General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck??

Puck?? in General Discussion

    How come Puck is 73rd in popularity and only has a 44% WR?

    Puck Legit AF lads

    casual gamer

      puck does no damage, needs lvl 14, and has low scaling potential

      and she cant farm

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      Hanamichi Sakuragi

        If she has veil she can clear creep waves with 1st and 2nd thou.

        casual gamer

          for 350 or whatever mana, compare to mirana, another utility / aoe damage mid

          Potato Marshal


            M U R D E R

              Looks cute + hard to play


                Yet, dream coil amazing ability

                lm ao

                  puck does no damage

                  What are you talking about

                  needs lvl 14

                  No it doesn't, once you hit 6 you can pressure lanes with Dream Coil and even before that, her solo killpotential is huge against quite a handful of mids

                  and has low scaling potential


                  and she cant farm

                  You can hit multiple camps with orb, and even without a veil you can still clear lane waves until minute 27 with your nukes as long as you have Power Treads on blue.

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                  casual gamer

                    level 4 phase shift is a significant power spike

                    hero gets dumpstered by mres creep

                    if my team has puck and theirs has storm/ta all else equal i know the game is lost

                    bottle nerfs also kill puck

                    and yeah the hero does no fucking damage. 580 aoe magic damage for mid farm/xp priority and no followup is absolutely pathetic

                    lm ao

                      I agree Puck is quite underwhelming right now, but not complete shit. The only good build on it is the CC build (aghs, euls, shivas) and it even blows on Puck itself.


                        Orb needs +1 movement speed then he will be just fine

                        lm ao

                          level 4 phase shift is a significant power spike

                          When Phase Shift is before level 4 you are expected to be very ahead anyway. You only play Puck if you're fucking fucking good at it

                          hero gets dumpstered by mres creep

                          Whats mre

                          if my team has puck and theirs has storm/ta all else equal i know the game is lost

                          Storm is going to have a bad time against a very skilled Puck. Also, you can always manage to overwhelm TA by messing with creep equilibrium.

                          bottle nerfs also kill puck

                          Every mid I know except OD, Invoker and DK were affected by this change.

                          and yeah the hero does no fucking damage. 580 aoe magic damage for mid farm/xp priority and no followup is absolutely pathetic

                          Its in-game potential is highly correlative to mechanical skill and not just bluntly skill ceiling. Its hard to buff or nerf her without being underwhelming or just fucking OP in the eyes of the general public, but in reality, only competitive play has to decide for whatever niche a certain hero is deemed most fit to play on.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            Storm is going to have a bad time against a very skilled Puck. Also, you can always manage to overwhelm TA by messing with creep equilibrium.

                            it's not about who wins the lane

                            the realm's delight

                              pucks genderless stop saying she

                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                allison u triggered bruh?

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  storm can come back by farming up his orchid or blood stone, and then you have storm on your team who is, even after the nerf, pretty strong if played right

                                  on the other hand, you can win the lane as puck and still lose the game because you are not dealing damage in fights, or you can lose the lane as puck and literally be dogshit for the rest of the game no matter what

                                  storm's power spikes are all over the place, he can deal a ton of damage, and he is extremely annoying to deal even lategame, and none of this applies to puck, lategame you can pretty much ignore him and kill everyone else so puck can phase shift in his fountain while you're taking the ancient

                                  puck does nothing with an aegis because his shit will be on cooldown, he can escape but that's about it, storm with an aegis is a force to be reckoned with and you know that once he revives, if you're not positioned to catch and kill him right away in the middle of a teamfight, he'll just keep dumpstering the rest of your team

                                  plus, I hate to say this, but storm's aghs vortex is actually better than puck's fucking ultimate

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                                  lm ao

                                    A templar Assasin who loses her lane will definitely find it hard to catch up without stacks


                                      Puck is out of meta.. To say the least.. We have too many items countering magic burst.. Hod into pipe.. Lotus etc.. They just fuck with Puck.. Also.. Given that stuns and silences are way too common in every game.. Puck gets fucked over.. N lastly.. Ever since sd came into the meta.. Pucks Ultimate is fucked over big time..

                                      casual gamer

                                        meals ready to eat

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          "A templar Assasin who loses her lane will definitely find it hard to catch up without stacks"

                                          You can still farm the jungle, now the problem is why you lost the lane in the first place.


