General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    How could you stamd playing boring hero(alch) i would play him if im desperate of winning


      Yves lets race to 4k again I'm fucking done with packet losses and responsiblilities on my home


        Hey bws wanna practice in 30 min? Going to teach you how to mid xd


          Cuz yves never felt destroying people with 14 cspm before LUL


            Sure thing bro, I like your trashtalks btw it makes sirius enviroment xd


              What if fx is actually trying to see things in a different perspective and using me as a tool to boost his mmr up :thinking:


                Even if I force you to 1v1 mid me AM I'm sure I would lose it on my current form


                  What if offlaners are starting to play mid now because that's where they get to relive 1v 3 lanes. What if offlaners are just masochists


                    No, offlaners play offlane because offlane is braindead


                      Although sAflan is the most braindead role in the game
                      Farm haHAA
                      Itemize well haHAA
                      Compare power spikes haHAA
                      Map sense haHAA
                      EZ WIN


                        I don't do any of those though. I guess I just farm a bit better than everyone else ?


                          How do u compare power spikes.

                          Half the time the game ends and I look at what items the enemy has, and what levels, and I'm surprised. It's like I'm playing the game blind

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                            1. Is my hero stronger than theirs now?
                            2. What are their items? What are my items?
                            3. What's their uptime? When is their downtime?
                            4. Can I win a teamfight once I get a specific item? Can THEY win a teamfight once they get a specific item?


                              Itemization is like a game of chess
                              I fucking love it


                                Who has time to think about such things. Luul yoloswag


                                  Also consider will they run to your base like a goddamn bulldozer or not


                                    Embah spewit feelsgood


                                      I consider whether they can kill me or not, realize it is no because ghost shroud is fair and balanced, then win every fight


                                        if anyone ever wonders how you solo carry + Support a game,



                                          u guys n me :(


                                            also partying up with bws LUL


                                              aight about the question above, the first min before horn when u roam like a retard is the golden time of analysis. check their heroes and your heroes (cant tell u how many times friends said stuff like omg they had a bane!!) then think for a sec what core items and levels does each hero need and if counting he farms okish when is he gonna get that item/level. thats the power spike. now u gotta combine the spikes together and make a general strategy on what u wanna do to win in the start. it's funny how we dont have any plan but we wanna win 100% winrate. be the 1 guy with a plan. explain it to team with good tone. not everyone gotta listen. anyone who listened, ignore others and communicate about your plan on how you should proceed in fights and in gerenal strategy and what u should do now. also a very important tip: choose a hero to focus.

                                              like when i analysed my invo game i did so good first but as game progressed, because of my bad positioning, not re-strategising for tinker after he got hex, and bc i didnt focus anyone specially and just combo womboed till i had nothing left to do and team was dead (also item buying order). if i got bkb faster than other items and focused on tinker from behind the fight with my blink + cold snap and disabled him the whole fight, i wouldve definitely won the game


                                                @sia you didn't play with me

                                                I am angery

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                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  I'll play either in the morning or afternoon depending on what time I sleep/wake up


                                                    is it possible to have no plan and still win dota? that's the dream

                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                      My plan is destroying enemies, getting my core items, destroying enemies again, and destroying towers

                                                      Is that good enough?


                                                        APOOP my love gimmi timing lets see what we can do bois
                                                        boost my invo


                                                          apoo emba spirit. so imbah


                                                            Lmao sia I'm the opposite
                                                            I can't do shit early to mid game but as the game drags on and everything becomes more and more complex and risky I excel big time


                                                              so you excel once u have items?

                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                Is there any situation where you would actually want to max axes as beastmaster


                                                                  wut. i thought you're supposed to max axes


                                                                    -I don't spend 5k gold on a useless item
                                                                    -I just know how everyone's items and skills interact, able to find openings and exploitable timing window
                                                                    -I cen clixk hiros
                                                                    -I liek cirps


                                                                      Why do I get shits like medusa io invoker etc while these retards get PL WK w/e


                                                                        you shoulda gone invoker for the flashy plays


                                                                          I had shits like io invoker meepo before
                                                                          That medusa game I had phoenix and oracle fuck them


                                                                            mid oracle is legit


                                                                              I get complex heroes and the braindead ones i get are so garbage


                                                                                The last time I get my comfort hero in LP the game was simply a 2 man show with me and fx

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  no u max boars first because they scale reaaalllyyy well


                                                                                    im 7k rubick player u should see my rubick plays rofl xD

                                                                                    not talkin about the hero tho this guy


                                                                                      31 secs record WAOW


                                                                                        anyone up to play some doto rn?


                                                                                          aight fuk you guys im searching :(




                                                                                                I have a 30 sec record on Rubik's cube but I haven't touched one for .months hahaha




                                                                                                    Nub ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)