General Discussion

General Discussionim literally spamming timbersaw now im afraid i might get worse

im literally spamming timbersaw now im afraid i might get worse in General Discussion

    sure im gaining mmr but wont i suck as a dota player in general

    will spamming make me play like shit


      It can be stagnating to you if you spam one hero too much.

      Kill yourself in the name...

        you mean kill stealing or abusing timbersaw's reactive armor and aghanim scepter total 600 magical damage

        Kill yourself in the name...

          you can spam and abuse 1st and 2nd skill and also 3rd and 4th if you can chase them or not get low hp and get zapped by magic or that reaper or pure damage.


            Nah. timbersaw is love timbersaw is life timbersaw is mmr kappa
            Spamming 1 hero wont make you shit


              well it probably doesnt matter rn since my current goal is to get 3200 (high skill bracket) but since my long term goal for dota is 4k im afraid im gonna make stuff harder for me if all i could use is one hero

              meh ill cross the bridge when i get there, i wont reach 4k anytime soon anyway, just wanna know if spamming a single hero will make someone worse for some reason

              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                hero spamming wont make you worse, even if you use some overpowered hero (which timber isnt, i think)
                also most of the time when u stop spamming the hero u already improved, happens to many people i know
                for the longest time i was stuck at 5k flat , then i spammed elder titan on one account and drow on another, both to 5.4k and i havent dropped from it despite playing other carries now
                now im going to spam luna and see what happens
                used to play with zenoth, he spammed tb from low 5k to 5.8 when it was overpowered, then just stayed at tht mmr while playing other heroes
                then a year + later when lifestealer was op he spammed it to 6.5k, now hes still maintaining that mmr i believe, playing plenty of other heroes as well
                playng with better people will make you better its common sense

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                bum farto

                  Tripple spammed it to 5k so it might work for you.


                    @havoc, soo your telling me theres a chance.


                      i guess the knowledge and experience will carry over

                      playng with better people will make you better its common sense

                      not in my case, since when i had the chance to play with high mmr players i didnt bother improving since i can just rely on them for ezzz wins rofl

                      casual gamer

                        i somehow got better at dota by spamming faceless void LOL so u will be fine probably


                          i believe i said like 50 times on this forum that spamming heroes is the best way to getting better at the game. noone ever listens to me ;(

                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                            i meant in solo q, playing with better people in party games doesnt help much