                                            very good at killing peopel but doesnt kill towers

                                            casual gamer

                                              oh yeah and shes owned by void, od, antimage, omniknight

                                              and she is rekt by bkb

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                ^doesn't puck also counter those heroes to an extent, as well? I've seen pucks dominate games against those exact heroes, through by silencing them, and having the damage dealers actually kill silenced targets

                                                but at the same problem, the issue you have is being unable to really kill people on your own during the silence duration, so I get that even though puck would be good against those heroes on paper (all heroes are weak to silence to some degree), puck ultimately fails because it has too little damage to deal afterwards?

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                casual gamer

                                                  sorry but how can you be 2500 mmr below me and think you have more insight into mechanical skill and competetive play iwidhussohsvsugoyacig aitxwicait

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I don't, I am well aware I am dogshit, I don't see those matchups as so one sided, just commenting on what I've seen in high MMR streams, I've seen omniknights get rekt by Pucks by silence. But puck would still end up losing lategame so w/e

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    casual gamer

                                                      pucks silence is so bad, shes ok against omni and od if she can get on top of them and is ahead on NW only, void will eat ur burst and diffuse the silence and backtrack it, AM will take 300 damage total and manta the silence off

                                                      god forbid ur losing the game, od has bkb, omni has greave, od has sheep, am has abyssal, void has shadow/blink, any of these items and ur worth nothing

                                                      shes ok against morphling if she can get blink dagon before his linken (in what fucking world does this happen) because she can dumpster a 680 hp morph instantly

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        i wasnt flaming u man i was flaming that dog guy

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          when i see puck succeed she is ahead and lives to cast both spell + dagon 2-3x in fight because her teammates are tanky and scale well so they dont all die

                                                          but she cant contribute to rosh and i feel like it puts too much pressure on ur 1 and 3 to get huge while u make space

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            so puck boils down to having a potential early game impact against heroes weak to silence (who also happen to be squishy, at half hp and out of position, holy shit, this narrows it down so badly), while at the same time being unable to push and accomplish kills on full hp/tanky targets without the team? good grief

                                                            I just realized that waning rift is 3 seconds of silence at the max level, I'm probably way too used to seeing drows and nightstalkers silencing people forever, puck can't kill a fucking pre-manta antimage because he will blink out unless he went stats or some shit and blinked on top of puck previously, has half hp or anything along those lines

                                                            why would anyone pick this hero, honestly I never played it, I've only seen good players play it and I thought it was remotely useful but now looking back at actual values of puck's skills I'm kinda disgusted at how terrible it sounds, I just never see this hero in 3k so I was curious

                                                            EDIT: Oh, I get it. But I'm also almost 2.5k MMR bellow you so I thought it applied to me, rofl

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                                                            the realm's delight


                                                              now IM TRIGGERED

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                I guess you guys should determine that by its voice actor. The good old anime rule:

                                                                If it sounds feminine, it's easy to find a hole to put it in.

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                the realm's delight


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                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      I think Puck is a trap. They call him... Puckboi.

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                                                                        puck is shit, i report any pucks mids this meta and instapick something else mid and force them to support. If they don't then well, game is lost anwyay

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Qop is shit too, it's infused fucking raindrops guys. At least qop scales a tiny bit better into mid/late game.

                                                                          Puck is like a cc hero... with no cc. Makes no sense. It's silence is 3 seconds, that's hardly anything, DP's is 6, albeit with no dmg, drow's is 6 with a nice little knockback.

                                                                          Puck's ult only cc's if they break the coil and even then it's a tiny bit longer than a tide cc, with way less aoe about half, and it does about equal dmg only if they break the latch.

                                                                          I think a few little tweaks would fix puck easily, just make rift silence for 2/3/4/5 seconds, scale dmg back a tiny bit to 70/130/190/230, buff orb dmg a bit to 100/170/240/310. That's not out of line considering lina fire does 320 dmg, dp crypt swarm does 300, cm frostbite does 300, lich frost blast does 350.

                                                                          Increase coil latch radius to 450.

                                                                          I think that would do it, but changing aghs to something better would be cool too, if aghs made rift and orb also stun for 1.5 seconds or something. It'd be like aftershock.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            aghs = spells scale with int a la SWM

                                                                            might be 2 gud if you keep the bkb penetration


                                                                              a bit off topic, but wasnt puck popular years ago? what made him popular anyway


                                                                                Puck is hard and weak. Theres no reason for me to pick him


                                                                                  he used to be popular because he was a meta mid pick and people always pick whatever dendi is playing

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    he couldnt get ganked and could make plays and that was important for whatever reason