was really good about 2 nerfs ago. Now he is just a 50/sub50% hero who is picked a lot cuz he fits into a lot of lineups.

                                                Also, safe or mid boys?

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  "When do you even go Bf on jugg ? i only go bf if they have illusion heroes or split pushers
                                                  if they dont have that i just go manta/diffu"

                                                  You'd go for it almost every game if you're the safelane carry, actually, but it doesn't matter at 1500 MMR where you play because you're going to farm people, so you can end the game with 90 last hits over 30 minutes and still think you farmed well because you have 22 kills.

                                                  mentally handicapped

                                                    midlane hard carry is the best hard carry


                                                      ^what about midland support hardcArry oracle

                                                      mentally handicapped

                                                        if you are going midlane juggernaut though, do not get a bfury. lane is short, you will never find the space to farm. yes you can reach the hard camp ez but the lane creeps will meet earlier, so you lose some last hits which is not, as you would put it, "playing jugg optimally".

                                                        even if you get an early bfury, your rightclicks arent gonna hurt that much and only a value point should be put into your crit, so in the time you are spending trying to clear the enemy creep wave the mid could have done that in 2 seconds with their waveclear, 4 tops.

                                                        if you decide to spam bladefury in order to clear the wave faster, this should only be done on the rune spawn time to fill your bottle. if you try to spam it you will be mana starved and thus susceptible to ganks.

                                                        one more reason bfury is not good on a mid juggernaut is that you are supposed to be the main space creator of the game. the boogeyman where if the see your x mark in the minimap they go hug the tower because they know they are worth only 3 hits to you. this is so that you main hard carry (something like a tb or dusa) is legitimately safely farming the safelane, not bothered by ganks


                                                          The amt of items jugg can buy is nuts. Need survivability? Get ac, skadi, butterfly, satanic, abyssal, Bkb, linkens. Need DMG? Get mkb, butterfly(ye it's DPS is pretty good), manta, diffusal, deso, mjollnir. Mid game items? Sny, diffusal, basher, yasha, drums, vanguard. Mobility? Get blink, SB. Even items like Vlad's or bloodthorn I can see possible. He is just so versatile.

                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                            diffu manta best build by far if going mid. admittedly you are going to be squishy af but you have your ward. you can just run up to someone, slow them, activate manta, and theyre dead. if they have backup you can turn it into a double with your slash. if the backup comes in the form of two heroes but one of those heroes is a support, it's a triple for you. juggernaut is so easy to use it's disgusting

                                                            after those two you can get virtually any item in the game, be it drums vladmirs crest sb dagg. jugg is not a very harsh hero in terms of item builds, anything can work

                                                            maybe you can go for an early desolator as a midlane juggernaut, but only if your team is running a cheesy -armor strat. slardar and venge on your team or something similar. on its own it will fall off fast


                                                              Thanks slark for the insight. I have t tried mid jugg yet. Bottle should help with spamming spells more compared to safe lane jugg. And I didn't actually consider that bf will allow jugg to spam spells more. But reason I don't get it is cuz i will get it at some stupid timin like 18 mins

                                                              mentally handicapped

                                                                this is haffy you backstabbing little piece of shit

                                                                mentally handicapped

                                                                  avin a giggle there cuz i was muted m8? ill bash yer focking 'ead in i swear on me mum


                                                                    U w0t m8?


                                                                      Fyt me u little shit

                                                                      mentally handicapped

                                                                        1v1 me in club penguin rn, ill show how 2ks play


                                                                          I think vanguard+aquila and just running at them has more potential than people think. BFury is pretty bad I feel. Blink is usually the extension after manta+diffu.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                              ^ what after manta diffusal?

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                                  Most retarded hero ingame


                                                                                    Why is jugg good? Lowest bat in the game(lv 3 chemical rage beats it but need lv16) great hp regen with ward wave clear with 90 mana deal good damage on early game spin. Omni is relevant till late gane since its a physical damage. He can solo kill most hero at lv 6. I prefer to go manta diff blink. If teamfight breaks i can blink kill support then if the fight when wrong just spin tp out. Go abyssal for lockdown get butter for hp skadi for good balance of hp and damage.


                                                                                      Don't max crit.


                                                                                        ^ so leave at level 3 till I'm 25?


                                                                                          I meant dont max crit first :D

                                                                                          I prefer 4 4 1 2 and then I'd start to max it out.


                                                                                            soul ring is viable rn btw


                                                                                              I prefer samne 4 4 1 2 then maxing.
                                                                                              And trust me i used to build bf all games..
                                                                                              And when i changed to diffusal manta style into dagger god the results are better than b4 and by a food margin :)
                                                                                              Juggernaut wont scale as high ha spec and medusa and wk for that matter and ull fall behind so better end game quick with this build coz ur always at ur peal from lvl 1 with the blade fury :)


                                                                                                Jugg mid is a joke try jugg safe lane Ez

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  "Jugg mid is a joke try jugg safe lane Ez"

                                                                                                  > normal skill advice, meanwhile jugg is played in both lanes in competitive matches

                                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                    Jugg mid is a joke?
                                                                                                    People should stop using only their experiences for discussions like this
                                                                                                    Not to mention jugg offlane is SITUATIONALLY good (not exactly offlane but 2nd carry but whatever)