General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
. . . ?


    let me say i'm the bigges...

      That last game we played made me want to practice mid lul. I wanna see if I am good enough to carry plebs as midlaner


        Boys. Your general can only play much later. Feels bad.

        let me say i'm the bigges...

          I'm playing 4pm tomorrow bois


            ill try my best to play w/o ping tomorrow w/o spending moni

            probably impossible tho

            . . . ?

              w0w la5t gaMe we G0t Cuck3D, sUp3R Tr1hArD 1inEuP 1aDs


                U guys lost? LUL.

                . . . ?

                  i got kited so badly shouda just went gyro LUL
                  look at that cuck lineup

                  let me say i'm the bigges...

                    E X T R E M E C U C K


                      Rofl. Cuckd by sniper. Anyone still playin?

                      let me say i'm the bigges...

                        Got classes lul. Though if I can't sleep/wake up at 3, I might go for three games until 7am.


                          RIP Alice's mmr

                          let me say i'm the bigges...

                            Back to ns :(


                              I WON YAY

                              FINALLY MY INTERWEB BECAME BETTER


                                Can wait for me? :(


                                  riki battlefury, seemsgood

                                  . . . ?

                                    idk why scrubs in 2k only care when its too late tbh they dont fucking care until throw is mentioned lmfao.


                                      Lmao our commander in chief is probably in low priority now. Rip.

                                      Also can u stop building eblade kek.

                                      Off topic: what mouse do u guys use? I need a new one. Before I go on a tilt streak.

                                      . . . ?

                                        I aint in lp lul and eblade gyro is super op you should try it lol.
                                        Ive been using Razer Taipan for 2 years now with no issues despite it being a little harder to clean than other mouses.


                                          I had a relatively new logitech gaming mouse ( but the lowest end one) and the right click spoilt really quick. I tend to spam my right clicks a lot. So I went back to my
                                          Old mouse and the right click for that stopped working properly. I have Over 200apm. I need something durable.

                                          Think I'll get a razer but they are so expensive. Think I'll get to 4k with a good mouse.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
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                                            Lul 4k seemsgood anyways my last gyro game i tried something new, aghs and mjor lol lets just say i was like zeus spamming skill 1 without cd lmfao

                                            . . . ?

                                              Soon Haf will be asking me to teach him how to spam gyro to cuck childs kappa xd


                                                eyy zero can u recommend any heroes that can compliment timbersaw? i need to play new heroes that's good against am/zeus/drow+kotl while maintaining my playstyle

                                                so far slardar comes the closest because he has godlike mobility as well (i think slardar has better mobility than timber tbh) + he's an offlaner but he's more of a team enabler

                                                also thinking about storm but hes too similar to timber since he's weak against AM drow too rofl

                                                also just realized that i cant play void off/sk for some retarded reason


                                                  Fk nature's prophet

                                                  @jacked razer deathadder or cheaper abyssus


                                                    I wud cure depression by rekting scrubs only I'm not allowed to doto. Hall. I'm suffering


                                                      Lmao. Screw you natures profits pickers. 0% win rate w that garbage on our team. Except for that game where I carried with weaver.


                                                        Lmao. Checkmate


                                                          Eblade refresher od for names. U get attack speed guys!


                                                            And u have a shitton of int to nuke with. For the memes


                                                              Aghs on gyro pretty crap. Rework back to global ult pls


                                                                NP CLIFF JUNGLERS TILT ME EVRITIEM

                                                                . . . ?

                                                                  Aghs on gyro is actually quite decent only downside is it actually takes time to farm it into your arsenal of items, space is needed obviously thats what i got yesterday lol. That sf got gunned down really fast when he was channeling his requiem lol he was like 0.01 sec to unleash requiem, machine guns literally evaporated him lol

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    Like a shitty Mirana concept. Maybe make aghs give u auto barrage like Mirana.

                                                                    . . . ?

                                                                      Jdf8 pretty sure thats 1k at best xd 2ks actually are kind of a tryhard bunch but are still morons lol look at that mirana lol my eyes.
                                                                      alice are you looking specificly for offlaners? or anything will suffice?

                                                                      . . . ?

                                                                        I mean aghs extra gunner does trigger orb effects and stuff like crits so its pretty decent, im going to try aghs mjor da edalus next time i play see how fast they evaporate xd


                                                                          yeah im specifically looking for offlaners since thats the only thing i can play at a 3k level

                                                                          . . . ?

                                                                            Try playing carry man, better learn it now before you get into higher brackets where you actually need to take time relearning new heroes and play styles and sometimes you actually need to trihard counterpick but you dk how to use that specific hero at an average level which takes away even more precious time. Im 5k but i admit i only know how to play like 85% of the hero pool at an average rate. When i was grinding 2.5 into 3.5 i spammed sven, ursa, kunkka after that its pretty much switching to whatever your team actually needs.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            . . . ?

                                                                              I can teach you my gyro child cucking ways if you want or if you'd like you can watch a few replays xd if you have any questions you can just ask.


                                                                                i heard a 1k cuck mentioning my np gameplay


                                                                                  carrying with weaver seemsgud
                                                                                  u can watch the replay, u should know i always on any line helping anyone from bara gank yet im still farmed


                                                                                    and theres nothing wrong with np cliff jungle in low bracket, the probs is how well u play him


                                                                                      i want to start learning carry too but idk where to start

                                                                                      i practically have zero idea on how to play carry and most of the time im just a deadweight in my games


                                                                                        Yo waifu when r we playing again xD

                                                                                        . . . ?

                                                                                          Well its better u start learning a few now or you'll regret later on where you'll get so triggered once you hit vhs cause those 90% of cucks cant carry to save their lives, im still coaching ,if you want we can schedule a session.


                                                                                            i can play anytime if i want to, but yea i still have to work. Also theres a ton of updated LN, VN, anime, mangas that i need to check it out, no time for dotes


                                                                                              SEAfarts. Next shitfest, we are going wk and vengespirit aghs.

                                                                                              . . . ?

                                                                                                I was actually planning to go refresher, veil, dagon and eblade wizard gyro kek


                                                                                                  Ok and we will need 2 tards to go wk venge aghs. I'll go support alch

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!