General Discussion

General DiscussionPoint out my mistake

Point out my mistake in General Discussion

    My last game was me playing Terrorblade.The early game was pretty nice,Slark was aggresive so i join in and get some kills.After finishing Dragon Lance i start to destroy top and bot t1 tower.But mid game are hard.Luna is so strong and her support following her 24/7.When i see luna building Satanic i start to farm Diffusal.Thanks to meepo clearing the bottom rax i spam my illusion and destroy t4 and ancient.

    How i could do better,especially during midgame?

    doc joferlyn simp

      well you need to get strategizing right

      it's clear you had a clear stronger lategame. bb's quills wont do much, qop's nukes start falling off, only drow and luna were serious problems. but you are a tb, you had a semi-decent meepo, and a good slark. you should have recognized this when the picking phase just started

      so what if slark gets a few pickoffs? instead of joining in and trying to fight against their ults, why not make use of the space slark made and farm even more? your team has 4 very very very very greedy cores, slark should be commended when he was able to find farm and still hunt. your team has no utility anyway, splitpushing/farming is a better option so that they'll get busy and can't 5 man down your mid

      kudos to nyx for carrying your asses early game lmfao, and then to slark as well for giving you guys space during midgame


        Thanks,so i need to push,farm and force rotation right?When is the right time to fight?